Friday, November 20, 2009


Hey, i have been reading eclipse. So lets get started.

OK so Bella goes to the fire with Jacob. She sees Leah and Seth there. Leah used to be Sam's girlfriend but know her cousin Emily is. so they were all surrounded by the campfire listening to stories about the wolfs legends. They were very interesting although Bella fell asleep and Jacob had to take Bella home. Jacob had already called Edward so he wouldn't be worried about Bella since Bella was supposed to call Edward.

Right know Edward is convincing Bella to stay HUMAN. he is saying that because he didn't have a choice. also he thinks that Bella wants to turn into a vampire because somebody went in her room so Edward wants her to wait till they found out who it was and solved and then if she still wants to be turned into a vampire then they will turn her into one. Also Alice is planning a graduation party and Bella is nervous of course. Alice is excited because she saw that Bella got her concert tickets.its funny because Bella didn't even know what she was going to get Alice until now. I find that funny. Bella is happy though now that she knows that Alice is going to enjoy her present allot. don't you guys think that is kinda funny? i think it is funny because i would love to know what my present was,but then again i like it being a surprise. do you like it being a surprise or knowing what you are getting? I think alice is very nice and talented.

Ok know i have 2 questions for everyone.
What is your favorite twilight character?
are you team JACOB or edward?
answer those questions when you comment.


Well that's where i am right

hope you answer those questions. Bye!:)!:)!:)

D Day World War 2

My current WW2 book is about D-Day. It's when the Allies landed in France to fight Hitler. They landed at Normandy and caught the Germans by suprise. They suffered many casulties but Hitler thought they would land at Le Calais so he prepared troops there. He brought in reinforcements too late and the Maquis and the SOE sabotaged railroads and roads. So it just goes to say........ Hitler is D-U-M-B .

I don't see why everything went wrong at Omaha beach ( others were Utah beach , US , Sword beach, Juno beach, and Gold beach, British and Canadians). At Utah they only met mild ressistance and had the same amount of preperations and of what I know, the same amount of Jerrys guarding! The ones at Omaha beach might have been better quality but they were in the same Army. Maybe the Americans at Omaha were lower qualitie than the ones at Utah. The main factor though is the Paratroop actions. The one at Utah very sucsesful but the one at Omaha took a while ( they had the 101st airborne OMG!, by the way their famous)

The Germans could have had better defence but Hitler thought it wasn't the main attack. He still thought it was at LE CALAIS! The allies made inflatible tanks and trucks and made it look real. Jerry actually fell for it!HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ( four hours later) HA HA. Anyway, the Germans used flatbeds to carry their tank for " saving fuel "they are aware the flatbeds ( run by motor) eat the same amount of fuel? Plus even though they were protected from air attack ( AA guns) many were destroyed by ressistance fighters. The ressitance fighters were very secret.

One Tuba player carried his explosives in his Tuba and said he had to go to the fields to play his" bloody Tuba" he boasted he could fit two Unassembled British Sten guns ( picture) in his Tuba. What a way to use insruments what's next Trombone rocket launcher?

A bunch of books about some doggy-ish stuffz 0.o

I have been reading about alot of dog wolf fox stuff and have learned alot! they did not have humor however so i will add my own!

First off there is the wolf...he started it all, meaning (even though he evolved from another critter) he was the prevolution of all of the foxes and dogs we see today. he is almost extinct however and it is all your fault *cries*. no lolz here! they are making a comeback and they will survive but it is hard for them and little red riding hood is not helping! If you want a real story about wolves read about romeus and Remus (the twins who founded Rome, or so they say...)

Next is the fox and , as seen by the by the picture he can turn into a snake at any given moment!

he is more agile than the other two so he can slither up trees and swallow entire meese (lolz how do u pronounce is mooses?) in one big gulp! not really, but they can climb alot and they are very fast, but not exactly strong! oops sorry evolution!

last is the wild and domesticated dog! This is the most interesting because there are such big differences between each breed from useful to stupid here they are! First is the Newfie (Newfoundland) and the Portuguese water dog. they help fisherman and love water so in return the evolved to have webbed feet and swim the breaststroke! A wierd examaple is the dalamation, gardners love these dogs not just because they are good companions but they have less acidic PEE! which means that there pee can help put out fires and does not hurt plants or soil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (thats also why firemen like them, yes you may laugh, it is very funny!)

