Friday, September 4, 2009

The Irish Setter

I am reading The Irish Setter by Charlotte Wilcox. It tells everything about the Irish Setter including the history, breed, what it looks like, and what they are used for.

When I was reading the book, there was a picture of an Irish setter. It reminded me of a dachshund because dachshunds have reddish-brown coats too. They also have floppy ears but they have much shorter legs.

I felt confused when the book said that red Irish setters became popular in Ireland when The Earl of Enniskillen raised one. If he is an earl, wouldn't the king's dog be more popular? The king should be more popular because he rules the whole country, not just a town.

I think that Irish Setters make really good service dogs because they taught one Irish setter to dial 911. That saved her owner's life!!

Next, I think this book will tell me about why Irish Setters make such good pets. I think that because the heading says Owning an Irish Setter and it will probably tell me why they make such good pets and how to take care of them.

There is one part where it talks about Palmerston. Palmerston is one of the most famous Irish Setters. Most of the Irish Setters in the US are decendents of Palmerston.It didn't say why Palmerston was famous. So why was he famous? Is it because he was larger than others??

And finally, I could feel how grateful Lyric's owner felt when Lyric saved her. One part of this book talks about how Irish setters make such good service dogs. There was this one lady who couldn't breathe during the night with out an oxygen mask. Somehow, it came unplugged while she was sleeping. Luckily, Lyric has been trained for this and she dialed 911. That saved her owner's life! That's so cool that a dog could dial 911 and save her owner's life.

World War again!! part 3

Dear Ms.English and class,

This is an awesome book for me as you can see. My first question is in WW2 why did the Italians surrender so quickly? They had the men and material and the Germans as backup. All they had to do is train their troops better and they could have caused the allies a lot of pain. Instead they surrendered on the spot while their German counterparts had to do all the work.

Second, why were the Germans so short of fuel? Was it because they didn't have the material or places that produce it? Or was it because they used it all while they had Blitzreig (lighting war) in which they used lots of fuel. So their later tanks ( minus the Tiger 2) had a disadvantage and their big guns and heavy armor were pretty much useless. This also means they would lack transportation.

Third, why did the Japanese start a war with the U.S when they knew they would lose? They were an island country and relied on imports. The U.S sank most of the transports and if WW2 went on into 1946 over 6 to 7 million Japanese people would die of some malnutrition disease. Japan started a war with China because they knew it would be ( and depending on other people's opinions that would be true) short . They knew if they started a war with the US they would lose, but they had one anyway.

(Note that this is older post that I didn't finish until now)


Dear Ms.English and class,

I am reading Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. It is the 3rd book out of the Twilight saga.
Edward had to leave for a few days and Bella thought she would go to La Push and see Jacob her friend who is a werewolf. When she saw Jacob she was surprised that his hair was crazy. He hadn't gone to bed for days because Sam, the pack leader, had him keep guard of their reservation. He fell asleep for a couple hours and right when Bella was going to leave he woke up. Jacob told Bella how he really felt about her. He loved her. He grabbed Bella and kissed her. Bella was so mad at him that she punched him and broke a knuckle. She forgot that werewolves were very hard.
Bella graduated from high school. After Bella got her diploma her dad, Charlie, took her to The Lodge which is not real fancy, but the nicest restaurant in Forks, Washington. At the restaurant most of the people from her school were there to celebrate them going to college soon. Later on, Bella's dad took her to her graduation party at the Cullen's house. When Bella walked in the door she was surprised to see that the theme was a nightclub. Alice was in these red skinny jeans and a sequin shirt. Almost everyone came to the party. Bella noticed that Alice just had a vision and Bella wanted to know what it was. Then Jacob arrived. Jacob gave Bella a beautiful charm that was him as a wolf. The details were fantastic!

Jacob overheard Edward, Alice and Bella's conversation regarding Alice's vision. She coud see the newborn vampires were after Bella and they knew they had to stop them. Jacob wanted himself and his wolf pack to join in the fight. They all had to practice training. Jasper used to be in the military and then a vampire bit him and that is how he changed. He knew a lot about fighting newborns. Each vampire of the Cullen's got to work on their stances and attacks. Meanwhile the werewolves just watched and listened.

