Friday, October 2, 2009

Breaking Dawn

I read Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. What happens is that Edward (who is a vampire) marries Bella (who is not a vampire) and they go on their honeymoon to Isle Esme, which is Esme(Edward's mother)'s island. There Bella eats lots of eggs and she has strange dreams. She starts feeling really sick. Then, she finds out that she's pregnant and her baby is growing really, really fast inside her.

The next part of the book is told from Jacob (werewolf)'s point of view. Jacob visits Bella and finds out her stomach is puirple and bruised. And huge. Bella names her baby Edward Jacob if its a boy and Renesmee (Renee, Bella's mother and Esme together) if its a girl. Then her baby inside her starts breaking her ribs. Jacob suggests to make Bella drink blood because the baby is half Edward too. Bella does and she feels better but the baby obviously gets stronger. Carlisle (Edward's dad) says that vampire babies use their teeth to break open the thing that is holding them in their mother's body, and killing their mom in the process. But Bella loves the baby, and she isn't letting anyone take it out. Two weeks after she finds out she is pregnant, the baby (a girl)breaks its way out of her and would kill her but Edward injects his venom into Bella's heart, saving her and turning her into a vampire at the same time. Jacob imprints on Renesmee at the end because she looks so much like Bella with her brown eyes.

The next part is told from Bella's point of view again. She turns into a vampire and then she meets Renesmee. Renesmee has a gift, like Edward, Jasper, and Alice. Her gift is that she can touch your face and show you her thoughts. Irina spots Renesmee and thinks that she is a Immortal child. Immortal children are illegal because they don't know how to talk yet and they destroy everything. So humans find out about vampires. But Renesmee grows really fast, but not fast enough for Irina to see. Irina goes to the Volturi for them to destroy the Renesmee. Alice sees them coming and she warns everyone about them. All of the Volturi are coming to destroy Renesmee, even Aro, Caius, Marcus, and the wives. The Cullens get witnesses, people to support them, people to witness that Renesmee isn't an immortal child, that she grows really quickly. The Cullens' closest friends, the Denali vampires, they lost a mother because of she created an immortal child. Eleazar has a gift of knowing other people's gifts, and she tells Bella that she has a gift too. She can shield other people's mental attacks. For example, in the Volturi guard Jane can make you feel the worst pain ever inmaginable, but it's an illusion and nothing physical happens to you. Bella can block that. She can also project, which means to push the shield out and protect others. More witnesses come, like Maggie, Benjamin, Tia , Siobhan, Zafrina, Garett, and a bunch of others. After about a month, the Volturi come and they ask for information. They find out that Renesmee isn't an immortal child, that she grows and learns. Since Irina gave false information, they chop her up to pieces and burn her (the only way to kill a vampire) Her sisters, Kate and Tanya try to attack them (the Volturi) . Kate has a gift to shock people when they touch her, so she shocks everyone. Bella gets really mad, and when she gets really mad, her gift really works really well. So she can project her sheild for over 10 meters, which is a lot. Jane and Alec (jane's twin brother who can make people feel nothing) can't attack anyone who's on their side now. Since they are outnumbered (with Zafrina able to make them see illusions) now they quit. They leave (cowardly) and it ends happily ever after. By the way, Bella used to hate name Nessie for Renesmee but now she likes it at the end.

Why does Bella decide to turn into a vampire after she gives birth to Renesmee? There was a risk that Bella wouldn't survive and her heart would stop beating and you can't turn into a vampire if your heart stops because the venom can't travel through. And since Renesmee would have used her teeth to break out of Bella, why didn't Bella get scared and freak out???

I think the part about Jacob was really funny because Edward can hear people's thoughts so that part has really funny things. And Jacob is really funny. He is MUCH better than Edward because.

I felt really anxious when Bella was turing into a vampire because some people don't survive it. and she could have died if her heart stopped. It was weird when Bella was turning into a vampire and the book was very descriptive at that part.

