Friday, October 30, 2009

Smart Feller Fart Smeller

I read Smart Feller Fart Smeller by Jon Agee. (not the Jon in Garfield) . It is a book with lots of spoonerisms. If you don't know what spoonerisms are then go to and find it. Or read Runny Babbit: A Billy Sook by Shel Silverstein. Anyways this book is really funny and if you like funny stuff then read this book, because it has lots of funny stuff. Here's a hint about what spoonerisms are: A grilled cheese sandwitch and a chilled grease sandwitch. (I spelled sandwich like that because of Halloween.) Grilled cheese sandwitches are delicious, aren't they? I love grilled cheese. There's lots of spoonerisms in this book that are really funny. And in this book there are pictures to go along with the words to make it funnier. You should really read this book if you are in a bad mood because this will cheer you up.

A connection I had to this book was: on the AG field trip to the Renissance festival there was this show with a person called Zilch and he talkied in spoonerisms, like Cinderella would be Rindercella. It was really funny.
I think this is a short blog (compare to what I usually do). Why this is short: This book is really short too. It has lots of pictures. And I can't believe why this is nonfiction!!!
I can'tt waiiit till Halloween!!!
If I wrote MUST....EAT....CHEESE..... then what would it be if I said that in spoonerisms?
Once again: You should REALLY read this book. As in REALLY.
And leave a comment because I am really bored right here!

I wrote the whole thing again in Webdings (the font) WHAT is webdings?

I read Smart Feller Fart Smeller by Jon Agee. (not the Jon in Garfield) . It is a book with lots of spoonerisms. If you don't know what spoonerisms are then go to and find it. Or read Runny Babbit: A Billy Sook by Shel Silverstein. Anyways this book is really funny and if you like funny stuff then read this book, because it has lots of funny stuff. Here's a hint about what spoonerisms are: A grilled cheese sandwitch and a chilled grease sandwitch. (I spelled sandwich like that because of Halloween.) Grilled cheese sandwitches are delicious, aren't they? I love grilled cheese. There's lots of spoonerisms in this book that are really funny. And in this book there are pictures to go along with the words to make it funnier. You should really read this book if you are in a bad mood because this will cheer you up.
A connection I had to this book was: on the AG field trip to the Renissance festival there was this show with a person called Zilch and he talkied in spoonerisms, like Cinderella would be Rindercella. It was really funny.

I think this is a short blog (compare to what I usually do). Why this is short: This book is really short too. It has lots of pictures. And I can't believe why this is nonfiction!!!

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

I finished reading The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi. Apparently Charlotte gets accused of murdering Mr. Hollybrass. She thinks it is Zachariah or Captain Jaggery. So she has a trial and is found guilty. She goes into the brig (a jail on a ship) and finds Zachariah in there. Zachariah is supposed to be dead because Jaggery whipped him.

When Jaggery was giving the trial, why didn't anyone stand up for Charlotte? She became part of the crew and they became her friends. She helped them a lot and they all hate Jaggery. Charlotte tried to make it up to them when Zachariah and Cranick died because of her. Was it because they were scared that Jaggery would kill them if they spoke up.

How did Zachariah survive the beating? Jaggery whipped him 50 times and it looked like he died. I can tell that if he only whipped Zachariah once, he would've died. But 50?

Avi makes it like you're in the book so I felt betrayed when I found out that Keetch was informing the captain about everything. At first it seemed like he was on the crew's side. It turns out that Keetch was telling Jaggery everything from the beginning.

If you like adventure, mysteries, and you're okay with some boring parts, then you should read The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. Actually, the whole first part is boring. But if you skip it, the second part won't make sense.

Double story special!

This is another blog with 2 books. One is a history of martial arts and the other is a crime and detection book. I'll start with Crime/Detection. It's a eyewitness book about Crime and Detection. I thought it was funny when it told about a fraud who put in a add in a newspaper saying, we have a 100% effective way to kill cockroaches. People who baught it got 2 blocks of wood with instructions saying " place cockroach on block A , then stike block B hard on top of block A. It worked but he got arrested anyway.

