Friday, August 28, 2009


Dear class,

I read this book called Matilda. This book is about a girl named Matilda and her parents treat her like a dog. They treat her brother wonderfully like a butterfly.

When Matilda started school she didn't know anybody and pretty much nobody knew her. When the bell rang the most meanest, frightenest, scariest Head Mistress Miss Trunchbull came out of her car door and had this big ball that weighed about 200 pounds in her hand. She came to Matilda as the most grumpiest person and said "I had a talk with your dad and he said keep an eye on you. Matilda didn't know what was going on. A girl beside Matilda said "It is ok she is mean to everybody.

Matilda had the most meanest head Mistress of all Miss Trunchbull yet the nicest teacher Miss Honey. The head Mistress thought that the little princess Matilda was a rotten little girl. Miss Honey Matilda's teacher thought that Matilda was her greatest student. Matilda knew most of everything that her classmates didn't know. Than when Miss Trunchbull came the person outside that was talking to Matilda pored her a glass a of water and dropped a lizard in the glass of water. Matilda moved her eyes back and forward then she stared at the picture of water. Then slowly the picture fell Miss Trucnbull blamed Matilda. Matilda knew it was her that did it.

My connection to this story is that when I got bigger my parents treat me like Matilda because of my innocent brother. My reaction is that I fell bad for Matilda and hope she will get through this tough situation. My opinion is that I think that everything Matilda's parents and Miss Trunchbull did to Matilda they should get revenge.

World War 2 Again!! Part 2

Dear Ms. English and class,

Hi!! This is part two of World War 2 again. As you can see I like this book. It also has lots of odd things too. My first question is, why did the Nazis have smaller guns ( like the 88 mm flak) than World War 1 (which includes 390 and 420 mm Howitzers ). These WW2 era Cannons were smaller yet more powerful. It could be for economic reasons but I think it might be because Austria-Hungary was gone ( I think ) and they produced a majority of the Howitzers for Germany. They also helped the Germans on the Eastern Front in World War 1.

Next question's all about "BOOM" and "CRUSH". It's about tanks for those who don't know what I'm talking about. Why was Tank Production so slow before and after World War 2. It was terrible during and a few years after WW1. In World War 2 though, things like the King Tiger, T34, M4 Sherman, M3 Grant, and tank destroyers were produced rapidly. Then it went down again and only until the 1980's the only good tanks produced were the M60 Patton (a.k.a. "The Bulldog), and the Soviet's T64 . Now we have M1 Abrams and and M2 Bradleys but between 1946 and 1980 there was a big DOW!! in tank production.

This was a bit shorter but I used 1 original idea in the previous one.



cook book

Thursday, August 27, 2009

World War 2 again!! Part 1

Dear Ms.English and Class,

Ok , this is another WW2 blog. This one is more in depth and better. It starts right after WW1 and ends near the end of the 1940's. It shows guns, weapons,and more. Anyway, my first question is why did the Germans (Nazis) build so many Mausers? Mausers were bolt action 5 clip guns that were nothing compared to a M1 Garand or a BAR. Even Lee Enfields (10 clip Bolt action rifles) were better. The Germans had only 1 semi automatic and 2 automatic guns ( which includes the Gewehr 43, MP40, and MP44).They could lower their Mauser production and make more decent weapons. Still though it packed an ok punch.

You know what's odd? The Nazis had better Tanks and Field guns , how did the allies beat them? However the Germans did have some disadvantages. They lacked fuel, mobilty ,officers, and most importantly , air support. The Luffawafe ( luff-waugha ) had a total disadvantage over allied air power. This might have been why the allies had the freedom to have air support almost at will.

In the battle of Berlin , I think the Soviets should have concentrated more men around Berlin. The Germans were mostly Home Army troopers (which had Teens and old people) except for 1 SS Battalion. The Soviets Had 1.3 million or more attacking and they had better guns and tanks at hand. The Germans hastily made barricades to guard Berlin which created the joke of " it will take the Red Army 2 hours and 15 minutes to destroy the barricades, 2 hours laughing their heads of, and 15 minutes smashing it up". So the point is the Soviets outnumbered Germany 5 to 1 and Nazi Germany was gone before you could say " Run for your life!!!!!"

