Friday, August 14, 2009

Avalon: Web of Magic; all that glitters

Hey class,
In my book, Avalon, Kara was typing on her computer and some words started to fade and the only words that remained was (in this color)"I know who you are" Kara was so scared she rushed to the Raven's wood manner(a place where people come visit too see all the creatures, not the magic ones, on the preserve) and told her friends ,Emily and Adriane, about what she saw on her laptop. They just teased her.
Why did that happen on her laptop?!? Why were her friends not supportive?!?!?Was it Just her imagination? These are the questions I wonder... If I were her it would be creepy to me to.
your class mate,

Theres a boy in the girls bathroom

Dear Class,

The book that i am finishing up is called Theirs A Boy In The Girls Bathroom. This book is about this boy named Bradley Chalkers, He's the oldest boy in his 5th grade class. He fights with girls. No one likes him except Carla the school counselor. She thinks Bradley can change if only he would try .

I had a few questions that i cant figure out by my self, one of them was, why was Bradely making a big deal about Carla leaving. And my other one was When Bradley and Jeff were fighting the only thing Bradley had to do was say hi , why dose that stop him do any thing. I think Bradley has changed a lot. When Jeff got invited to Collens party why did bradley have to come. these question don't make scene but can you gus help me answer them.


World War 2

Dear Ms. English and class,

My book is called World War 2. It's about World War 2 ( obviously) From the rise of Hitler to the fall of the 3rd Reich on May 8 1945. My first question is why were there so many Lieutenants ( Lt for short) in the U.S Army and Marines? There were 5 , 6 , or 7 Lieutenents
in 1943 ( maybe now too ). The navy even had lots of Lieutenants!

We now change from the U.S to Russia or in 1944, The Soviet Union. My question is why did the Soviets lose so quickly in WWI but held and ended up beating Germany in World War 2! They might have been weaker but in World War 2 the Soviets had hundreds of thousands ( maybe millions ) men. They could have done better in World War 1. The Soviets had the manpower, technology, factorys, and they could lose 500,000 men and more and easily replace them.

Now we go to Germany. This question is why did Germany lose everything? They lost at the battle of Trenton in the 1700's, they lost World War1 and 2 too! They also lost the 1936 olyimpics ( of which Hitler got made at the U.S because a black won the races) . Even a boxer lost to the U.S!

Abby Hayes Every cloud Has A Silver Lining

Dear ,Class as you know i have been reading abby hayes!Right know abby has just told her dad about trying out for soccer! He signs the permission slip and she is officially on the soccer team!:) yay! Unfortantley she doesnt know if she wants to be on the team anymore. Which i think she should be cause she went to alot of efffort to get better at it!:) I am very upset that abby doesnt want to do it ! she thinks to herself taht she doesnt want to give up anymore! Abyy said that because she woould dissapoint her friends and her dad. Thats is all i have read for know bye and thanks for your time!:)
Sincerly, lb

Thursday, August 13, 2009


For Independent reading i am reading Vasco the leader of the tribe. So far he came back from scurring around the city realized none of the other rats were in there homes. He goes on a quest to find them. I picked this book because we were running out of time at the library so i was looking through the books and this one had an interesting name so i picked it up and read the back and looked around the book and decided to give it a try. So far Im really liking it so i think i made a good decision. I was wondering why the old weak rat didnt go missing along with the other rats.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Judy Moody,M.D.the doctoris in!

dear ms English today i start reading Judy Moody book because i finish the fancy feet so i pick the Judy moody book today and i think it's really good book and i have a few question is Judy moody trying to make that she sick and she tell her mom that she sick but she not because she doesn't want go to school so she told her mom that she sick but her brother stink know that she not sick and she put her mom's cherry to make a faker and not go to school and she hate school.i think school is fun not for everyone but for me school is fine and i love school because in school you learn about everything that you can know about.and yea my question was that she doesn't want to go to school.and she hate her brother stink. i think she make stuff that she sick because she hate school.GRACE


Dear classmates,

The book I am reading is called Eleven. Eleven is all about a girl who had just turned eleven- and all of the drama of being eleven. Well I was reading about when her her birth day was on March 11 and how she will have a perfect birth day because she is turning 11, and it reminded me on my birthday last year on November10 when I was turnig 10! One of my re

Tuck Everlasting

I am reading a book called Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbit. It is about a girl called Winnie Foster that discovers a fountain on her family's property that makes you live forever, really. There are some people called the Tucks that accidentaly drank from the fountain and they never got older, not for a hundred years. They looked the same.