The Valentine Star

I am reading The Valentine Star By Patricia Rielly Giff.This book is
about Emily who wants to make a special valentine card for Ms.Vincent
the new student teacher. Emily is more happier when Dawn Bosco, Emily`s friend
gives her some stars to decorate the valentine.But unfortunately
Ms. Rooney assigns Emily to be the moniter Emily on the other side dosen`t feel
right sittinging in the teachers desk
and telling her classmates what to do. So it went on as Ms.Rooney said until Sheri Dent ( Emily`s classmate) got up without Emily`s permission and got in trouble!! Thats when Sheri tells Emily " You will be sorry!!"
Read to find out what Sheri and Emily will do!
While I was reading some thoughts popped into my head , they are.........

1. Why was Emily the moniter?

2. I can understand how Emily feels when she is sitting in the teachers desk and felling like the teacher.

3. Did Emily ask for the stars that Dawn had or did Dawn just give it to her?

4. Did Emily`s classmates make fun of Emily for being the moniter?

5. I wonder what the author`s favorite part was?

6.I have a connection to the book "The City Of Ember" when Lisa wants to the messenger when Doon (Lisa`s Friend ) got the job.But Doon wanted To be the moniter but Lisa got that job.

Dirt Pudding

Dear Class,

This is a recipe that I used to make when I was little. This is how you make it!

First you get a 3 inch cup of chocolate pudding.

Then you add a pinky touch of 0f sugar.

next You crush oreos and spinkle them on top.

last you add 1-2 gummy worms.

Twilight at Little Round Top ( Gettysburg Civil War)

Well, I finally got my face out of that World world war 2 book and now I'm reading a Civil War book(...). It's about the Battle for Little Round top and Roung Top at Gettysburg. I'm nearly finished but not quite there yet. First of all why did the Confederates keep attackimg the same place? They were attacking the Union troops but not flanking. They also lacked good artilery support. This caused most of the Regiments to lose 30 to 50 percent of their troops (Dead,Wounded, and missing). Why did they even attck in the first place? If Robert E. Lee would attack a highly defended ridge would it make a difference?

Next, I'm suprised that so many wounded were left on the battlefield. As a matter a fact most soldiers died of disease from gunshots because it tore the clothes and went into the skin thus causing infection. Anyway both sides could've retreived their wounded ( at least the Union could). Many Confederates were dead on the battlefield and were left there a while.

Well because this not the most pretty story I will continue with another story called The Sign of the Beaver. It's fiction ( wahhhhhhhhhhh??????) yes it's fiction ok? It's about this boy who stays at his log cabin alone for months and makes friends with Indians and then the Indians ask him to come with them but he said no and waited for his parents and blablablablablabla and then his parents came. I wonder why the Indians have such a wierd way to tell if you're a hu nter (which if anyone asks what I will tell in comments).

BEAVER SKIN FOR A GUN! Well that's what Indians traded. This was a weird blog so...yeah....... Which somehow reminded me. Does anybody know any good book sugestions? I'm running out of (mainly fiction) books. My next blog will probably be about war ( hows that for a suprise?).

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

I am reading The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi. It is about a 13 year old girl who gets accused of murder, brought to trial, and found guilty.

There was a part when Charlotte goes into the top steerage, the candle blows out and she sees faces. One that is human, another that is a carving that looks really creepy. When I was reading it, I wondered why the stowaway would try to scare Charlotte. Why would the stowaway try to scare the only girl on deck? What does he have against her?

Zachariah, the cook, tells Charlotte that all of the sailors on the ship are the captain's former crew. When a journey is done, the crew gets released and then to get new sailors, they have to sign up. Zachariah tells Charlotte that the captain's former crew sign on to get revenge (they think Captain Jaggery is very very cruel). Does that mean the Zahariah is here to get revenge too?

I thought it was a little weird when only Charlotte, the crew, and the captain were on the ship. Two families couldn't make it but I just thought it was weird that only two families are on one big ship. Shouldn't there be more than just 2 families?

I can't wait to see why she is accused of murder and who she is accused of murduring.

Ramona and her Father by Beverly Cleary

Today I finished Ramona and her Father by Beverly Cleary. It's about what happens when a little girl's father loses his job and Ramona tries to cheer everybody up.

She helps her dad quit smoking, makes tin-can stilts (read the book to find out what is), and performs in the church play as a sheep! Along the way, she gets a crown of burs stuck in her hair, tries to be the kind of kids she sees in commercials, and gets in trouble at school.