From Dromed

My mom and Other Mysteries of the Universe

Dear classmates,

I am reading a book called My Mom and Other Mysteries of the Universe. Arlie thinks her mom doesn't love her because she's always telling her what to do. Her parents are going on a business trip for two months. She's staying at her aunt's house for a month. Then one day theirs a new kid in her class. Her name is Casey lane reversed it's Lasey Cane. Arlie's moms name is Lacey Caine! On that day her parent's are in a car accident! Her dad's fine but her mother's in a coma!

When I was reading this book I had a few questions. I wonder why only her mom got seriously injured? Why does her new classmate look, act, and has similar relatives? When I was reading I had an reaction. I would not want to be Arlie wright now. This book is very captivating too. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

Im reading Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining by Anne Mazer. It is about a girl named Abby who is starting her first day of fifth grade.She wants to be a soccer star. I predict she will meet a lot of friends and she will get on to the soccer team she wants. I think once she gets on she will be really good and have a lot of fun playing so she wont want to quit.I thought it was cool to have calenders all around her room but I wondered why she wanted to have all those calenders?

Fever 1793

Dear class,

The book that i am reading is called Fever 1793. This book is about a girl named Matilda who's best friend named polly just died. And there saying that the reson that she died is because theres this fever called the yellow fever. Matilda is trying to see Polly but matildas's mom named Lucille dosn't want her to because of the sickness that is going around. Matilda's grandfather wants Ma tilda to see poll because it was her old friend. So the goverment and such are telling Matilda that people are diying because of god and how if ypu dont go to chursh you will get sick and die.

I had a few questions that i wanted to ask one was if Lucille gose out wouldnt she get sick and die, my other question was why was there people out side the market if there was a sickness going around, and my last question was is matilda going to die.

This reminds me of when my step brother's friend hung himself. He wasn't the smartest guy around the world. This also reminds me of when I was home and sick and I wanted to go to school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha Ha.

This book is really good i'll get back to my questions in a week.


Harry potter and the order of the phoenix

Dear class:

the book im reading is Harry potter and the order of the phoenix.So far in this book,Harry had a dream and then it got inturupted by Arthur [Mr.whesley] getting attacked by a snake.He had to go to Dumbledores office to talk about the dream.Just when Harry got into Dumbledores office but Dumbledore didnt feel comfortable with Harry in his office because he was supose to stay away from him and if Dumbledore told Harry anything of what Dumbledore knows that Harry dosnt know,then Harrys scar would burn and that would mean that Voldemort is trying to control him.

So Dumbledore sent Harry and George [Harrys friend] in a portkey to warn other wizards.Along the way,Harry kept thinking that he was the snake who attacked Mr:Whesley.Then just when christmas came,Sirius said that Voldemort [evil wizard] was looking for something that he didnt have last time and Harry thinks he"s the weapon.

So far I think this is the best book ive ever read in my life. I think Voldemort thinks that harry is his weapon because he can control scars that were given from him and thats the rule for people that have scars that were from Voldemort.Can harry control his scar from Voldemort controling it or will he be killed by Voldemort putting presure on harrys scar?



Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My last best friend

Dear class,

This week I am reading a book called My Last Best Friend.I have not been reading for long

but this is all I know, A girl named Ida just had her best friend move.

I have a prediction and a connection, my prediction is.... I think that Ida will be at the party on friday.


Dear Class,
The book I'm about to read is Peak by Ronald Smith. The summary of the book is about a 14 year old guy named Peak and he's about to paint graffiti on a building in a big city. When he gets caught by the police he gets two choices. One is to go to juvenile place, and the other is to live with his long lost father. When he goes to his fathers home he soon finds out that his father is a mountain climber. When he meets his dad his dad says that Peak should be the youngest person ever to climb Mount Everest. Peak doesn't like this idea but he has to do it.
My prediction is that Peak will make it to the top of the mountain but on the way down he will slip and fall. He will have surgery but be okay.