These books have all helped me make a good relation ship with my little newfie mix (call him a water mutt!) and has also allowed me too make a small relationship (they will let me go within 50 feet without death) with my back yard wolves!!! (there so cute and cuddly I wuv dem ,yes i do, YES I DO!) And that This will allow me to help save wolves form extinction, but we all have to pitch in! Call the canadian wolf song corporation right now and save a wolf fox or dog!


I'm reading about the environment in the world almanac 2008.

Did you know that forest one third of earth's surface? Pines, hemlocks,firs,and spruce trees all grow in the the cooler climate.(farthest from the equator) These trees are called conifers because they make cones.
Temperate forest have a warm, rainy summers and cold, snowy winters. Deciduous trees (they lose leaves in the fall and grow new ones in the spring) are in the evergreens.

one of my reactions was: I didnt know that depending on where trees live that they had a catagory.


Distant Waves

I finished reading Distant Waves by Suzanne Weyn. 5 sisters, Mimi, Jane, Emma, Amelie, and Blythe go on the Titanic. Before that, they live in a weird place called Spirit Vale, where the dead comes alive. Mimi (the oldest) and Jane (the second oldest) go to New York on their own to interview Nikola Tesla, a scientist. Jane goes to a Chinese restaurant while Mimi stays with Ninette Aubert, the girlfriend of a rich person, Mr. Guggenheim. When Jane comes back, Mimi tells her that she is going on a tour around Europe with Ninette. So Jane goes home alone and is in big trouble for losing her sister. When Mimi comes back, she tells them that she is going on the Titanic and she takes Blythe with her. When Jane, Emma, and Amelie discover that the Titanic is going to sink, they try to get their sisters off the boat. But they accidentally get on when the boat is leaving the dock. Now they are stuck on the boat and they meet new people.

I think the place Jane's family lives in is weird. It's called Spirit Vale and the only job in Spirit Vale is contacting spirits. It's weird because Jane's mom, Maude, is supposed to actually talk to the spirits. But Jane sees her mom pretending to see the spirits. Jane's older sister, Mimi, doesn't like talking to spirits. She's the one who convinced Jane that Maude was pretending.

I felt bad for Mimi when she found out that she was half black because back then, people treated African Americans badly. Her dad was Jane, Emma, Amelie, and Blythe's dad but her mom was Haitian. Her real mom died so her dad married Maude. Jane, Emma, Amelie, and Blythe are all her half sisters.

I felt really bad for Jane when the Titanic sank. She knew one sister was dead and one was unconscious. She hoped that the other 2 were safe. But when they got rescued, they couldn't find Mimi or Thad. She finds them about 2 years later. Nikola Tesla was a scientist who's time machine apparently put her 2 hours 40 minutes to the future. It took Mimi & Thad 2 years and 4 months to the future.

How could Mimi leave Jane in a weird city? Mimi is the oldest and was supposed to take care of Jane. But when Mimi was offered a job to tour around the world with Mr. Guggenheim & Ninette , she just abandon Jane. So now Jane is the oldest and she has to take care of her younger sisters.

Real Stuff
Even though this book is mostly fiction, there are some real people. Victor Giglio, Mr. Guggenheim, Ninette Aubert , Nikola Tesla, and a lot of other people in this book were real. There was one person, W.T. Stead, who predicted that the Titanic would sink but he got on it anyway. Mimi, Jane, Emma, Amelie, Blythe, and Maude Taylor were all made up.

The Battle Of The Red Hot Pepper Wennies

Dear Classmates,

I have been reading this crazy book about The Battle Of The Red Hot Pepper Weenies and if you don't believe that it is crazy than go and read the book. There is crazy story called the cat almost gets a bath and this pretty crazy because the Sanderson family owns a cat, it doesn't get weird right there, because guess what they are allergic to the cat. Mom Sanderson is really allergic to the cat. Dad Sanderson is just allergic to the cat. Albert and Grace are fairly allergic to the cat. Now one day Dad Sanderson was reading the Now if you don't think that is weird say I don't that is weird as loud as you can. Now if you that is weird scream as loud as you can.