I think that a lot of kids can relate to Ramona due to the recession. Ramona tries to make things better, and she does fun things throughout the book. It also talks about family problems and how to solve them.Beverly Clearly is an amazing author, and if you love this book, you'll love all of her other stories too.

The Ghost Children


I am currently reding The Ghost Children. It is about a girl and a boy whoes parents died so they went to their great aunts house. After their flight they have to stand outside in the rain to wait for their great aunt. All the sudden a strange man in the truck comes up and claims that hes their ride. At first they arent so sure if they should get in but he convinces them. Once they get there they get freaked out at the "children". I was wondering what the children looked like and why were they so freaked out?


Harry potter and the half blood prince

Dear class:
The book im reading is the next book of the Harry potter series the half blood prince.So far in the book Harry Potter is back at Hogwarts and is trying to figure out who the half blood prince is.And Dumbledore is asking Harry to look at a lot of mysterious memories in a pensive.Whats weird is there all about a person who died in the chamber of srcrets [2nd book] and are looking at if he was the young voldemort [dark wizard of all time].And over the year a girl named katie bell was cursed and was suppose to bring in a locket that Malfoy [Harrys worst enemy]gave to katie.But whats very gross in this book is that there was alot of love,flirts,snoggs and alot more.
This book is the best ive read in my opinion.

The true confessions of charlotte doyle

The book I am currently reading is called true confessions of charrlote doyle

It is about a girls distant journey on a ship that no crew wants to be on because the so called captain is very... well... evil of course charlotte (a young girl) does not no this yet although she has heard many stories. From the crew and the captain himself she cannot decide who is right yet so she is nice to all.

some of the stories range from the captain cutting off a guys arm for incompetance or the crew planny to decieve him. There is a traitor that has tryed to paranoiafy her (I guess) and those are some chillin moments

While the cover of the book...and the name make it sound a little bland it makes me feel adventurous and it is very suspenseful (she has a dirk under her matrress) and their are some cool places u would not expect on a ship alot.

There is alot more to go so I'll be back (he he he).
*insert good nickname here*


The book I'm reading is Peak by Ronald Smith. The book is about a 14 year old guy named Peak. One night he was climbing a skyscraper so he could paint graffiti. But when he started to paint he was caught. In court he had to pay $126,000 to stay out of juvenile. His rich long lost father said he could pay for it. But the judge maid the decision that he had to pay the money and Peak had to live with his dad for three years. So when he was on the plane with his dad (Josh) said he wanted Peak to climb Mount Everest, because if he got there before his fifteenth birthday he would be the youngest person ever to be above 29,000 feet! He was shocked. Peak said yes to the offer. So when they got to Mount Everest He had to wait a couple Weeks to climb because Josh was busy. When he was able to climb when he got to Camp 4 he heard that bad weather was coming so they could not stay there. When he got back to ABC (Advance Base Camp) he had to help people that were injured. That is all I read so far.



Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Invention of Hugo Cabret

Dear class

I am reading a book called THE INVENTION of HUGO CABRET. I started reading it over track out. It is about a boy named Hugo who lives in the walls of a busy Paris train station. In the walls of a train station Hugo lived with his dad who bought a mechanical man. One night Hugo's dad was in the attic of a museum and the guard forgot Hugo's dad was in there and locked the door. It just so happens there was a fire that night and his dad didn't get out fast enough and the next morning all that was there was a pile of old junk. His dad was nowhere in sight. So in that case Hugo had to go and live with his uncle.One day his uncle went out for work and didn't come back that night. Hugo said to himself ''maybe he just got all tied up with his work and will come back tonight''. Hugo waited and waited all day and all night. No one returned. the next day Hugo went to fix all the clocks in the train station. Then he started to wonder off. Hugo came up to a toy booth that an old man owned. Hugo picked up a mechanical mouse and started to wind it up. The old man glanced at him and started to walk over. When the man approached the boy he said in a deep voice ''are you going to pay for that''. Hugo dropped the mechanic and tried to get away but the man's arm was faster. So Hugo had to fix it. the old man also took every thing that was in Hugo's pocket including his notebook. Hugo ran outside and took a stroll down the sidewalk. He walked passed the ruins from the museum. Hugo sees the mechanic and brings it back to his apartment.he eventually fixes it up. and finds a heart shaped key.