They had to find a place to put Bella while they were fighting. They smell of Bella was too strong and the newborns would go after Bella instead. They decided that Seth would stay with Bella in the mountains. Since werewolves hate vampires, Jacob would run over all the places that Bella had been to cover her scent with his. Bella did not want to do any of that. She wanted to fight and Jasper said it would be easier if she were with them at the time of the fight to attract the newborns. Edward and Jacob said no because they both love Bella and did not want anything to happen to her.

A few of my questions were What do newborns look like? And how long would it take for a new born to get from Seattle, Washington to Forks, Washington? Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you enjoyed it!


Thursday, September 3, 2009


   Hi class

         I am reading a book called Utah. I picked the book because its my favorite state and most of my family has lived there. The state has many  sand dunes, mountains, and valleys, and the Rocky Mountains are also in Utah. There are many religions there like Jews, Roman Catholic, Zen Buddhist, and Protestants but the most common one is Mormon. I am also Mormon and every 7 out of 10 people live there are Mormon because a man named Brigham Young led many people from Nauvoo,Illinois to Salt Lake City,Utah. There were many Native Americans who lived there way before the Mormons.
                             Thanks for reading,

Rama & Sita

I am reading Rama & Sita By:David Weitzman.
It is about Lord Rama and Sita ,his love.
Just after sundown,in villages all over Java and Bali, the night comes alive
with the shimmering metallic sounds of gamelan,an orchestraof songs,chimes,flutes,
drums,and cymbols. Families gather in front of a cloth screen lit from behind by flickering
lamp,eagerly awaiting the appearence of the magic puppets.
They have come to hear the ancient tale of Rama & Sita, a story of intrigue, adventure,mystery,
and the ageless stuggle of good or evil, retold for centuries throughout the asian world
by singers, storytellers,poets,dancers,and puppeteers.It is a story of brave prince Rama,
unjustly exiled and banished to the forest. With the help of
his brother and the monkey army, he rescues the beautiful Sita from a giant orge, and reaturns
victourious to regain his thorne.This book was based on a true story when Sita , Rama`s love was taken away from a giant orge named Ravana and Rama needs to rescue Sita so Rama tells
his trusted monkey Hunuman to do this Job.
1. It is really freaky how giants were alive 1,000,000 years back
2.I wonder why Rama goes into the forset instead of seeing his Father first before he died?
3.Why did Laxmana ( Rama`s brother) not save Rama when he was in trouble ?
4.This reminds me of when I went to the temple and I saw a large statue of Rama.( Rama is Dead).
5.I wonder if If their is any other books about Rama & Sita?

* Rama is a really powerfull lord
* People believe that if you pray to him your wish will be granted.
* Evil giants ruled the world 1,00000 years back
* 1,000000 years back, gods were alive!!!

*** I believe I could read more about Rama & Sita! :)



Bulidng in Disguise

Dear class,

This week I reading a non-fiction book called Building in Disguise. This book is about buildings that are made into disguise. Like there is a elephant that is a building and is called Lucy, the Margate Elephant it is in Margate, New Jersey and was build in 1881. Where Lucy lives there was a harsh and strict storm yet Lucy survived. My opinion is that Lucy might be the best looking statue of a elephant.

Do you know the gas station shells? Well in1930 there was a shell a actually shell built and was a gas station where people go. You can find shells in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. I think that people still go to the gas station. One day I would love to go there to see if it is still there today. It is kind of funny that most people go in the shell to buy thing.