Mah next book is called The Matial Arts Book. It's about the history and present martial arts from the 18 hands of the Lo-Han, to Kung Fu ,to Tai Chi , to Karate, Tae Kwon Do ,and Kendo. I learned about Ninjas ( Girl ones to) and samurais. Ninjas throw Shurikens which can be dipped in poison and were masters of disugise. I wonder why they have non humans in Samurai time Japan. Non Humans were the Janitors of Ancient Japan, they washed garbage of the streets and did things others would rather not do.

It also tells about how different Martial arts are now. I feel sad about the fact people learn Martial Arts to beat people up when it really is for a good mind and body.

The Cat that went to Heaven

I have just finished reading The Cat that Went to Heaven. The story begins in India where an old housekeeper brings home a cat to her master, a poor artist. Then a priest comes to ask the artist to paint a picture of the Buddha. He then paints the animals who recived the blessings of the Buddha, including the horse, the swan, and the tiger. When he saw that the cat was upset, he then added a cat. Then the cat died out of joy. The wanted to burn the painting because the cat was in there. But later that night, where the cat was in the picture, she was now next to the Buddha in the painting.
If you are a cat lover like I am, you'll like this book. It has won a Newbery Award and I'm glad it did because it is a very good book. Read it if you don't believe me!

The Roar Of The Croud

I'm reading The Roar Of The Crowd by Rich Wallace
so far its about a boy named Manny and his friend Donald who are on a football team. Manny wants to be in more than one play for practice but so far that hasn't happened, the coach is picking special teams for the real game against another team. Manny and Donald are looking forward to the picking and hope to be picked.

My conection with this book is' I met a famus football player on my favorite team and also my naibor plays football and before he was on the team he went to tryouts and realy wanted to get in. He would practice everyday.


Dear class,

I am in the middle of the book can you belive it, but i still had some questions about the book, but i'll get to that later. This book is so good i am glad i talk my parents into it. Twilight is a drama book and im all into drama that is why i am reading this book. Twilight is a great book and i have a question for it.
The question is why dose Bella just tell Edward that she likes him? Its no big deal, then again they are in High School. Hope i can read all of Stephenie Meyer's book's.

Dogs (*authors note* i like dogzez)

Guess what this book is about?

thats right cats!

lol O.o

This is a non-fiction book about dogs and it is mostly about there evolution from wolves!

It shows the many different breeds, compares them, and then shows there origin It also has an awful lot about about domestication and how they communicate.

This book has once again made me and I quote "like I said last time 'more closer to my dog then ever!!!' yeah" I now know that they say hello by sniffing and "snuffing" noses, they lick each other to seal the welcome, and (from my personal experience) it is ALOT of licking (I hope you like dog spit). The (true) stories in this book are heart melting and I think the domestication with dogs is the best domestication yet!


Thursday, October 29, 2009


Dear class and others ,
as you know I'm reading Avalon #3 right now I'm on pg.3 and the girls haven't found any new info bout the magic place called Avalon... On the backof this book it says ...:


Dear class,

The book I am reading is Sent by Margaret Peterson Haddix. After the guards left the kids spent the night in the palace and when they woke up they started to eat the bread that was supposed to be for the king. After they eat they go out of the palace and see everybody moving toward the church. So they follow the people and find out that they are introducing a new king. When the kids see the king Chip yells "Usurper! Thief! Murderer! You do not deserve to be king!!!" Then he took off running. Jonah started to chase Chip as he was running away. Then Jonah caught up and then he grabbed Chip's leg and Chip fell. Then they went to a cave to get stuff planned out. Jonah had a plan and they went with his plan. They went inside a church and stood next to King Richard III. Sense they were invisible they could say anything. They started making fun of Richard then the invisibility turned off so Richard could see them. They took off running and then went to the Queens house. Chip and Alex connected with their tracers at the Queens house then JB took Jonah and his sister out of time. They saw JB and their was a screen and King Richard was coming to the house. So Chip and Alex hid away. When the King left Jonah and his sister fast forward thorough the time 2 years with Chip and Alex still in the 15 century. So next Jonah and Katherine go to save Chip and Alex in a war. When they succeeded they went back to the 21 century to see their parent they were so happy to see them again!
I have a reaction and it is that I was shocked when i read that they were going to fast forward through time and leave Chip and Alex there.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

In The Eye Of The Tornado!