What I learned was that with a little bit of help from a friend you can do everything.

Avalon ; web of magic: All that gliters

Hey class,
Today I am continuing Avalon, in the book Kara the girl with rainbow hair ( she used magic to grow her hair back, because a banshee burned some of her hair off, but accidentally made it too long and it changed color) went to the Raven's wood manner library and her two magic friends, Emily & Adriane. They found a website that is a guide about all the creatures from the magic world and they all looked up the creature that attacked Kara and found that it's actually called banshees, and they found that they wash the person who they are tracking down's clothes. That is how far I have gotten so far!!!

The Missing Manatee

Dear class,
I have been reading this book called the Missing Manatee. This is a sad story that I have ever read in my entire life. If you want some tears coming out of your eyes I would persuade you into reading this book. It is about a boy named skeet you went out on his boat and found a manatee the next day it was dead. The little boy was trying his best to found who did it he talked to the police to investors, and e.c.t. Skeet had a friend named Dirty Dan he was really 35 but he acts like a 5 not in a funny way because his brain was order differently than normal kids. He would play with sleekt until sleekt had to investagate more on this sad story. A few days later he found out that Dirty Dan killed the manatee. But if you really think about it dave didn't know better his brain was powered differently than others.

My connection is that when people make fun of other people becuse they have a disablitey or have disorder in their brain and when do something wrong they have to say something mean when they don't know what they are really doing.

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

Dear Class,

This book is about Charlotte Doley a girl who is accused of murder. So far in the book Charlotte has to move to America. A man called Mr.Grummage has to lead her to the ship she will be sailing on. Mr. Grummage tells the girl what the name of the captain is and the guy who is carrying her trunk drops it and walks away at the sound of the name. When they get to the ship Charlotte is told to wait by the dock.
A while later Mr. Grummage comes out and tells her to board the ship.
One of my questions was " I wonder what it would be like to go aboard the ship.
by ap


Dear Ms english i start reading marley and it is really good book because i saw lot of people reading marley and it all about little dog does at home and sometime she make lot of mass at home and she love to play with people she love to swim in the pool it's say that no one like the pool more than marley.everybody love marley the dog marley loved to sloshing water all over the house and her familys doesn't like that because they don't like marley when she messy.on his first night at home he was crying to get out of his box GEF


Dear Ms. English and class

I am reading the book called Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer the third book in the twilight saga. I think that eclipse is a really good book. It has a really interesting topic and I enjoy reading it very much.

I have a mt of questions about the book like, I wonder who is making all the murders in Seattle. And I think that Edward knows who is doing them but he just won't tell Bella because she might get scared. I also wonder when Bella will decide to marry Edward because Edward won't turn her into a vampire unless she follows that one decision. But Carlisle promised Bella that he would turn her into a vampire after she graduates High school and graduation is just less than a week away! I feel how Bella can feel threatened by all the stuff that is going on because she can see jacob but Edward doesn't feel comfortable with him in the presence of Bella, And then Edward wants Bella to marry him butshedoesn't feel comfortable with that. It is so GOOD!!!!!!! It is so suspensful

Monday, September 28, 2009


Dear classmates,

The book I am reading is Twilight, a blood sucking adventure. Where I am in the book Bella was in biology and soon her biology teacher started taking blood samples to know every ones blood type and Bella
became faint and the next thing she knows Edward was carrying her in his arms to the nurse. But her next class was P.E. and she didn't feel well enough to go to P.E. so as Edward was trying to get Bella out of class he was also trying to get him out of class too. One of my questions was that, was Edward just trying to get him self out of class by taking Bella home? Also one of my comments was that when I was in the 3rd grade we were dissecting owl pellets and after one glimpse at the thing I felt like I was going to faint or throw up! (grose!)Another one of my comments was when Edward didn't show up in Tyler's car mirror it reminded me of an episode of "Wizards of Waverly place" Wizards vs. Vampires Juliet didn't show up in the mirror when Justin looked into it.