Snacks from around the world

The nonfiction book I am reading is called snacks around the world by Sue Ashworth. It has a lot of great snack recipes but also has some great dinner recipes. One of my favorite recipes is the recipe this book has for potatoes I also think the recipe for chicken looks really good. This book is cool because it has recipes from all over the world. Theres one recipe that reminded me of Alicia because it is a cheese muffin and she likes cheese. One night I even cooked one of these recipes for dinner one night.Heres a recipe for Cheese Muffins:
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp baking powdwer
2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp cheddar cheese
1 egg
1 cup milk
1/2 cup vegtable oil
(plus extra for greasing)
What to do:
1. Pre heat oven to 375
2. Grease muffin tin w/ vegtable oil
3. Sift flour, salt, and baking powder into a mixing bowl Stir in sugar
4.Grate cheese into the mixture
5. Break an egg into a seperate bowl then add milk and oil Stir well
6.Add two mixtures together and stir
7.Pour mixture into muffin tin then bake for 20 min.
8. Let it cool then enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dear Class,
The non fiction book I've been reading is Ohio by Dottie Brown. I chose this non fiction text because my family (except me) are all from Ohio. Ohio is connected to Lake Erie one of the US's great lakes. Ohio has a nickname and it is The Buckeye State! Ohio has a Mound called The Great Serpent and the mound is 1,330 feet long and about 4 feet high! Two of The United States most famous people were born in Ohio and they were the Wright Brothers! The Wright Brothers were born in Dayton Ohio and they also owned a bicycle shop in Dayton. There are a lot of sports teams in Ohio! Some are the Cleveland Indians and the Cincinnati Reds and they play Major League Baseball. Ohio also has two pro football teams, Cincinnati Bengals an the Cleveland Browns. Ohio is also home to two pro basketball teams, the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Cleveland Rockers, a pro women's team.
I have a connection and that is, i go to Ohio about 3 times a year. My opinion is that the Towering Cliffs in Hocking Hills State Park in the Appalachian Plateau are so big. I think that the state of Ohio is my favorite state because they have a lot of fun activities and a lot of sports! I think whoever reads this should go to Ohio someday and have a lot of fun!

My favorite college football team is in Ohio!!! The team is Ohio State!!!



What's up class,

Right now( 2 days before track out! ) I'm still reading the book "Runt". In the book, Runt went out of the nursing cave and his not newly born brother and sister welcomed the newly born pups. "welcome" said the tree (or someone in the tree) "The trees! they welcome us too!!" Runt cried. Hunter, his brother, laughed '' No Runt it is our friend owl'' ''Is it true , is this owl?'' Asked Runt. "No, this is Raven" She said.

And that is how far I've gotten so far, but I wonder what will happen next. I think ,in the main part of the book, Runt will become the leader of the pack.
Your class mate, animal love

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Olympics

Dear class:

The NONFICTION book im reading is The Olympics.So far, ive come across some deep history in the olympics.It was made uo in Greece.Why did they do it?, they did sports to honnor there gods.If somebody won,they would get a amphora. [two handeled vessel]

I remember if in my coldisace if we won a challange our friends would give us something.[treats,and more that Icant remember of]Ifelt amazed of how long the olympics were around ever since 776 B.C.I think this is interesting because the olympics has SO MUCH history.I think next they will talk about they kept track of the peoples records for winning gold medals.How would you feel if you were playing in the olympics in 776B.C?!Would you do the olympics in that year?Why or why not?Ican vizualize runners running hard and the audience clapping with joy while watching.



Elite Forces part two paratroopers

This next article was about paratroopers landing staraight into a desert war zone with no cover and flat ground for miles! Easy way to get shot huh? Anyways it was from a paratroopers perspective and he said and I quote "it was like landing in a mindfield, one short move and we would be dead!"

My perspective of this is that why would we drop our "elite" troops into a welly visible warzone with no base for miles? and worse is that it was a guerilla* attack! That means it was a search and destroy every roop and comm point!

With no air support I can only imagine how hard it would be to stay alive (no base = no medics that are good) and avoid real world hazards like animals and infections and complex traps like bouncing bettys!

Its hard being a trooper.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Eating the India Way

This book is very cool because the foods they eat are way different from the way we eat. Since most India people are vegetarians they don't eat much meat. Most of the foods in the cook book deserts and different puddings. Their bread does not have yeast so it's flat (it is so good).

I think they shouldn't have put all those puddings in the book. Especially since there fruit pudding's. Disgusting(i think). I also think all there are to many nuts in there foods. I like looking at different foods around the world because they could have completely different foods! This book is very cool.

Whale Waching! By:Victoria Eiknas

Dear classmates,

In the book Whale Waching Victoria is on a boat for her vacation and she talks about how the fresh air reminds her of the sea air and what it smelled like when the boat poled out of sogging wet dock.When I first read the book it reminded me of the time I went to see my grand parents in boston and my grandpa took me to a boat and I near fell off!O ne of my questions when I read this was why didn't Victoria go to see the whales too?!?Also one of my reactions was descusted when I read that every one was barfing and was sick!


Dear class,

This week I am reading a non-fiction book called '' Floods''.So far Its a cool book,most of it is about how floods are made and what makes them.Another thing it talks about is what blocks them and what they are made of.

