Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Hunger games

I am reading the hunger games and so ar i is soo say! A girl named Katniss is going into the hunger games which is were you go and kill people in your district and you even have to kill you team mate! But when Katniss's little sister was voted into the hunger games Katniss takes her spot! When they pick the boy for the hunger games they pick the boy that gave Katniss the bread and he was thankful and mad at the same me because he may bretend to like her and then kill he because she is in a daze at him! When Katniss and Peeta ae on the train to the Capital they find out that Haymmatch is a drug addict and he is drunk all the time and evem made himself ucoisious! So when Peea shows Katniss the roof top kaniss asked if they would let young kids up here and he said yes because there was a electricence fence so if they fell or jumed off they would "shoot" you back onto the roof tops and even showed he what he me! I am at the part where they are training for the hunger games. So far it is a good book and it is very intresting and scarer each page I read!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My name is brain Brian

Hello i have been reading this book called my name is brain Brian

in this book Brian finds out that he has a disease called dyslexia. what dyslexia is,is a learning disability that is most common for happening during reading or writing what doctors have seen is that the people with dyslexia say that "the letters are dancing" my dancing they mean the letters are floating around and they cant read what the word actually says all they see is the letters dancing and they can't make a word out of it.

well any way lets get back to the book!

Brian and his friends are sitting in there secret hide out the day before summer break is over. they all absolutely HATE school but this year Brian wants to try to do his best that he can.

there is one little problem though it is that he doesn't want his friends to think he is a nerd so he doesn't tell them.

Brian and his friends decide that they will put money in a pot each week and they will earn money from the part for each joke they no one knows that Brian has dyslexia so what happens is Brian is spelling his name up on the board when he accidentally spells brain. so that is because the letters are "dancing" in his head. he doesn't realize so he gets confused when everyone is laughing and then he looks and sees what he has done wrong.he didn't mean to that but he just earned some points! so he is excited about that but he was sorta confused about why he wrote that on the board when he didn't even mean to??????????? later this week his teacher ask him if he could have his parents come in to talk about something. he gets worried but then it ends up being about a disability that the teacher thinks Brian might have. his parents agree to get him a tutor and get tested so they know he is properly diagnosed and they have not just made a mistake. they find out that Brian is dyslexic and Brian goes to a tutor every day after school and he is okay with that but he just has to hide it from his friends because again he is afraid they might think he is a nerd or a braniac or something like that when really all Brian is trying to do is to get some help so he doesn't fall anymore behind.then Brian is told that he has to do a project on Canada geese with his enemy Isabella! while he is recording sound on the top of the hideout he sees two of his friends from the club with two other people and it is a rule that you cant go with any other people in less everyone in the hideout agreed. and obviously they all didn't wow i cant believe this is what Brian was thinking.after all the rules we agreed on together they are just breaking the rules?i can't believe them would they really do that? wow i know i never would!!that as you can probably see it shocked Brian a lot.poor Brian he was just trying to keep his dyslexia and wanting to do better in school private.after that Brian didn't think that he trusted those 2 guys with the clubs pot money???????????????
I'm going to leave you hanging. so get the book it is really good it was for a research project but turned out to be one of my favorites.

thank you for reading


Too much Flapdoodle

In this book there is a boy named Parker and he begged his parents to go to his crazy great aunt and uncle's instead of going to computer camp. So when he gets there he relizes that they don't have any outlets or electric stuff they used fire to cook meals istead of an oven. Whebn his parents are leaving they throught there cell phone out and into the pond so that no one can call them and then Parker starts running after them and then starts to cry... but when his uncle said that he would soon not miis them he says " I don't miss them i forgot my stupid ipod in the stupid back seat of the stupid car!!!" And when he relizes how fun it was at his great aunt and i=uncle's house then he wants t0 stay longer at another great great aunt and uncles house... Can he survive these people?

The Girl Who Cried Monster!

Dear Readers,

I Have read the book Goosebumps: The Girl Who Cried Monster. In this book there is a girl named Lucy Dark and she is spending her summer vacation annoying her six-year old brother with minor scares and participating in the local library's reading program. It is called 'Reading Rangers' and run by the unpleasent Mr. Mortman (who always has wet hands). He encourages Lucy to read the classics, but she is only interested in monster tales. In a failed attempt to retrieve forgotten rollerblades, Lucy sees Mortman transform into a monster while feeding his pet turtles. Lucy tries to tell her friends and family, but no one believes her because of her monster obsession. She uses the reading club to hide in the library again and witnesses Mortman transform for a second time. She sees him eat a turtle!