My Mom and Other Mysteries of the Universe

dear class,

I am reading My Mom and Other Mysteries of the Universe. Arlie and her mom doesn't see the same way. Her mom and dad go on a business trip. Arlie and her brother are staying at there aunt's house. Soon after they stay there their mom and dad get in a car accident. Her dad has only some cuts but her mom i in a coma!On the same day Arlie has a new student in her class named Casey. Everything about Casey is the same with her mother. About a month later her class is having a play at leisure valley (a retirement home) and also their school. After that they go see her mom and dad! her mom is out of a coma and her dad is all better. When they get back to the hotel her aunt frowned a box from the mail for Arlie. It was from Casey!

I liked how the story ended. Because its very sweet when her mom says very nice things to Arlie. I visualized Arlie opening the box from Casey. In my head I thought how Arlie was opening the present and how it looked. I wonder if her mom changed the way she thought of Arlie and acted way nicer. This makes me feel really happy that her mom could have changed. This reminds me of when I saw a really bad car accident on the road. I think Arlie's mom will change.


Hi class, have been reading one of my favorite books Eragon. The book is a fiction book about a boy who lives with his cousin and uncle. While Eragon is hunting in the Spine(a long row of mountains the hardly anyone climbs in) a blue stone comes out of nowhere and he brings it back to his house. During the night it starts to move and then it cracked open and there was a blue dragon inside.The dragon grew really fast so he had to keep it out side away from the house because he was afraid that his uncle would kill it or not keep it.

Some of my questions are, How did the egg get to Eragon? How come Eragon was living with his uncle not his mom or dad?

Thanks for reading, JB


Dear Ms. English and class,

I am reading Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. I am almost done with the book, It is a great book! What's happening in Eclipse right now, is where The Cullens and Sam Ulley's wolf pack just finished the fight against the newborn vampires. Now you would think that the newborns looked like little babies running around even I thought that but that is wrong they look like they are 15!

Edward stayed with Bella during the fight in a tent on a cliff. And Sam was in his Wolf form outside. Bella did not want Edward to go so he would not get hurt, she also did not want Jacob to go 'cause he might get hurt. 5 minutes before the fight Bella said she would do anything to make sure that Jacob would stay so Edward went and got Jacob. Bella wanted Jacob to stay so badly that she said he could kiss her.They kissed and he still left. Bella hated herself because She loved Jacob but was going to marry Edward and Jacob was sad about that.

During the fight Bella, Sam, and, Edward encountered two vampires Victoria and Riley the creaters of the newborns. Victoria wanted to kill Bella for killing her mate James. Edward took care of Victoria well Sam took Riley's limbs off of him they were flying into the Forrest after that they started a fire and burned the remaining parts.

Sam yelped and Edward knew what that meant the Vulturie were coming. Edward and Sam rushed Bella down the cliff, right then and there the Vulturie arrived not for Bella but for the fight Jane the leader of there group was astounded to see that the fight was over but there was a newborn alive, Bree. She surrendered to the fight Carlisle offered to take her with them but Jane said I can take care of this. Edward told Bella not to look because of what she has been through today. All she heard was a faint yelp.

At the Cullen'se Alice told Bella that Jacob's whole right side of his body was broken now being a werewolves means you heal fast he will heal in a couple of days though. Bella had to rush down to La Push to see Jacob and when she arrived she saw that Jacob had a blanket over him so she did not have to see what he looked like. Jacob was surprised and mad at himself that Edward has not hurt her, Jacob wants Bella to know he is not perfect but she says he is everything.

My first question was Why did they kill Bree insted of letting her go with the Cullens? And it made me feel scared when Victoria arvied becasue I did not know what would happen to Bella.

Thank You and I hope you enjoyed my blog!




dear, class if you are iin the mood to make or eat brownies take a look at this blog!
1. a big bowl
2. an oven
3. brownie mix
4. a mixer

1.preheat oven for 375 degrees
2.get your bowl out and pour the brownie mix into the bowl!
3. now get your 2 eggs out and crack them into that same bowl!
4. get 3/4 of a cup of water and pour that into the bowl!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) mix it all together
6. put the batter in the pan
7. bake it for 375 degrees in the oven
8. put the timer for 30 min.
9. wait till the timer beeps take the pan out of the oven and you got your self some brownies!