Thursday, April 1, 2010

The lightning thief...!!!

Dear class,

This week i am reading a book called the lightning thief. I have only been reading this book for one day so there is not as much to talk about then there would be... !

I think this author wrote this book so people can understand some more on Greek gods and goddesses. This story is about a boy named Percy Jackson. Percy at first does not know he is a demigod. A demigod is a someone that is a son of a real god. Percy does not know that cause in there world Zeus does not let gods see their children.

Most of the teachers in Percy's school are demigods. When Percy finds out what he was him and his friend needed to hide in a special camp. This camp only allows people like Percy. His family is not like him so they cant go to the camp, so its just him and his friend...

The reason Percy goes here is because the gods think he is the thief that stole the lightning bolt from Zeus. Percy really did not steal it, but because they think so Percy's mom has been taken to the underworld where the devil lives and burns anything exiting in lava.Now him and his two friends are headed down to safe his mother from dying.

Thanks :)


On the Shores of Silver Lake

Dear readers,

On the shores of silver lake by Laura Ingalls wilder is about a girl, named Laura because this book is about the writers life. She has three sisters, Mary(the oldest and blind), Carrie (about 7), and grace (younger then Carrie about 2), and also ma and pa. They have all been sick except for Laura and pa. that's how Mary turned blind. One day aunt Docia came she had drove all the way from Wisconsin to the rail road camps in Dakota territory. She came to see if pa would go with her. Her husband, uncle hi, wanted a good storekeeper, bookkeeper, and timekeeper and pa could have the job. It payed 50 dollars a month she said. (and that was a lot for back then). But they were all sick. So pa just went and they stayed till they were all better. When they were all better they went on the train for the very first time. When they got to the railroad makings they stayed in a little shack. Pa worked the store until the railroad was done. After all the workers left they got to live in the surveyors house because the surveyor moved on to mark another piece of land. And that's all I've read so far but its still a really good book.

I think the authors purpose was to talk about her life when she was growing up and how you can have adventures any time you lived. One of the authors word choices where "at sunset the whole large lake was covered with birds of all kinds speaking in every kind of birds voice to each other before they went to sleep on a nights rest on their long journey from north to south." This is the 5 book out of the whole series which is like 10 or 9 books. i think its really good and imaginative on how it would be like growing up in the 1800's.

Miles To Go

Dear Readers,

I have been reading this book miles to go and it really good book.i like this book because it's just right for me and i like the book.whats happening in the book is that...she talks about her life and especially her younger life!And how she became star i think she write this book because she want to share her life with people who is reading this book.i think she enjoy working with her dad because her dad helps with her music.

Miley Cyrus (author) is really trying to tell me about her life and understand what she saying how she became a star and she doesn't want people to know who she is and i understand because that was her dream and she doesn't want to lose your dream i think i understand why the author wrote this book, because the author is trying to tell us how dream can be hard sometimes and wishing for a big dream


The Vampire Diaries

Dear Classmates and Ms.English,
The book I am now reading is called 'The Vampire Diaries the awakening'. I think the author (L.J. Smith)wrote this book was because she likes vampires and she wanted others to too.
When the author wrote 'I don't know. Maybe it's terminal and his days are numbered. would't that be romantic?' (Bonnie Elenas BFF said that) I imagend Elena being there when Stefan was dying and Elena was in tears. But from prior Twilight knogle I know that Stefan is for shore a vampire and he doesn't have a sickness where he has to wear his sunglasses everywhere beacause vampires don't get sick they can't. So I think that the author L.J. Smith wrote that to prove how clueless every one is about the new boy Stefan who wear his shades inside. And that no one would even think one bit that he possibly could be a vampire.
I think that this perticuler author wrote this book because she really liked vampires and thought that they were reallya intresting kind kind to write about. And she love to write so she just probably went for it.
I think that the author used the title 'The Vampire Diaries' because if you read the book you'll see that its from every ones point of view and every thing the vampires hear and think its right in the book and if you were a vampire who would right in a diarie whats on the page is most likely what youed write.So iI would have named it the vampire diaries too.