I wonder why the Tucks didn't leave the place they were and went exploring? That is what I would have done. If I could live forever I would try eating live snails because I know I wouldn't die if I got infected. Plus I would keep worms as a pet and feed them cheese. After I would deep fry them and eat them. And I would also dip cheese in egg and coat it with bread crumbs. Yum! I A connection I made was about another book I read with people that lived for 200 years.

Double Identity

I am reading Double Identity by Margaret Peterson Haddix. It is about a clone of Elizabeth who doesn't know she's a clone and then later finds out after some strange events. Bethany (clone), finds out that Elizabeth is her mother's first child and that she died.

Why did Bethany's father keep the secret about Elizabeth forever and just suddenly drop her off at Aunt Mrylie's house? He could have told her so she wouldn't be so confused when people in Mrylie's hometown start acting like they've seen a ghost. They really didn't see a ghost, they just saw Bethany who looks exactly like their dead friend Elizabeth.

Why did he send thousands of dollars and 5 birth certificates? It could look like he stole the money. Bethany can't be 5 people at once. Which Bethany is she? Bethany Cole, Bethany Krull, Bethany Ebern, Bethany Stanton, or Bethany Ronkowski?????
Why did they make a clone of Elizabeth and why did they leave her at Sanderfield, Illinois? I know why they made a clone, because they still wanted a part of Elizabth but if they have been thinking, the last place they would have left her is Sanderfield. Since she is a clone of Elizabeth, everyone who grew up with Elizabeth would recognize her.

The far side

The book I am reading is alot of very funny storys into one big gallery with comic pictures for some of them.It is all funny and makes fun of death, life, old sayings, new sayings, and much much much much MORE.

The book is entirley funny and some stories nearly kill me there so funny.

My reaction to almost all of it is "ha there is nothing serious in here he he"

I like this book because its a good brake (read examples) from that thing we call life.

This book inspired many comics such as "Rhymes with orange", "non septical" and advertised many more.

Kid Power

I am reading a book called Kid Power and so far its a pretty good book. It is about a girl named Janie and her mother loses her job, so she sets up a business called Kid Power where she helps people run errands. She earns money and saves it to get a new bike.

I wonder why Janie's mother lost her job? It didn't really make sense. Also why does Janie's sister Carol bake cookies for Janie for free and then makes her pay ?

The Amazing Days Of Abby Hayes Every cloud Has A Silver Lining

Ms.Bunder comes into the room holding a box !
She says this will be our Class reading assignment today:) everybody
starts to look at each other! Zach's thoughts are (are we going to write about video games)
Ms.Bunder says "no" !
Thats just a little part i wanted to share with you to get you interested in more once I get to another part!!!!:):)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Dear classmates

I read Matilda by Roald Dahl. It is a really good book and you should read it. The summary is about a really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, smart girl called Matilda that is supposed to be in kindergarten but she is smarter than an 8th grader. She has a really sweet teacher called Miss Honey but soon finds out that Miss Honey has an aunt that is the headmistress. The aunt is really cruel and when Miss Honey was little she shoved her head underwater when she was taking a bath and kept it there. And since Matilda was so smart, she used telekinesis on a piece of chalk and wrote things to the aunt on the blackboard.

I wondered what Matilda did after she went to live with Miss Honey at the end of the book? And WHAT happened to Miss Trunchbull (the aunt) ? You should read this book because it is really funny and weird. I remember when I had a mean teacher sort of like Miss Trunchbull.

Fancy Feet

Dear English i start reading the fancy feet and it really good book and i like to finsh the book because againg it really good book.well i was reading the other book but i like the fancy feet batter because it funny and i love funny books. from grace


Dear Ms.English and class,

In the book Eclipse Bella has plane tickets to go see her mom but Charlie refuses to let Bella go. Bella is now very mad with Edward. Bella almost broke two of Charlies good plates. Also, Bella wanted nothing to do with the plane tickets that where about to expire.

Also, while I was reading i had a Few questions. The first question was Why won't Charlie let Bella go see her mom with Edward? And, Why doesn't he like Edward?