C- Cats don't like water or getting a bath.

R- It is weird that a family would own a cat and they are allergic to the cat.

O- I think that should own a dog for 2 reason. #1 they are allergic to cats and #2 dogs are much cutie and smart.

P- I did have a prediction.

Q- Why would own something that you are allergic to. Who does that now in days I guess I know who does the Sanderson family.

V- I do not have one.

I have one more story to tell you and it is reallllllllllllllllly weird you won't even believe it. It is call Yesterday Tomorrow and this might be really crazy probably more than the cat almost gets a bath. There is this girl and her mom said to go to bed because tomorrow was a school day. The girl got so mad that she throw her clock and broke it. When the girl woke up she was wandering why her parents hadn't woke her up. She saw her dad having a bagel and he got bagels on Saturdays only. "Something was wrong with to day," the girl said. Then the little girl figure out that today was Saturday by the time she went to bed. Then she woke up and saw that it was Friday,to bad she had to go to school. Then guess what it was Thursday. The week was backwards the girl had to do something or she would get younger. A week later she fix her clock. Then the room start to spin around the girl got dizzy, after that she went to bed. When she woke up it was finally Monday. Back to the way it was.

C-Don't have one.

R- It seems werid because she broke the clock not the day.

O- I thimk that this a good story but like I said she didn't brake the day she broke the clock.

P- If they wrote more I think that the girl would have told everyone that she was getting younger and that the time was going backwards, but nobody would have believe and would have said it was a dream.

Q- Why would David Lubar write a story and call it Yesterday Tomrrow.

V- I didn't have one.


Cooking the Thai Way

I read Cooking the Thai Way by Supenn Harrison and Judy Monroe. It is obviously about Thai food, which looks really good but most of it probably doesn't taste very good. (Same with Chinese food. ) Did you know that the traditional way of eating is on the floor there? (in Thailand) Thai food is usually spicy and sour. It is also mostly beautifully arranged. Thai people eat lots of rice( like other Asian countries). Rice is part of all their meals. They eat their rice really fluffy and dry. They almost never eat rice just by itself, always with a really strong flavored soup, curry, or sauce.

One of my favorite things in the book are pineapple fish noodles. It looks good. I also really like the Thai Coconut Custard, which also looks really good, and the bananas in syrup looks really good too. I also like the tropical fruit dessert. And I like Thai spring rolls. (those are lots of opinions)

Also why do Thai people always serve some thing really bland with something really flavorful?

Also, there isn't any cheese in the Thai recipes. :-( (=D for people who hate cheese)

The Thai coconut custard looks disgusting but probably tastes really good.

Funny Poems!

The second part of my blog post is about the Kingfisher Book of Funny Poems!

Obviously, it is about poems that are funny.

There are a bunch of poems in this book that are selected by Roger McGough.

Some of them aren't really funny but some are really funny.

Here's a poem.

The Blue Room

My room is blue, the carpet's blue,
The chairs are blue, the door's blue too.
A blue bird flew in yesterday,
I don't know if it's flown away.

By Richard Edwards

Unfortunately, there aren't any poems about cheese.

I think there should be because everyone thinks cheese
is really funny

Hurrricane Force!

Dear Fellow Friends,

I am reading Hurricane Force By: Joseph B. Treaster. This story talks about how hurricanes are dangerous and how they are forcasted. Did you know that Hurricanes can wipe out towns and villages? In my opinion Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Ike were the strongest storms! Meteorologists use weather balloons, satellites, and radars to watch for areas of quickly decreasing air pressure. They also use hurricane hunter airplanes to take pictures of hurricanes and give them to the weather center. Hurricane damage results from wind and water.Hurricanes can uproot trees and also tear roofs off houses. Hurricanes can cause heavy rain, flooding, and mudslides. The most dangerous effect is the storm surge. this storm can cause allot of people to die! Hurricanes can also snap trees off and tear buildings apart. The storm surge can cause flooding and massive damage! The storm surge can also cause high waves to go on shore! Meteorologists also use their weather trackers to predict if the storm will come or not. Hurricanes also can wipe out towns and villages. Be careful because trees could fall on you , and you can get shocked by lightning!!! I have some questions , why do people name hurricanes? Or is it because Hurricanes are really special ? In my opinion I think Hurricanes are dangerous but I haven't seen one up close.
~Thanks for reading my blog!~
Sincerely , PT

Thursday, November 19, 2009


As you know I'm reading eclipse.

