Friday, October 23, 2009

Dogs and cats

the book i am currently reading is called dogs and cats

it is about dogs and cats

this book really explains alot about "animal talk" and really helps you build a relastionship with your dog (and/or cat) by speaking in there native tongue...or rather "Nose" (lol). by that i meen that when those animals talk they use thier nose and smells, for example the domestic, territorial cat only rubbing its back against your leg to give you a "cat only smell" (only cats can smell it) to say this is my leader!!! (maybe a little warmth and love too)

I also learned the reason why dogs eat so much grass when all it does is make them throw-up!

the reason is so they can throw up and get the yucky/rotten stuff out of them, it is important so don't say no grass FIDO k?

This book has made me build a strong relationship with him and his wild ancestors (the soon-to-be-extinct) wolf. I can "lick" him to sleep (breathe into his fur) say hi (sniff his nose) and tell him I'm the boss (standing up tall) or do you wanna fight? (eating his food lol) and play with him too.

this book is usefull heartwarming expository and very tasty!


Wings of Fury

I'M BAAAAACK!!!! My next book is about the modern airforce (from Vietnam to Desert Storm). It's like a mix of biography and nonfiction. It's a good (adult) book. One guy accidently blew his thumb of when haveing a barrel of a gatling gun explode, now he flies with his big toe, really it was tranvered to where his thumb was and he was the only fighter pilot to fly a F14 Tomcat with a big toe. I'm suprised, it looked like a thumb but it was a big toe and he liked it. When sombody said it doesn't look like a toe he'd say "sure smells like one...".

Next what's a loogie? Oops wrong book, what I mean how did the F14's radar couldn't track when something when pependicular on their radar beam? I don't get why. Why don't they invent friendly airplane radar to be sure? Anyway, they were fighting MIGS everyone wanted to shoot down a MIG. That's what they came for M-I-G-S.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Dear All My Classmates,

The book that i am reading is called twilight. This book is about a girl named Bella who goes on a trip to see her dad named Charlie. When Bella got there see felt scared and nervous at the same time. She goes to school there while it is summer beak at her real school, it was her first day at school when she meet this really nice guy named Eric to show her around the school. In the afternoon she meet a really nice girl named Jessica, when they went to lunch Bella saw a group of people named the Cullen's. Jessica told them about how they all don't date and told Bella especially not Edward Cullen. After lunch it turns out that Bella has the same class as Edward ( biography). As she turned in her slip for the teacher she wanted to sit next to him as she went she tripped in the aisle. she sat next to him as he slightly moved over to the end of his seat. The next day Edward actually talk's to her and they turn out to be lab partner's but as soon as Edward grabs Bella's he shock her and was thinking what happened.

I had a few questions for this book, why did Edwards hand shock Bella's hand when he touched her? Why did Bella not ask him why he did that? I asked these questions because i wanted to know them and get the answeres. The book is a really good book so far and hope i get to the end and i just found out whos hand are on the cover its Edwards hand that whos it is , heis very pale. Just wanted to keep you guus in touch with what im reading so ill tell you guy what i just got to next week, bye.



The book I am reading is Sent by Margaret Peterson Haddix. The book is about a boy named Jonah and his two friends Alex and Chip and his sister Katherine are traveling to the 15 century because someone sent them back in time. When they get there they open a door and find tracers of Chip and Alex. Tracers are look like ghost but they are see through people that show what would be happening if they were in their right time. When they see some people come in the door they say they are here to save them but suddenly the so called rescuers grasp Chip and Alex's tracers while they are in there and throw them out the window but right before Jonah saves Chip and Alex by pulling them out of their tracers. But soon Alex presses a button on a piece of technology that they brought from the 21 century that says invisibility so right then the guards come in and look for the killers of the King (Chip) and the prince (Alex). So the kids hide and the guard finds their hiding spot but does not see them. They think it's the invisibility and it probably is. The guard swings his torch around but it gets on Katherine's hair. So the guards see floating fire. Jonah slaps on Katherine's hair and the fire goes out. The guards thought the palace was evil so they run away. That is how far I am so far.
I have a connection for this book, I like the Back To The future movies and they have time travel in them like this book I'm reading.
This is one of my favorite series. I think whoever is reading this should read the book Found the first book in The Missing series then read Sent the second book in The Missing. Thank you for your time.

