Friday, August 21, 2009


Hey class,

Right now I am reading the book "Runt". In it, a mother wolf gave birth to 4 pups ,Leader, sniffer, runner ,and Thinker, as the father (King) thought, after a little wile King found another pup being cleaned by his mother.

The newly born pup was very, very small for his age. He had black fur with a white star on his chest, just like his father, they called him Runt. As all the other pups got older they also grew, runt did too of course but he was still not as big as all of his brothers and sisters.In my book, King stood guard on the top of the nursing cave.
Your class mate, Sara Nguyen

Heroes Don't Run

Dear Ms. English and Class,

My book is called Heroes Don't Run. It's about a guy joining the marines after his dad was killed at Pearl Harbor. He joins as a Marine and goes into action on Okinawa. My first question is what is Cosmoline? It's greasy and their guns arrived covered in it. They said it's like Vaseline. I guess it's a kind of gas. I also want to know what it's made of. I also want to know why it was covered in it.

Second, how did he join the Marines at 17! The recruiter and his Grandpa allowed it and so did everyone else. He couldn't wait until he was 18 so he came to his Grandpa's and used that as an excuse. By the time he finished training it was late 1945 already. He first had action in Okinawa. If he started in 1942 he should have been in action before that.

Oddly enough he had a friend that was Japanese, but he also lived on the other side of the Sierra Mountains! They both joined the Marines too. Anyway the main reason Davi ( his friend) joined was because they would let his Family return to Hawaii. I haven't finished yet but so far it's pretty good.


Thursday, August 20, 2009


Dear Ms. English and Class,

I am reading Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. So far it is a great book. Right now in Eclipse Bella went to visit Jacob. Bella was so excited to see Jacob and also because if she did not make it Alice would see in her mind that Bella was going there and Edward would come get her. The Cullen's have a treaty with the Blacks that if one of the Cullen's crossed a line they would die. Jacob and Bella walked down by the beach and started talking about Sam Uley. Bella found out Sam Uley had ran away. Also, Bella found out that they don't age either and Jacob is twenty-five years old. Bella got so mad because the Cullen's don't age and now her best friend does not age because he is a werewolf.

When I was reading Eclipse a few questions popped into my head. The first question was, "Were did Sam Uley go when he ran away?" Also, "Why does Jacob want to kill Edward when Edward does not want to kill Jacob. I think that Edward does not want to kill Jacob because he knows it will hurt Bella. And Jacob wants to kill Edward before he turns Bella into a Vampire." Also, one of my opinions is that Bella can go to the Blacks whenever she wants to go, and Edward can not tell her what to do all the time.



The witches of worm

Dear class: The book I'm still reading is The witches of worm.So far as i've been reading,worm [a cat that everyone thinks looks like a worm] has made Jessica made her lose one of her friends.Worm told Jessica to lie to her friend Diane about coming to her birthday party.Whats weird is that every time Worm tells Jessica to do something bad and Jessica tries to prove that worm did it,worm hides under Jessica's bed and tries to be unseen.So far,this book is getting weirder by every chapter,but its still good.



Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Dear classmates,

I'm reading as you can see the Twilight #1. It is a very suspensful yet a enjoyable book I enjoy reading it very much!The two main characters are Bella and Edward. Edward as you probably have heard is a vampire who falls in love with a ordanary human named Bella.Bella does not understand how dangerous Edward can be to her, Edward try's to tell her but she will not listen to him. She is to drowned in how much she like's him and how much she wants to be with him that she does not pay any attention to his warnings.

One day when Bella was alone in the city Edward unexpecdtly came up and took her out to dinner and actualy told her face to face that he was a vampire.Shocker!!!!!! Ever since then they have been stuck to each other like magnets, wherever Bella goes Edward goes, wherever Edward goes Bella goes. It is like a pattern. Edward does not want Bella to get hurt,Then what will he do?If he loves her what will he do for her safety?

Zack Attack

Dear Ms. English and class,
I am reading Zack Attack a book that whould get you
dancing up in the air!
This book is about Zack and Cody hosting on the hit television show GO DANCE USA!
Their friend Max (she is a girl) who has the
coolest moves allways wanted to be on the show.Then she askes Zack to be
her partner , and Cody`s feelings are hurt.
But when Zack get injured it is up to Cody to bust a move with Max!
While I was reading this book some
thoughts popped into my head they are.........

1. Did Max really want to be Cody`s partner?
2. Was Cody happy that he is dancing with Max?
3.How did Zack injure his foot?
4. I was not happy that Cody fell down the stage
and the audiance noticed that it was not Zack.
5.How did Cody dance like Zack? Because Zack is alot more better
dancer than Cody.

The Lightning Thief

Dear Class,

The book I'm Reading is The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. I just read the first couple pages so I'm going to tell you my prediction. My prediction is that Percy Jackson (main character) will be a suspect for stealing Zeus's great bolt of lightning and he really didn't steal the bolt of lightning. Percy will kill to find the real thief. So he goes to find the thief and then he kills him. I think i will really like the book The Lightning Thief.