OK so when Bella was having a slumber party Edward came to check on her over night. they had a conversation and Edward left and said he was going to be back tomorrow. When Bella came home she noticed that all of her stuff was gone. she thought alice had moved it really a new vampire had come to Bella's house. The weird thing is, that charlie (Bella's farther) was perfectly OK. .Jacob accidental stabbed himself with a knife that scared Bella but then she realized that Wolfe's healed fast and his cut was perfectly fine.Jacob invited Bella to a Bonn fire and she asked Edward and Edward said she could go. Edward drove Bella to the bomb fire and told her to call him when she was ready to be picked up.

thanks for reading the blog!!:)


Dear Class,

I just finished Football Hero by Tim Green. What happened was Uncle Gus kept Ty, but Ty and Tiger met every Friday because Uncle Gus and Lucy wanted to no who was playing and who was not. Gus and Lucy made $5,000! On one Friday Tiger teaches Ty how to block on any size man. Ty uses it on Calvin West in football. When Ty was going up the school stairs, he sees Calvin waiting for him. They block the door way and he is trapped. He tries to go around but he cant. Then his sister comes and throws Calvin down the stairs Because Calvin hit her. Calvin broke his arm and had a concussion. Ty and his sister get suspended but then the principle hears the real story and they get unsuspended. The next Friday he and Thane are going to a restaurant when they get pulled over by these agents. They bring them to a trailer and they say that Gus and Lucy had but SO much money. They talk to Gus and he tries to he is going to help play a trick on Lucy. The trick works and now they have to move to Atlanta, Georgia. Thane wants Ty to come with him so he does.


Dear class and others,
I haven't gotten allot of time to read
Sheep so I'm on pg. 2 and so Jack the dog has travelled from may homes but each home gave him up and now he is living at a farm. Jack was not his only name that he had but he liked it the most so he wanted to keep it like that. Anyway, since Jack lived on a farm there had to be a farmer that lived there, and there was. Jack calls him dad and the farmer's


Dear class,

I am reading Zoobreak still as you all know. So far in the book, Savannah found her monkey cleo and is not done yet at the zoo on the boat All abord animals. She wants to rescue not just cleo, but ALL the animals on the boat! Her friends Griffin, Ben, Logan, Pitch had to make a decision and they had to say yes because of what the zoo keeper Mr.Nastase tourtured the animals. One of the animals that Mr.Nastase has is an owl that is trained to attack people who sneak on the boat. The questions I have is will Savannah and her friends beable to sneak cleo and all the animals out of the boat, or will she be caught with the rest of the animals? I think this book is very good and descriptive with some weird and funny sences in it.



Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The dog who thought he was santa

Distant Waves

Dear Class & Ms. English,

The book that i am reading is called Distant waves it is a novel of the titanic and it is about Four girls that go on the titanic that is chased by there pasts and drawn toward a more hopeful future, they go on the journey of there lives as they aboard the titanic.All of them feel out of place one of them will soon find her out of time. One is going to a voyage. Another has become a feat scientific intrigue.

I had a few questions about this book. One was, Why was Mimi shaken by the eeriness? And my other question was, How do they find there self's out of time?
this book reminds me of the Titanic because it has so many resemblance between it and it is a novel of the Titanic.