Jordan Alder

The Deadly Dungeon

Hi Class,

The book I am reading is The Deadly Dungeon.
It is a book that would really make you jump out of your chair!!
this book is about Dink, Josh,and Ruth Rose having
a sleepover in a castle!!!!!
Dink`s favorite mystery writer, Wallis Wallace, has invited
them for a visit.
But soon as they arrive, the kids start hearing screams behind the walls!
Wallis Wallace says not to worry, every castle
is haunted, but Dink isn`t
that sure.Read to find out what is haunting in Moose Manor.
While I was
reading the story some thoughts popped into my
head they are.........
1. Is Wallis Wallace the gohst ?
2. Are Ruth Rose ,Josh , and Dink going to find out who the real ghost is?
3. Why does Dink so cureous about the ghost?
4. I feel scary by the sounds that the ghost is making!
5. Is there any reason why Rip was acting so weird?
However read to find out what happens!


Number The Stars

Two Hot Dogs With Everything

Dear Class,

The book I'm reading is Two Hot Dogs With Everything by Paul Haven. So far it's about a boy named Danny and he's rushing home to watch the Sluggers game. The Sluggers are his favorite baseball team and they never, ever win a game. When he's running home he stops by a hot dog stand and gets two hot dogs with everything. When he gets home to watch the game his family is on the couch waiting for him for the game. After the game they lose again. When he goes to the park he spots his friends and runs over to them. His friend Molly said they were going to tear down the biggest mansion in all of West Bubble. The mansion was owned by the best bubble gum maker ever. He was also the biggest sluggers fan ever. The government is now going to tear it down!!! They lie to their parents and they ride all the way up to the mansion. When they get there an old man walks up and asks if they would like a tour. When they go inside they go in all of the rooms and then Danny runs away and goes into the room called the study. He finds a secret passageway and then when he goes in he finds the flavor that has never come out to be sold. That's as for as i got in the book so far.

I had a question and that question was why did the government want to tear down the mansion if it was the greatest piece of history in the town of west bubble? I predict that the Sluggers will start winning and then the goverment will not tear down the mansion.
Ryan Myer

Monday, August 10, 2009

Cold in Summer

Dear class and Ms.English,

I am reading Cold in Summer and it is about a family who just moved and they miss their old home in Flordia. The lake the swim at is all muddy and the lake is brown. At first they did not know how to swim so they drowned. but then they got the hang of it.

A few of my questions were Where do they live now? And Why did they move?

Sincerely J.A.

Cold in Summer

Dear class and Ms.English,

I am reading Cold in Summer and it is about a family who just moved and they miss their old home in Flordia. The lake the swim at is all muddy and the lake is brown. At first they did not know how to swim so they drowned. but then they got the hang of it.

A few of my questions were Where do they live now? And Why did they move?

Sincerely J.A.

Being Bee

Dear class and Ms. English,

I am reading Being Bee(short for beatrice). It was so good that I've finished it. It's about a girl named bee who's mom died. And her dad has a girl friendnamed jazzi. Bee hates her. Then Jazzi throse out her bee box. It had stuff that her mom gave her. Then she runs away. She goes to Jazzis handycaped brother. Then he said that he ran away one time. It was a tradidy. So she changed her mined. She was walking back home while Jazzi came driving to her and got all the bee stuff back.

When I was reading I had some quations. Why did she not like jazzi? How did Jazzi's handycaped brother become handycaped? I also had a conation when I thought my parents were wrong about things. My feeling's about this book is that it's a good book and realats to most people today.I hope you can read it.

The amazing Days of Abby hayes Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

Dear Ms.english and class,
I have been reading a book called the amazing days of Abby Hayes (Every cloud has a Silver Lining) It is about a girl named abby who is starting 5th grade. abby has a very atheletic and smart family. Right know in the book she is working on being a soccer star she and her friend (Jessica) practice all day to try to get Abby ready for soccer try outs next week!:) mean while abby doesnt want her family to know that she is trying out for the soccer team! I think that abby will have to tell them sometime! Abby lies to her sister which gets her best friend mad at her because abby lied about being on the soccer team. Abby athetic sister finds out and is being a show off to jessica Abby gets very upset and runs inside. She tells jessica thats why i dint want to tell my family in a very upsetting voice. Right then i was thinking i felt bad for abby in one way but this all wouldnt have happened if she didnt lie. Jessica and abby get in a fight over the lie. The next day jessica and abby both apoligize to each other. That is all i have read for know
Bye for know, lb


Dear Ms.English and class,

I am reading Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. It is great book so far! Bella has gotten accepted to a collage in Alaska but Edward wants her to go to Dartmouth. Edward brought up the wolves to eat(he is a vegetarian vampire) and since Bella's best friend is a Werewolve she got upset. That is how far i am into the book.

While i was reading I was thinking about a few questions. The first one was Why doesn't Edward want her to go to the collage in Alaska? And Why haven't Bella and Jacob talk even though they miss each other?