Bourne Identity

Bourne identity is a REALLY long book but worth it all . it is about a guy who washes up at shore, with two bullet wounds in his back and does not no who or what he is, plus the "helpful" government is trying to kill him. along the way he meets a french girl in London who agrees to tag along with him.....and he ends up protecting her and her family.

It made me feel sad about our government because it showed everything they have from cleaners to spy to assassins, and all mean and lethal. it also shows what he really is and if you want to read the book and don't want me to ruin the first 1/3 of the book, I suggest You do not read the next line.

He is a no-name (erased from file) rogue assassin.

Breaking Dawn

I read Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer. This book is about when Bella turns into a vampire and has a kid. Half-human, half- vampire. Then Irina, someone from a different vampire family, sees Renesmee ( Bella's daughter) playing in the snow. She reports the Cullen coven to the Volturi (vampire "kings") because immortal children are illegal. So the Cullens have to find enough witnesses to get the Volturi to wait and listen.

When Carlisle ( Edward's "dad") tells Bella about immortal children,he tells her that they are illegal. I wondered why they were illegal. It turns out that it's because if they get bitten at a certain age, they don't mature or learn. So they don't learn about not keeping the secret- they could expose vampires.

After that, Jacob imprinted on Renesmee. Imprinting is a reaction that werewolves have when meeting true love. How could he imprint on Renesmee when werewolves hate vampires? I still don't get it.

Irina saw Renesmee playing in the snow and didn't stop to ask questions- she just went right to the Volturi to report the Cullens. Why did she do that? Her coven, The Denali Coven, are practically like family. Why would she want to report people that are practically family? It's because her creator, made an illegal child. Because Irina lost her vampire mother to the Volturi, she has become very aware of the law and feels like it's her job to report the Cullens. But why would she report her close friends without proof?

The Cullens had to search everywhere for Carlisle's old friends, to persuade them to beleive the Renesmee was not a vampire child. Some vampires would not allow Renesmee to show them the truth. You see, she has a gift, just like Edward can read minds and Alice can see the future. Her gift is that she can show you her thoughts. All she has to do is touch you and you could see what she wanted you to see. She also matures very quickly. By the time she is 6 months, she knows how to walk and talk. When the Cullens were gathering witnesses, some vampires refused to touch Renesmee. Why? Others in their covens touched her and it didn't do any harm.


Dear fellow students and teachers,

I am reading the BFG by Roald Dahl. It is about a orphan girl called Sophie that lives in a cold, rusty orphanage with 12 other girls. One day when she is sleeping she wakes up and sees a giant called the Big Friendly Giant. Well, Sophie doesn't know that at the start, but she finds that out later in the book. Anyways, the giant takes Sophie to giant country where there are 8 HUGE giants that eat people. You might not believe that but it really is true. They don't notice Sophie because Sophie tries to stay out of view. Anyways, the Big Friendly Giant is friendly (obviously) and tries to keep Sophie in his cave.

I had some questions when I was reading this book. The first one was why did Sophie trust the giant when he was so HUGE?? and Sophie was tiny compared to him. I think Sophie was really scared when she noticed all the HUGE giants sleeping. They looked like mountains with their large stomachs. They are REALLY fat. I really like this book because it is really funny and weird.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Wide Window

Dear Fellow Students and Teachers,

I am read a book called the Wide Window which is the 3rd book in a Series of Unfortunate events but it is one of my favorite. It is by Lemony Snicket. Well of course that is not his real name but his pen name. It is about 3 orphans called Violet, Klaus, and Sunny whose parents have perished in a fire. Their parents left them a huge fortune but Count Olaf wants it VERY badly. The Baudelaires get sent to their scared Aunt Josephine which is scared of about everything. She lives on a cliff of Lake Lachrymose which has lachrymose leeches. The Leeches usually do not harm humans but when they smell food on humans then they attack. Aunt Josephine has a husband called Ike which got killed by the Lachrymose Leeches. He waited 45 minutes after eating instead of an hour. Anyways, now Josephine is scared of everything, from Lake Lachrymose to realtors. Count Olaf is very evil and sneaky, and he will do anything to get their fortune. This time Count Olaf dressed up as a guy called Captain Sham and he pretended he had a wooden leg. He fooled Aunt Josephine but not the Baudelaires, which notice everything. Count Olaf makes Josephine write a note telling that Captain Sham is their new parent, and made her jump out the window. Of course the Baudelaires noticed that Josephine was gone so they try to find her using the note she wrote. That's all I'll tell you now because this is my FAVORITE book and I wrote a lot already.

I had about a million questions, reactions, connections, opinions, predictions, and visualizations but I will probably just tell you three. First, how come all the Baudelaires' adopted parents tend to either die or are evil? Since they have to be raised by a relative, why would their relatives be evil? All the nice ones die (unfortunately) . I think that the Baudelaires feel really sad when they find a person they really like and then they see Count Olaf and they are just as dead as a doornail after 2 weeks. I know you are probably very bored because this is the longest reading response I have ever did, but there is just a little bit more. This book is not like any you've read before because it tells the story from the first person, not from Violet, Sunny, Klaus, or Count Olaf, but from the author, Lemony Snicket. You never notice it except in the beginning of all the chapters. You never have to look in a dictionary when you read this book and come to words you don't know because it tells you the meaning when it comes to a difficult word, like dowager. This book is the best book I've read and you should really read it too. FINALLY we're at the end!