Dear classmates and teacher,

Where I am in the book Bella has just met Edwards foster parents (even though Bella had met Dr.Cullen earlier in the book at the hospital when Tyler nearly ran her over with his truck) and his brothers and sisters.An Edward decided to add in that Dr.Cullen just had his 362 B-day.(Wow he is old)

And Bella was watching Edward and his family play a game ofvampire baseball soon 3 other vampires came in wanting to play. But they spoted Bella and James notices shes human and try to have her as a snack. Now Bella is on the run with Edward, Alice, and Emmett for protection from James (the bad vampire) who is trying to suck her blood!!!!!!!(Yikes) And from prior knowledge I know that vampires are spouse to have a really good sense of smell and from the book I know that James can follow her human sent tracking her down. But it gets worse all of Bella's shirts, pants ,shoes ,bed basically every thing she owns which is were at her home were her Dad lives. And unless Bella can make her stuff disappear her Dads home might just turn out to be his coffin after a visit from thirsty James. Now Bella has only fifteen min. to convince her Dad who does know vampires exist that she can't stand being in forks any longer, grab practically everything in her room, grab her keys, stuff all her belongings in her truck drive to Edward for protection and RUN for her life. Or she and her Dad will have to kiss their living years good bye!.!.!

Will Bella and her father stay alive? Will Bella and Edwards relationship last any longer?Its all at risk , I can't wait to know what will happen.

NEW MOON/eclipse!!

Hey class!!

i just finished new moon! It was a very good book nobody died yet! i loved that book SO much but i have to say that i like eclipse even more! Eclipse has more detail and more action from my perspective so i am going to tell you about eclipse:)

Eclipse is the 3rd book in the twilight saga! so i am going to tell you about it. SO far Jacob comes to Bella's school and he came to annoy Edward about how Emmet crossed the line! Bella was confused because Edward had not told her anything about that! Jacob kept annoying Bella and sand asking Edward why he didn't tell Bella not to have the question answered but to have the question make Bella mad at Edward!! Bella got annoyed with Jacob and told him to leave:)

The next day Edward left for a hunting trip that was supposed to be 2-3 days but ended up not to be even 1 day! That happened because Alice couldn't see where Bella was since she was hanging out with Jacob! That frightened Edward so he went to her house!

he left again the next day and Bella and Alice were planning to have a slumber party! Alice was very excited! when i say very i mean (very,very excited) But when Alice drove Bella home all Bella wanted to do was go to bed! Alice lead her to the room she was sleeping in (Edwards room) it had a big bed and a bunch of nice pillows on the bed!! Alice said goodnight to Bella and Bella laid down!

Then Bella heard a knock at her door! she thought it was Alice but it was really Rosalie! That is very unexpected since Bella and Rosalie aren't what you call close! Rosalie said "its me Rosalie can i come in?" Bella of course as nice as she is said "of course you can" Rosalie cam in and said "Bella the reason i am here is to tell you that i think you should stay human! Know i don't want to hurt your feelings but if i were you and could have the choice i would stay human instead of turning into a vampire! you see i didn't have the choice and i am going to tell you the story! remember this story does not have a happy ending so here i go... When i was young my parents were middle class they were very wealthy and everything but they wanted more. So my Beautyness was on of the best things that happened to them! They were glad about that very glad! I had never been jealous of anyone until one Day that was! One day i was going to visit my friend Vera! she had a husband and a cute little boy! her little boy had black curly hair! All the sudden i became jealous of her! I WANTED TO BE MARRIED AND HAVE A LITTLE DAUGHTER OR SON!! i had never been jealous of anyone so i really wanted this. One day i found a perfect match his name was Royce king . His dad was the owner of the bank that my dad worked at. he and i got married in two months we had barely know each other. One day i was walking home and i really wished i had called my dad but i was SO close to home so i didn't bother. it was Royce (my husband) and five of his friends! they were drunk and drinking beer! Royce said "he res my Rosie isn't she more beautiful than all of your Georgia peach girls" "yes they all said with giggles" They hurt me sooo badly as in physically hurt! I was about to die i was just laying their! That's how carlisle found me. He Edward and Esme found me and carlisle turned me into a vampire at first i didn't believe it and then i did! edward didn't think that was a good idea that i was being turned into a vampire. that was the story and bella if i were you well i would do anything to be you with that choice if i were you i would say no because if i could i would but i had no chance to. The reason i disliked you was because i was jealous, jealous that edward wanted you and not me. Bella said "but dont you want emmet? Rosalie said"yes i don't mean that i want edward i meant that i was jealous since he liked you and not me and usually all the boys likd me! Will you consider not being a vampire? Bella said "if i think about will you not hate me? rosalie said "maybe and then said gooodnight bella!