Harry Potter and the deathly hallows

Dear class:
The book im reading is Harry potter and the deathly hallows. So far, Harry just had a battle with voldemort and landed in a random village with wizards that are part of an association with the ministry of magic to get cured. After that they went to the wesleys house to stay there and put a protection charm on the whole house to protect Harry from Death eaters or voldemort from killing harry.Right now where im at in the book, harrys birthday is here and he has to get ready for a wedding.


Dear class,

Bailey hertyomah is trying to find a job, but when she finds a job as a school nurse she realizes that all the kids in the school all had a sickness called opuirnt. When she finds out that the princeble was kidnaped she was out to solve the mystery.



The second and third book of Avalon.

Dear class and others,
I just finished the second book of Avalon , by Rachel Roberts, I know what your thinking and I know I'm slow at reading. In the second book Kara has given up her magic jewel to save some magic creatures. I've started the third book but i haven't been reading it, but I'm on pg. 2 or3.
So far Adriane, the warrior, has been following a voice she hears in the Raven's wood manner.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

I finished reading The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi. The book starts out like this: Charlotte (who lives in England) has to go to America to meet her siblings. Since there were no airplanes at that time, Charlotte has to go on a ship. Her father (who is pretty wealthy) has her to go on a cargo ship called the Seahawk with two other families. But then she finds out that the two other families aren't there when it's the day to board the ship and that she will be traveling to America for two months on her own, with nobody there except the crew and the captain, Captain Jaggery.

Captain Jaggery treats her nicely at first, offering her biscuits and other stuff. One of the crew members, Zachariah, try to tell her that the captain is evil. Of course, Charlotte doesn't believe Zachariah. Why should she, if the Captain is so nice to her? But then, Charlotte found out that the crew members are planning a mutiny against Captain Jaggery. She finds out when she is sent to fetch a needle. She finds a round robin which is a circle with a circle inside it with names. And a pistol. "Why?" she thinks. "Should I tell Captain Jaggery? Maybe I should......" she thinks, thinking about in in horror.

So, Charlotte tells the captain, which decides to put it to a stop. He decides to whip and torture Zachariah, just because he is old and black and weak. Charlotte can't bear looking at someone being tortured like that, so she (accidentally) grabs the whip from Mr. Holly-brass and whips Captain Jaggery.

The Captain is really mad at her, with gleaming eyes of hatred every time he looks at her. Charlotte decides to help the crew, but she managed to say she was going to join them. To join them, she has to climb up the mainmast, and we all know that there's at least a 75 percent chance that she would fall. Well what do you think happens (please don't give away the answer)

Here are my reactions and the other CROP-QV things in the book. In the Seahawk it said that Charlotte's hands turned brown and hard, like leather, because of all the hard work as a sailor. How does that really happen? And that reminds me of in the Twilight saga how vampires have really hard granite skin. In this book, since it happened in the 1800s, it has a lot of words that I don't know and it has swear words too :-P Also if you like mysteries and suspense, you'll probably like this book. Charlotte was accused of murder and she actually was brought to trial and found guilty.

The Host

I have been reading The Host, the only Stephenie Meyer book that is not in "The Twilight Saga". It is science fiction so it has weird stuff. It's about aliens called "souls" who invade earth and take over human minds. "Souls" are 3 inch things that look like worms or centipedes. Most of the time, when the "souls" take over someone's mind, the human's mind disappears. But one, Melanie Styder, doesn't disappear. Instead, she shows the "soul", Wanderer (later Wanda), memories of people she loves(Jamie and Jared). (Jamie and Jared are still humans. They live in hiding with 30other people who know about '''souls". If they were caught, their minds wouldn't disappear because they know about 'souls".) Wanda goes to them and has a hard time fitting in but eventually she does. During that time, she has lots of bad and good memories.

Because Melanie loves Jamie (brother) and Jared (boyfriend), Wanda starts to love them to. That's why she goes to find them. But why does Wanda love them? Just because she has memories of them, I don't see how she starts to love them to.

When Wanda (half-dead) finally finds Jared, Jamie and the other people, most of them treat her badly and the always hit her. I can see why the other people hit Wanda. She is a "soul" and she can turn them in. They just hate her because she's a "soul" and "souls" have invaded Earth. But I can't see why Jared hits Wanda. Even though he doesn't know that Melanie is still alive inside, I don't know how he can hurt her body if he really loves her.

The book always says that to see if you are human or if you have a "soul" in you, you can shine light in their eyes. It says that is you are still human, your eyes don't reflect but if you have a "soul", then your eyes reflect. Right after they take the "soul" out, her eyes don't reflect. How does that happen?