Dear Class,

The book I am reading is called Millions by Frank Cotterell Boyce. I have only read a few pages so I am going to make a prediction for what is going to happen. I think there is a family and they are very poor and they need money. And one of the boys is walking and they see a big bag of money drop right in front of them. He picks it up and runs home when he gets home he sees there is over a million dollars!!!! They start figuring out what to spend it on. Then in the bag is a note saying there is only 17 days you can spend this money! The family is stunned. They wonder what to do with it and then...... I think they..... buy smaller stuff that will help them and they buy stocks to make money while the 17 days are over. I think the author wrote this because it could entertain readers and it teaches you that money is all that is important in life. I think he chose the title because the family gets MILLIONS of dollars. I would chose the same title also. I think this book will be great.

breaking dawn

hello class ..I'm not sure that i have talked about this book breaking dawn with you yet!

well here we go
Edward and Bella have a small wedding at the Cullen's house after the wedding ...Bella and Edward go on their honey moon on Esme's island! Bella finds out that she is pregnant with a half vampire half human baby that is a girl. they name her Renesmee Cullen because Renee is Bella's moms name and Esme is Edwards moms name!i think that this part is important to the author because it really gets everyone interested in the book!because no one knew that there was such thing as a half vampire!

when Bella is giving birth to Renesmee she(Bella) has to be turned into a vampire because she cant handle all the pain since Renesmee is ripping up her bones:( so since Bella is a newborn vampire she cant see Renesmee till she is about ready to handle seeing a human or half human!finally Bella gets to see Renesmee she sees Renesmee and of course falls in love with her in a motherly kind of love but Jacob falls in love with renesmee in a boyfriend and girlfriend kind of love! Bella gets mad at Jacob at first but then she doesn't really care that much! the picture i saw in my head was of bella hapily holding renesmee knowing that everyone is safe and happy!

so Bella and Jacob take Renesmee hunting and Irene sees Renesmee and thinks she is a immortal and since Irene is currently mad at the Cullen's since they killed her friend Laurent she goes and tells the volturi!which gets the volturi mad even though Renesmee isn't a immortal she is a half human half vampire baby but Irene doesn't know that! the volturi get mad and they bring everyone and come hunting after the Cullen's! so Edward and Bella Cullen and the rest of the Cullen's and werewolf's find witness's to explain and prove that Renesmee is not an immortal....the volturi comes and they find out Renesmee is not an immortal and everything is okay! the picture i saw in my mind was all the witness with renesmee standing on one side and then all the volturi and irene on the other side!

i think that in this book the suthor stephenie myer saw that there needed to be something new to concentrate on other then just vampires fighting so to have a new born baby in the bok that was half human half vampire is really cool so i think she did a very good job on everything like she always is!
thank you for reading my blog

chow FOR know


Monday, March 29, 2010

Dead Girls' Dance (Second book out of The MorganVille Vampires)

Claire Danvers has her own challenges-like being real smart in school that favors beauty over brains, dealing with homicidal girls in her dorm, and above all, finding out that her college town is run by vampires. She has a great roommate, Micheal. (who tends to disappear at sunrise) and a new boyfriend, Shane. (who is also her roommate) Shane's vampire-hunting dad has called in for backup: cycle punks who like the idea of killing just about anything.

Now a fraternity is throwing its annual Dead Girls' Dance and-surprise!-Claire and her equally outcast best friend Eve (which is another on of her roommate) has been invited to this party by a guy Claire ran into at the campus coffee shop. When they find out why, all bad things are going to break lose. Because this time both the living and the dead are coming out, and everybody is starving for blood.

In the book Dead Girls' Dance I am at the part where Eve is going crazy because she wants to go kill Oliver (which is a vampire) to get Shane. They put Shane in a cage that is really small, small enough he cannot stretch out. He is in there because Oliver and Amelie (head vampire) thinks that Shane had something to do with the death of Brandon. (a vampire) When really Shane had nothing to do with it. Micheal has locked Eve in her room because if she is out she will run away to save Shane and risk the chances of dying. And Micheal will not let Eve die. Claire is going to a house that she had accidentally visited before, because that was where Amelie was. Claire is going there to convince Amelie that Shane had nothing to do with the death of Brandon.

