Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The battle of the labyrinth

Dear class:

The book im still reading is The battle of the labyrinth. So far in the book, Percy and his friends are still in the labyrinth and found them selfs at a barn which is known as The Triple G Ranch and percy made a bet with a two-headed dog Geryon that he could clean the stable where the fire breathing horses are of his friends would be fed to kronos (percys enemy he must fight in the underworld). While they were at the ranch, percy saw Nico (son of hades who is the god of the underworld) and he's mad at percy for letting his sister Bianca die when it wasnt percys fault.

Some of the actions that percy had was when he was arguing with Geryon and almost got in a fight. No emotions have accured in the book yet but I predict pretty soon Annabeth (percys friend) and percy will have a relation-ship together.