It's a good book but some parts are gross and weird.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Dear classmates,

Where I am in the book Twilight Bella knows that Edward is a Vampire and she knows that he can read minds. But Edward can't read her mind. And now that Edward picking up Bella to go to and from school they were spending more time together a lot Jessica thinks that they are secretly dating behind her back and Bella didn't know that until Edward read Jessica's mind and told her. One of my questions was that when Mike told Bella that Edward looked at her like something to eat if he was just jealous of Edward. Or if he knew that Edward was a Vampire and was trying to protect her. I think that he knew about Edward and was jealous of Bella because its pretty obvious that he had a crush on her ever since they met, thinking that she didn't know what he was?

Ramona Quimby, age8

dear ms english and class i am reading book ramona quimby,age 8 and i like this book because it all about ramona and her family and it's talke about that her father did not go to school and her mother nevery work and i love this book because it has really fun.and i love fun books this is why i love reading book. ramona try to make her father go to school because her father did not go to school and her mother i think she quit her job so ramona is trying to help her mom with her job i think she will have her job back because ramona is trying to help her mom with her job and i think that her father is he might have to go back to bring a checher the work that made him tired cross.still ramona had too many interesting things to think about to let her GEF

Breaking Dawn

Hey Guy's,

As you know I am reading the book Breaking Dawn,by Stephenie Meyer. I've read all of the twilight books and have really enjoyed them. I have alot of reaction's to Breaking Dawn..... here are some of them.

I am right now on Jacob's point of veiw. And it has alot of parts that are difficult to get like... Since he is a werewolf he can have thoughts in his head and share them with his tribe only when they are in wolf form though. So when you are reading it doesn't tell you who's thoughts it is. Jacob also has alot of reaction's to the thing's around him especially with Bella, since he is still in love with her. I have a question for Jacob, Why does he keep doing all of these favors for Edward when what he really wants to do is kill him? And then again he wants to protect the Cullen's from his own tribe when earlier that day he wanted to fight?

I feel so sorry for Edward because he is so deppressed and stressed about Bella's being sick.
aqnd so he is so desparate that he is asking Jacob for favors. IT'S SAD.

Anyway thanx for reading my Blog! Hope you enjoyed it! It is a awesome book! :):)

Breaking Dawn

Monday, October 19, 2009

The city of ember


I'm reading a book called The City of Ember by jeanne duprau. Its about a city underground. The only light they have is light bulbs since they live under ground. I just started the book so I don't know much about he book yet but I have seen the movie. Any ways lets get back to the book, so far in the book their is these two people, Lina and Doon. They want to try to help the city but the don't know how. But the thing is they know that everything is running out so soon the won't have anything. Their trying to find a way to help the city.

Here's some of my crop qv letters.. I thought how it would feel like to be underground and how dark it would be. This reminds me of how we buried my brother in sand at the beach and how he must have felt! This make me feel like I'm under ground myself! I think later they will find this box that will help them to finding a way to go back to earths surface. I wonder if that's what really will happen!


Dear Ms. English and Class,

I am reading Breaking Dawn and I know that we just had our Belize project and we haven't been able to do this so I have to catch you up on 237 pages of my book, so listen up!

What happened in the beginning is that Bella and Edward got married, and for there honeymoon Edward took her to Esme island that is an island that Carlisle bought for Esme. When they got there they took a dip in the ocean; it was warm to them. For breakfast Edward made Bella eggs that is all they had the garbage was filled with egg cartons. (For me personally I don't really like eggs and if I had to eat just eggs I wouldn't be too happy about that.) Bella and Edward were expecting a baby but Edward thought that they would never had a child since he is a vampire and vampires don;t have kids. But they spoke to soon! Bella cooked up some fried chicken while Edward was gone hunting, she thought it was good but she spit it out because it was not. Bella thought that she got food poison because she was vomiting so much but it was actually because she was pregnant. When Edward came back and she told him he fell on the floor and was frozen she called Carlisle and asked him what to do he did not know what to do at all so he suggested they go home. Bella's bump on her stomach was getting bigger!

Now they have different books in this what you just saw was a summary of BOOK 1 Bella; not I am going to tell you about BOOK 2 Jacob.