The Vampire Diaries The Return: Shadow Souls

Dear Readers,
I am reading The Vampire Diaries The Return: Shadow Souls.By L.J. Smith. You have probably heard of this Series before because some people in my class have read it too. I am on page 142 and sorta started over trackout. Anyways, In the third book of the seris Stefan Salvatore Elenas Boyfriend (who is a vampire) Was captured by 2 demons name Misaio and Shinichi. So, in the begining of the fourth book the one I am reading now Damon Salvatore ( Stefans brother he is a vampire too)Is on a road trip with Elena to the underworld to get Stefan from the Demons. And also another person is in on the trip and his name is Matt Honeycutt and he is Elenas old boyfriend who would do anything for her.( He is human) So Elena is in love with Stefan but on the way she starts to fall in love with Damon who wants her to be his Princess of Darkness. But Matt sees Elena and Damon kissing and runs off back to his house because of his fustration. So that was a major negative on the road. Another negative is Shinichi is still not done with Damon, he takes Damons memories so he can't remember what happened on a very important night. The only thing he remembers is who Elena is and where Stefan is hidden in the underworld( A place called Shi no Shi for vampires and Demons) and how to get there and where the keys are hidden to Stefans Cell in the Shi no Shi. that is how far ive gotten but here are some Questions and Answers.

- The picture I had in my mind was when Elena had a OBE ( Out of Body Expeirence) And she was with Stefan in his jail cell at the Shi no Shi. Though she was only a spirit and her real body was asleep in the car. But she could still talk to Stefan. But this is the cool part they were both thinking about each other so that was why Elena had an OBE.I thought it was her in her lace nightgown and Stefan in his ragged clothes and how embarrassed he must have felt. And how Elenas tears were dripping from her pail face onto his flushed face. And how the jail cell was made of cold iron and was unbreakbly strong. And how sad but romantic the moment was.

-I think L.J. Smith cares alot about Damon because she wrote Stefan away to let Elena and Damon spend more time together. And that is alot of time.

Thank you sooooo much for reading!!!:):):)Have a great day!!!


Inkheart is about the girl Meggie and her father Mortimer (she calls him Mo) and starts with them in there house (to avoid arson....they have to move alot)(Meggie doesn't know that) where they are bookworms, Mo's courier is a bookbinder (Meggie calls him a book doctor) and one night and old friend of Mo's the (precariously named) dustfinger. That changes everything and soon they are kidnapped by the man here father (and dustfinger) fear the most, CAPRICORN (yeah, that's his name) meggie later finds out that her father has a reading voice so beautiful that it can (literally) bring books to life, and summon objects from the story from it) this happens at random, there is no possible way to controls his power) and that is why he never reads out loud

Dustfinger Capricorn and Basta (his REALLY loyal and evil henchmen) are all summoned from the book on accident while he read it to Meggie (as a young girl) and you wont believe what happens from summoning them? his wife (Teresa or "Resa") is sucked in!!!

After escaping they find the author Fenoglio and try to get him to give him the last copy of the book that summoned Capricorn (Fenoglios pride and joy in all the books he wrote) as they were burnt so Capricorn can stay in this story (our world).

After being kidnapped again (with Fenoglio too) Are set to be executed...but Meggie can read too!
(Her father was not kidnapped, Bastas fatal flaw is that he is extremely superstitious) and then they find out that Fenoglio can write a story to control the world around them if Meggie reads it!

They are later to summon "the shadow" (I almost screamed at the description) to kill themselves or they will die a death of bleeding (a bad one BTW) So Fenoglio rewrites that page and she is supposed to summon him to kill Capricorn (she can't so Mo sneaks in and does)
Mo must have no feelings....

This story is cool because it has a interesting twist, when the stuff is read out of the book (with one minor exception) it is lost, sometimes it can't breath or is missing its love (the Nutcracker) and with the help of Fenoglio can even have a Happy ending! If Winnie the pooh bear came out, would he want to play? or sit in a corner and mope about his lost friends (a debate handled in the book) and some of these made me cry (read the end of that book about the paper ballerina and the nutcracker...comment if u know the real name) and were some what fixed so Meggie would not hurt anything (she has a guilty conscience).

Another is how much fate is put in this story, is our world but another one? lying on the shelf of a super beetle with laser vision's library? Can you tamper with it? Rewrite the story so everyone has a happy ending, or is it to late? when the books timeline ends can the story be rewritten so that it really happened? (Does this even make sense too you?)

This book was made to show stuff the way they really would be, a animal (like a fairy) would be lost here, bumping its head against a window over, and over, and over again, till fate catches up and finished its story.

The author is probably proud at how much this enigma made readers think and how the villain was no stereotype, but a man with no feelings, guilt, and respect and would remind me of Al Qaeda in the real world! This story is the most realistic fiction i have ever read!!!!