Hi Class,

I am reading a book named In The Eye Of
The Tornado! By: David Levithan. Are any of you guys interested
in storms? Well if yes read this book to figure some things about tornados!!

Let me introduce the charecters to you......
Some of the charecters are ( obiously) the killer tornado,and the Atwood
family. The Atwood family is helping the world by warning if a tornado comes so that people could take imidiate shelter.

This book is mostly about Adam, Stieg, and their grandfather. When
Adam's and Stieg's mom and dad die in the Tornado they live with their grandfather who has a mansion. In the mansion they live in a underground maze to protect themselves when a tornado hits.

But now the Killer Tornado is coming! But they have to
find out where, and they have to get there
first. NO one can help them. Suddenly someone very powefull wants to stop
them! AND TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!!!!! Read this book to find out what happens!

While I was reading some thoughts popped into my head......

1. Why do Adam and Stieg want to risk their life?

2. Wouldn`t it be sad that Adam and Stiegs mom and dad are dead

3.What happens when a tornado hits?

4. Why would someone stop Stieg and Adam?

5. How old were Adam and Stieg when their mom and dad died?

6. Why would the Atwood family be poor if their dad was a buisness man?

7. Do Adam and Stieg have a radar that tells if a storm is coming?

8. I would feel scared if there were a killer tornado?

9. What makes the tornado swirl?

10.What would happen if Adam and Stiegs time ran out? Would people die?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Down Syndrome

Dear class and Ms. English,

I am reading a book called Down Syndrome by Marlene Targ Brill. It talks about how they look if they have DS (down syndrome). They have almond shaped eyes, and other looks. They learn in a slower pace. People are still studying DS and how people get it. But they still go to school and work like people not with disabilities.

This reminds me of my aunt. She has Down Syndrome. And she works to help the community by packing fork's and spoons in a package. She's one of my best Friends in the whole world. I also had a question which i didn't know why they have almond shaped eyes and other looks? This book made me feel sad that the people with DS had to learn in a slower pace. I think that this book is very interresting.

mostly ghostly

Breaking Dawn :)

Dear Ms. English and class,

I am reading Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. It is such a great book:):)

Well, I just passed the part were Bella tried to attack Jacob for imprinting on Reneesme her daughter. So, Bella is not allowed to see Reneesme because they do not want Reneesme to get hurt, you are probably wondering if Reneesme is a vampire or not well she drinks blood but she can sleep and her heart beats and she has a soul. Jacob calls her Nessie and part of the reason Bella went after Jacob was because that he named HER daughter ( Bella's daughter) after the locnouse Monster!

Anyway Seth got hurt when Bella went after Jacob because Edward tried to save Jacob from getting hurt by Bella (Bella is a new born vampire and new born vampire's are very strong.) But instead of protecting Jacob Seth got hurt. When they got back in the house Bella right away wanted to see Reneesme but Jasper would not let her because he is concerned that Bella will hurt Reneesme.But they think that Bella has a gift of Self Control they think this because she has the ability to do what every other New Born vampire cannot do,she is able to control her emotions and connect with regular human feelings.

One day Bella finally gets to hold Reneesme and Reneesme has a gift also she can tell you in visual thoughts what she is thinking about in just one touch, it is amazing what these vampires can do or what they call their gift.

I am as you know on Bella's point of veiw (third book BELLA)_. I seem to have alot of reactions to this book like, one moment in the book it is all happy and then it turns on you and becomes like a mad feeling, it keeps swicthing like it is made too but somehow it is very interesting the way it does that.

Anyway thank you so much for reading my blog. I would love some comments!:):):) BYE:)

Diary of a wimpy kid dog days!

Dear class:

The book im reading is Diary of a wimpy kid dog days.So far in this book its summer now and if you guys are wondering where Greg Heffley [main charachter] is? He's sitting at home watching T.V and playing video games with the shades closed and lights out.His mom is trying to get Greg a better summer vacation so that plan is Gregs weakness.....outside activities.For Greg its pretty good.My question is will this indoor play thing with video games and T.V change his life or will he give up outside activities?