When Jacob heard that Bella was sick from Sam then he thought that they broke the treatie by turning her into a vampire, he had to go see if she was alive or a bloodsucker like them. (Jacob calls them bloodsuckers) He herd that they would not even let Charlie see her. When Jacob went to the Cullen's house he saw that her stomach was huge! Also, that her stomach was swollen. Edward was so mad at himself Jacob came to kill Edward but that is what Edward wanted he wanted to die since Bella would not them take the baby out of her he wanted to be with her when she has died. Jacob talked with Bella and what he had said did not come clear to her she wanted a child that's what she gets in return she dies. First Jacobs pack said they would not attack the Cullen's and now they want to. Jacob quit the pack Seth Clearwater followed him and went to they warned the Cullen's. They were on there side. Then later on Leah came. They found out that Bella was getting worse not better but WORSE!!!!

That is when I stopped the book! I had a question and my question is Why won't they let Bella take they baby out so they BOTH can live? And Why won't one of the vampires turn her into one instead of letting her die?

Hope you enjoyed reading my Blog don't be afraid to post a comment Thank You! and Bye!




Hi class,
I have been reading a book called NERDS.Its about a a guy who is the Middle Schools QB and he gets braces and everyone calls him Braceface. All his friends turn against him and now he has no friends. He saw some nerds and starts to follow them in to lockers and he went into the lockers after them and he found himself in a big room with a lot of weird people. they start to chase him and then he finds himself trapped in a room. When the people found him they started to talk and then they put him in a seat and put a machine around him and when he woke up he found out that his braces can do amazing things like lift up cars and other crazy things.The leader of the spy's that are nerds but they can do amazing things sends him and the nerds on missions.

Some of my questions are how did the lockers transported people into a whole new room?
Another one is Where did they go on the missions?
My last one how do braces lift up cars?

Thanks For Reading,

new moon

I have been reading new moon and would like share it with you! During this book Bella gets hurt by Edward! That makes Edward want to leave Forks! Bella get suspicious about Edwards behavior! finally Edward tells her that he is leaving:( Bella gets very mad and really wants him to stay! Edward's family cant stay though because Edward's dad Carlisle is a doctor and since they are vampires and he has been a doctor for a while he doesn't want people getting suspicious about the Cullen family! Edwards family slowly left before him so he could have a chance to say goodbye to Bella! Bella did not take it well at all! shew wanted to go with him:) Edward would not let Bella go with him! Bella was very mad about that. They said goodbye and Edward drove off! Bella tried to follow Edward but all that did was get Bella terribly lost! Bella got lost in the woods and half of forks was looking for her! she was found by a guy named SAM! Sam carried Bella back home! Bella couldn't speak or at least couldn't seem to find her voice, she was very sad about all of this! poor Bella all she could think about was Edward! after a few months Bella's farther (charlie) told Bella she needed to go back to phoenix and live with her mom! Bella was very upset about this and didn't go! Charlie wanted Bella to move back because it seemed like Bella had no life! Charlie thought that all Bella thought about was Edward! That's why charlie wanted Bella to move back to phoenix so she could maybe get her mind off of Edward! Bella claimed that she didn't always think about Edward! Then Bella told Charlie that she would make plans with Jess and Angela tonight! Bella told her dad that so he would think she had a life! That's all i have gotten to so far cant wait to tell you more later!

The City Of Ember

Dear Class,

I am reading The City Of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau.The City O f Ember has no light!!!
People always worry when the lights go off and when they don't.For example if the lights went off when people of Ember were shopping, it is a big problem. It is just like when you are blind folded!!!!!
Let me introduce the Charecters ...........

The City of Ember is mostly about a girl named Lina Mayfleet who desperetly wants to be a messenger.Instead, she draws the dreaded job of Pipeworks laborer,which means she'll be working in the damp tunnels deep underground!!

Next we will go to a boy named Doon Harrow.Doon Harrow draws MESENGER and asks Lina to trade!!! Doon wants to be underground. That's where the generator is, and Doon has idea's about how to fix it.For as long as anyone can remember, the greatlights are biggining to flicker.........

That's when Doon , Lina , and Poppy ( Lina's little Sister) go into the tunnel underground to get into a new world. Read the sequel ( The People Of Sparks ) to find out what happens to Lina ,Doon , and Poppy!

While I was reading some thoughts popped into my head they are.......

1.Why did Lina and Doon want to go to a new world?

2.Wouldn't it be scary if there is no light?

3.Just imagine how scary it would be like when it is all dark in that tunnel!

4.Did They write any note to the people of Ember about the dark cave?

5. This makes me feel scary and happy at the same time because it would be scary to go undergroud by yourself and I feel happy because Doon, Lina, and Poppy are trying to figure out another way to get out of The City Of Ember ( Old City).