When I was reading I noticed a connection I saw...Last week I had a big flood in my house and it was really scary.In the book I learned that river floods are more commen than ocean floods.I also had a question about the book...Why did they use sand bags to pervent the flood from getting bigger.

yours truly,


WHATS UP CLASS? i have been reading a book called California and would like to share a recipe that i found in the book! Here it goes... This recipe is a californis recipe !

1. 7 strawberries

2. 8 ounces of lemon yogurt

3. 1/3 cup of orange juice

4. in a plastic container freeze the strawberries for one hour

5. combine yogurt orange juice and frozen strawberries in a blender

6. cover and blend until the mixture is smooth meaning no big clumps of fruit or yogurt!

7. serve in tall glasses

I hope you enjoy your California smoothie!:)!:)!

New Jersey

Dear Miss. English and Class,
This week I have been reading a Non-Fiction book about New Jersey. Since I used to live there I thought I was an expert on it. But actually I wasn't. So I learned all there is to know about NewJersey. Such as.. How their economy is and what they are known for stuff like that.

They are called the garden state because they are in love with flowers. I always thought that that was a pretty cool name for a state. They also have alot of economy activities such as... Nursery products, corn and fruit,they also have alot more.

In New Jersey they have quite alot of famous people there like Judy Blume and Meryl Streep and Bruce Springsteen. They are also very high on sports like The New Jersey Devils (hockey team) and The New York Giants (football team) The New York Jets (football team).

New Jersey is one of the best places to live. That's why I choose my book for this weeks blog on it.

Monday, August 31, 2009

cook book

What's cooking class,

In my book there is a recipe called Chewy Peanut Butter Brownies.

Ingredients: 3/4 cup of butter, melted

3/4 cup of creamy peanut butter

1 3/4 cups of sugar

2 teaspoons of vanilla

4 eggs lightly beaten

1 1/4 cups of all- purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

1/4 teaspoon of salt

1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder

How it's done:

1. Before you start cooking you have to preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease 13 times 9-inch baking pan.

2. Mix the butter w/peanut butter in a large bowl; mix well.Stir sugar in W/ vanilla. Add in the eggs; Beat until well blended. Stir in flour, baking powder and salt just until blended. Remove 1 3/4 cups of batter to small bowl; stir cocoa into remanding batter.

3. Spread cocoa batter evenly in bottom of prepared pan. Top with remaining 1 3/4 cups of reserved batter. Bake 30 minutes or until edges begin to pull away from sides of pan. Cool completely on wire rack; cut into bars and ... Enjoy!


Dear Ms.English and Class,

For my non-fiction blog I would like to tell you about Nevada. I have been to Wendover, Winnemucca, Reno and Las Vegas Nevada and I thought that I knew all there is to know, but I was wrong there is much much more to know. For instance Nevada got it's name from the Sierra Nevada which means snow covered peaks in Spanish.

There is a lot of history about Nevada. Washoe were the main Indians of Nevada. They lived by Lake Tahoe. A question of mine was how did Lake Tahoe get it's name? The Washoe called the lake DA-ow-a-GA which means edge of lake. Pioneers miss understood it and named it from the first two syllables Tahoe.

You think of Nevada as a harsh dry place but you are so wrong! Nevada usually gets 9 inches of rain each year. Also, the Sierra Nevada is mostly covered in snow during the year. Southern and West Nevada are the driest parts of Nevada.

Now I will tell you about the places in Nevada. Carson City is the capitol and Reno is the biggest little city in the world. When you enter Reno the neon lights will catch your eyes! A great place to visit is spirit cave if you like paranormal activity. If I could go I would spend the night there. Another fun place is Lake Tahoe. The Lake is over 22 miles long. Lake Tahoe is 1,685 feet deep. My favorite place in Nevada is Las Vegas! I stayed at this wonderful hotel Montego Bay. They had a real shark! The streets of Las Vegas have so much waterfalls and music! I go to the casino's a lot (but do not do anything there because I can't) because my dad likes to play poker and it is fun to watch on t.v. Hover Dam is a dam that makes sure the Colorado river does not over flow.

A question I had was What kinda shark was at the hotel I stayed at? And, How long and wide is the Hover Dam? What happens if you do stay the night at Spirit Cave?