In my opinion, this book is really funny with laugh out pranks and a little bit of icky drama summe love. :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Little Ally

Dear Class,

This week I'm reading a book called Little Ally. Out of four big sisters she is the smallest. Samantha the oldest and got out of collage two years ago, Jakie the second oldest shes in collage too,She also has two other sisters Jaymie and Tori,they are both in seventh grade. Samantha is a dentist and Jakie is a Doctor,they work in the same building.
Right now the problem is that Ally's sister Samantha is getting married next month, She
has the month of November to prepare for the best day of Samantha's life. She is happy because
she wants to impress her big sisters so much they will include her in everything they do including
party's with friend or sleepovers at our house.

I really like this book because its shows me what its like to be the smallest, Because I have a
little brother I don't know what its to be the smallest, I think she will teach me how it feels to be the smallest.


Dear Ms. English and Class,

I am almost done with Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. It is a GREAT book and I recommend you to read it. Now I will catch you guys up on were I am in the book....

As you know Bella has had her baby Renesmee; Renesmee is named after her birth mom Rene and Vampire mom Esme. Renesmee is a half human half vampire baby. She prefers donated human blood than animal blood. She looks like Charlie ( Bella's father) with her bronze curls. ( I wondered why she looked like him because in the movie he does not have curly hair.) She sleeps ( that is a characteristic of a human vampires don't sleep.) She can run fast like all vampires can. Most vampires have a supernatural talent; For intense Edward can read all minds except for Bella's. ( I wonder why he can't read her mind?) Bella has the ability to shield people she loves so they can't and won't die or get hurt and nobody can read her mind. Even though Renesmee can talk she prefers to use her talent which is to put thoughts into people's heads so that they know what she thinks or what she wants, she just has to touch you. I think that is cool!

Even though Bella is now a vampire and she would have just turned 19 if she were human. They gave her a little present. The present was a cottage that Esme, Rosalie, and Alice all made. It was for Edward, Bella, and there daughter Renesmee. The cottage was close to the house and the closet was already full of clothes. In Bella's it had a ton of clothes more than she would ever imagine. Bella knew that Alice did that.

As you all know ( if you do) werewolves imprint on people. ( that means that they fall in love with someone and can never stop loving them) Jacob had imprinted on Renesmee and loves her so much; he never wants to leave her side. In the book at one part Jacob would not give her up and Jacob said " Bella I get some time to hold and be with Nessie myself" Bella got so mad she came running to kill him Seth had jumped in the way. ( Seth broke hes shoulder) Bella felt so bad now everybody ( except her) calls Renesmee Nessie; Even Edward!

When Bella, Jacob, and Renesmee went to go hunting for animals Irina ( a vampire that was Best friends and loved Laurent) ( but he died from Jacob after he was about to eat Bella. ( this happened in NEW MOON) She saw that Jacob was in his Wolf form with Renesmee Irina got so mad and ran off. Bella got Jacob and Renesmee and took them back to the Cullen's house.

In the Cullen's house Alice was cleaning and she dropped a vase. ( No vampire has done that ever ever ever) She had a vision of Irina going to the Volturi and having them come here to Forks, Washington. I think that Irina has got it all wrong and told the Volturi that Bella married Jacob and had a child. But they knew she was wrong. The Vlturi will be at the house in a month. Emmett wants to fight them.

Alice had gone away she had left the Cullen's even left Jasper behind. Nobody knows where they are at all. All they know is that Alice and Jasper are not together at all. Sam happened to tell Bella that Alice asked to pass there territory and jumped in the ocean. That was the last time that they saw her.

I stopped when Bella has arrived back at the Cullen's house and Renesmee was sitting on Jacob's lap.

Hope you enjoyed my blog!!! :) :) :) My crop-qv's are mostly in my blog. But my reaction is that why did Irins go tell the Volturi a lie?? And from that my prediction is that she will die.

Thank you!!!