(everyone calls me that for some reason so I guess I'll call myself that because it sounds nice)

Tuck Everlasting


I am reading Tuck Everlasting. It is about a girl who gets lost in the woods and finds a boy name Jesse. When Jesse tells Winnie their families secret she is forced to come back to their house so they know she will not go off and tell their secret. I wondered why Jesse told her the secret in the first place if they didnt want any body else to know. Was he expecting her to drink the water and come with them? I think this is a great book and I would definatly suggest it.



Dear classmates,

The book I am reading is called Eleven. In the book Winnie has just gone through a hard but an very unselfish thing. The hole fifth grade went to an ice skating rink and near the end of the night there was something called girls pick where all the girls got to pick one boy to skate with and hold hands. But when Winnie wants to pick a boy named Toby, but a weird and annoying boy named Alex tells the principle that he thinks he will not be picked, so when the principle heard that she went to Winnie and asked her if she would be nice and ask him (as an option), and Winnie would feel guilty. So Winnie ended up skating with Alex!!! One of my reactions when I read that was that I felt bad for Winnie because she didn't get to skate with the one she wanted to(Toby).

Judy moody MD the doctor is in

Dera ms english

i am still reading judy moody MD the doctor is in and i have a few question like how judy say that she sick and her brother tell his mom that judy is not sick she just dont want to go school and the next day her mom ask judy how she feel she was sick and judy say that she's fine and she go school and her teacher MR TODD say good moning he say and the class say good moning MR TODD and he tell what they doing today they trying to find the human body bones is that true that the human body are true? gf

The amazing days of Abby Hayes, Te Declaration Of Independence

Dear Class,

The book that i have started to read is called, The Amazing Days Of Abby Hayes, The Declaration Of Independence. This book is about a girls parents that are going to join the Fall Festival at the high school. Abby wants to go with her friend and not her parents and she wants to prove how mature she can be.

Abby lives with a mom , dad, little brother named Alex, and two twin sisters that fight a lot named, Eva and Isabel. I had a few questions on this book, i was wondering why Alex making a big deal about Abby getting to go to the Festival with her friends. My other question was did Abby want to do soccer.

This book remind s me of when i always go to Disney World i have to stay with my parents. It is very annoying and embarrassing but i Know why, because Disney world is a big place just to go around by you're self.

I think that Abby will take Alex somewhere to make it up to him, because you can't keep someone mad forever.



Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

I'm Reading Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets,

So far harry has to stay home with his muggel family ( muggels are people who aren't magical)
They locked all his magic things in a small closet and they even put bars across his window so he coudnt escape back to Hogwats. (Harrys magic school) His best friend Ron and Ron's brothers Charlie and Bill go to harry's house to rescue him. After they do that they go to Ron's house. Ron and his brothers get in trouble for flying the car but harry does not.

One of my questions was how did Ron know where harry was?
Why did harry's family not like him?


Monday, August 17, 2009

Hurt go Happy

Dear Class,

I am reading Hurt go Happy by Ginny Rorby. It is about a deaf girl called Joey. Joey has red hair and a brother. She meets a chimp when she is picking mushrooms and has fun with her. I have not finished the book but so far it is pretty good. I like it when Sukari, the chimp, made Joey try to learn how to use sign language because she currently does not know how to use sign language. Joey can sort of lip read though. If you want to read something interesting, you really should read this book. I think joey feels really frustrated when she does not know what other people are saying. She only catches a few words so she has to kind of make out the other words. If I were Joey I would feel left out. I would be thankful that Sukari came.

My Mom and Other Mysteries of the Universe

Arlie thinks her mother's always bossing her around. Her mother thinks she needs to have more effort in everything. Her parents are going on a business trip. So she going to one of her relatives. Basically that's all I've read so far because I just started it.

I like the book because very interesting and I want to know what will happen next. I predict that she will see her mom in a whole different way. After she sees her mom in a whole different way she will obey her more. This is a very good book because she learns to like her mom better and know that her mom loves her. I would be very sad if I thought my mom didn't love me.

Peter and the Starcatchers

I have been reading a book called Peter and the Starcatchers. The author is Dave Barry and the illistrator is Ridley Pearson. Its almost like Peter Pan but this is more than the little kid version. What I have so far is about Peter and other orfananages are about to go on a boat called the Never Land. Some of my questions why are Peter and the other orfanages going on the boat? The other question is where is the boat Never Land going?

Thanks for reading,

Abby Hayes

Dear, Class i have been reading abby hayes and i left you a post on friday and nothing really big has happened but now i know for a fact that she is not ever going to quit soccer!!!!! I admire that beacause she has done so much and it would be so sad for her to give up know!
Thanks for your time i hope to have more info soon