Alice drove bella to school in the morning but bella escaped from school with jacob.

thank you for your time!

The Hunger Games


I have just finished a great book called the Hunger Games. The main character is a 13 year old girl who goes this contest with another boy from her district named Peeta. Its a survival game and you have to go in arena with only one lake and a few streams. You a bag with a few items like food and knives and you would normally have a weapon like a sword, bow and a few arrows, and maybe a spear. The game is about to kill other contestants out of the 24 to make sure you are spaced out from other people and to get enough food and water.

A few questions of mine are what if at the nobody lived the longest? Another on is are you allowed to steal other peoples food and weapons? I can't wait until I am able to read the second book. If you like adventures I know you will like this book .

- JB


Dear Ms. English and Class,

I am reading the Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. It is a Really good book! When The Specials took Tally to the Library, Tally was confused because she had burned the pendant and if she burned she thought it would never come up again. But when Dr. Cable told Tally that when the pendent gets blown up or burned, etc. then it automatically calls The Special Circumstances. Dr. Cable thinks that Tally did not throw the pendent away and after she called them she hid it. (Which is not what happened she threw it in a fire.) When Dr. Cable said to go get the pendent she had a big man come with her. Again like all the Special Circumstances say "I don't want to hurt you but i will if i have to." Tally told the man she hid it on top of the roof at the Trading Post. The big man went up on the roof and said I don't see it where is it. Tally is trying to get away so she says "If you let me on the roof I will show you." Of course the big man said yes. Now when Tally got on the roof she on purposely fell and was falling down the roof. (It would be scarier because her hands are tied behind her back.) When she was just inches of falling of the roof the man flung him self of the roof to save her. (You would think that the man died but he did not when Special Circumstances turn pretty they get strong so nobody and nothing can hurt or kill them.) The man came back on the roof and said "Find the pendent! Like I said i don't want to hurt you but i will if i have to!" She ran to Croy's hover board and flew away. The hoover cars were chasing her. That's when she threw herself off the hill to free fall and also Tally did not have her crash bracelets on. She flew into the cave so when they try to find body heat they won't because she is in a cave. She also found......

David in there she was so happy he was still alive! Tally wanted to go back to The Smoke and save all her friends and the people who she met. Tally and David left the next morning. When the arrived all Tally saw was a HUGE pile of shoes. Tally thought that Croy made all the people leave shoes because he saw her hoverboarding away with no shoes. She got a grippy pair on. When she got out of the rabbit pen she just saw some paper floating around. That made Tally think of all the old magizines. She wondered if The Boss had made it; if so he would be long gone by now. She saw his brown duffel bag and Tally went over to it. All the magizines were still in itt's place but The Boss lay there on the ground with his neck; looking like it was broken, he had dies. His nails all bloody from trying to fight with a guy from The Special Curcumstances. That made Tally remember what they always said "I don't want to hurt you nut i will if i have to." David was so worried about his parents.

When I stopped reading the book I started at a new chapter called Maddy and Az. (Which are the names of David's parents; Tally and Divid where on there way to his parents house.

C-I have no connections

R-I was shocked when Tally found The Boss dead.

O-In my opion I think that The Uglies should have a choice if they want to become pretty or not.

P-I think that when they go to David's house his parents will be gone.

Q-One of my questions is Why can't the Special Curcumstances just let them live where they want to?

V- Don't have one.



Monday, November 16, 2009

The Cupcake Queen

Dear Ms. English and classmates,

I am reading a book called The Cupcake Queen by Heather Hepler. Its a very good book. Its about a girl named penny. When her parents separate she leaves with her mom. They go to Hogs Hollow and open a cupcake bakery. Penny has to leave her life long friends and big city comforts too. Not to mention her father. Plus the popular kids don't seem to like her. write now she just entered her new friends house. Thats when I had to stop but so far its a very great book.


connections: I had a connection when she had to leave her friends behind i had to leave my friends behind too.

reactions: This book makes me want to feel like eating a cupcake.

opinions: I like this book because I LOVE sweets.

predictions: I predict next she going to have a great time at her new friends house with her.

Questions: I wonder what will really happen next.

visualizations: I see her geting on her friends porch and the laddie coming to the door. adventurist