Lucy runs to the locked door and realizes the door is locked from the inside. She makes it out of the library again. She runs home and sees her friend Aaron, who she then tries to convince that she saw a monster. He doesn't believe her. She goes into her house and tries to convince Randy about Mr. Mortman, but he too doesn't believe her. Mortman shows up at her house to return a forgotten bookbag and ask if she stayed behind. She lies. Mortman leaves as her mother shows up. Lucy bribes Aaron into spying on Mortman as again, no one believes her. Aaron sees him transform but is unreliable later. Another round of hiding in the library nets Lucy photographic evidence, but Mortman sees her and gives chase. Lucy escapes. Her film ends up showing an empty desk; Mortman seemingly does not resolve on film.

Lucy and Aaron tail Mortman home. She sees him eating several live fish, snails and eels from an aquarium. Aaron does not, as he is looking for a ladder. Lucy is caught but gives a convincing cover story. She is later forced to attend the Reading Rangers meeting. Mortman locks the door and makes her feel threatened. She spills part of a card catalogue, distracting the adult and allowing her to escape. She meets up with Aaron, who had seen Mortman transform and is willing to talk. Lucy's parents, upon hearing the news, invite Mortman for dinner. Halfway through it is revealed that Lucy's family reveal they are monsters. To the cheers of the kids, Mortman is eaten by the parents.


The Summer of the Swans

Yo bloggers!

sn here reading " The Summer of the Swans". In this book there is a girl named Sara (haha) that has some problems over the summer and gets pretty steamed over some things that happen. She tells her sister Wanda that she has really big feet and how the boy with the biggest feet in the school could fit them perfectly!!! she said that Every one notices them but Wanda says
"No one notices that kind of stuff because they're to worried about their problems". Sara looks at her orange shoes and says ''EVERYONE notices mine!'' Wanda says ''well if you want to hide some thing you don't go painting them orange!'' "I love my orange shoes!" says Sara. Hope you enjoyed my blog! See ya!!!

Mary on Her Own

Dear readers,

The book that I'm Reading is called Mary own her own it's about a girl that goes off to a blinds college called Iowa college for the blind. She became blind from scarlet fever because it reached her eyes. In the book she has many trump times that are hard for her like staying at the college for winter and not going home, another time is when she was lost because a student left her in the rain but then the student got sent home. She also had many good times though like meeting all new people and great friends and having a education even though shes blind.

In this book I learned that anyone can go to school and accomplish anything. I think that this book was very great and inspiring. If I was Mary I would defiantly not be as calm as she was during her life when she was blind because without sight you can't do as much and have as much fun in things. This book was very inspiring to me you should read it sometime.

Narnia: Prince caspian

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lord of Misrule

In a College Town, vampires and humans have a relatively bloodless harmony. Until Amelie's Father Bishop Comes to Town. He threatens evil back into the undead and break the peace. But Bishop is not the only threat to the town.

Violent black clouds promise a storm of devastating proportions. As Claire Danvers and her friends Eve, Micheal, and Shane try to defend Morganville against natural and unnatrual. Suddenly, the vampires begin to disappear one by one, Until Claire finds out something that leads her to her final choice: Swear Allegiance to Bishop or Die!

In these books when a vampire goes into the sun they get burned which can make them die depending on how old they are. Officer O'Malley starting just walking out in the sun and Claire tried to stop him but he pushed her out of the way the covered him in a blanket to try to help but he died. I wonder why he would just die like that? Did he want to or did Bishop do something to him? When Eve, Claire, and Hannah arrived at the University Micheal almost walked out into the sun. Micheal is the youngest vampire so he could die immediately. They had to shoot him. (But he is okay) Claire and Eve are wondering why this is happening. Hannah has a cousin who lives in a house very similar to Claire's. It is a founder house. (A founder house is a house owned by Amelie) They went in it to give Lisa (Hannah's cousin) a walkie-talkie, when they walked in the house she has weapons and in the living room chairs with vampires tied to them. Lisa is on the human side, she does not care for vampires one bit. As for Claire and her friends want it to end out in peace between both sides. That is how I would want it to end too. I wonder why Lisa doesn't like vampires? Everybody in the town has a job to do so that everybody is safe, Claire, Eve, and Hannah where sent to hand out the walkie-talkies. Shane is taking care of the bloodmobile and the vampire's appetites. Micheal is supposed to be guarding the university. They are trying to make Bishop leave but not kill him because Bishop is Amelie's dad. I wonder why Bishop wants to destroy his daughters town? That is it for now!

Hope you enjoyed!