The Falcon`s Feathers

I am reading The Falcon`s Feather By Ron Roy.It is about when
Josh discovers that a nest of young falcons.
He, Dink and Ruth Rose
checking up on the birds
everyday until the morning
they find out the nest was empty!!! Then the kids see one of the falcons
with it`s wing feathers trimmed, and they
know someone`s up to
no good. Read to find out what happens!

While I was reading the book some thoughts popped into my head........


1. Why was Josh so interested in Falcons?
2. I felt kind of was freaked by someone
trimming a falcons feathers.
3. Was the falcon really trimmed?
4.This reminds of when I went to the Park and
I saw a falcon.

Abby Hayes: Out of Sight, Out of Mind

I read The Amazing Days of Abby Hayes: Out of Sight, Out of Mind by Anne Mazer. It is about when Abby's best friend Jessica leaves for Oregon for 3 months. During those three months, everything goes wrong! She forgets Jessica's babysitting job, she forgets to put up posters, and Natalie is being so bossy.
Jessica only told Abby that she was going to Oregon 5 days before she left. Why did she keep it a secret until then? Maybe she was scared of meeting her father's new family? I would be excited and scared.
After Jessica left, Natalie became extremely bossy. Why did she become bossy right after Jessica left??? Could it be that Jessica was the one who kept her quiet? If so, why??? Maybe Natalie wanted to be in charge.

I felt really bad for Abby when Jessica left. When she left, everything went wrong. Jessica even forgot about Abby. When Abby forgets to babysit, the little kid's mom fired her and hired her sister. Jessica found out and got so mad at Abby. Everyone else is perfect- Abby is not. Even her sisters are perfect. She must have a hard time at home.

Elite Forces

The book I am reading is called the Elite Forces and it is about the many special troops for special missions and is written by a veteran of all the big wars.

The article that I found the most interesting was actually about the kamikazes pf japan.

It started when a good general lead a attack and hit a ship before all his bombs were released, therefore causing a reaction that sunk the ship. Soon after they started having civilians do it, for honor, and protection of there home. They actually built a plane just for kamikaze attacks, with a bomb in it.

I was surprised at how lethal these attacks were, seeing that it was a hit and run and it actually really help keep the country up.

Also I thought they were forced to do it when really they wanted to and even though it was (quite literally) suicide they were worshipped and will be remembered for a while now (even though they were fighting against us) (but for their love of japan) they truly loved there country and were the most patriotic of all.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Dear classmates, A-Z

Where I am in the book Winnie and Ty had gone to Sandra's work at dunkin donuts and has two big cups of ice cream and soon Sandra began to get annoyed by her little sister and (Winnie and Ty) brother especially when Winnie says to Sandra's boy friend Bo (who also works at Dunkin Donuts) "Hows the arm" then Bo sticks out his scooping arm and flexs.Finally when Winnie gets to go to the beach with her best friend Amanda and get away from home she finds herself stuck in a jelly fish fieldin a inner tube!When I read that, I felt frightend because I know if that were happening I would be terrifide!!!


The Sloppy Copy Slipup

Dear Class

I'm still reading THE SLOPPY COPY SLIP UP. So far it's about Brian Higman a boy that always gets in trouble. His parents will destroy him if they figure out he got a big fat red
O ( f ). He has to turn in a Sloppy Copy (rough draght). Which he did not do . He had a excuse
that hes brother had band over and it was so loud he couldn't think. My question is ; is he
going to get away with it?
He does get away with it by sneaking into the line and I think the teacher finds out.
But before that he gets bullied by Harry. A 1st year student entering high-school.this reminds me of when I was in 3rd grade and one girl In my class never was nice to me. I don't think she even tried to be nice to me. That doesn't mater any more.What I'm trying to say is that I didn't finish my writing and it was due that day. So I decided I would do it during free time. I finished it in time and got a 3 on it.

I am starting a new book called The Magician's Nephew. I changed Books because I was getting tiered of that book. the only problem is that I doesn't know what NON-FICTION book to read.
Written By: VKE

judy moody MD the doctor is in

dear class, i am reading judy moody MD the dictor is in by megan MC donald and i have a few question when stink ask her that why is she dont going to school and judy say because i'm sick and her brother stink say if you sick maybe you can go to second grade say stink to judy and i think i know how she feel becasue when you in 8th grade and someone told you to go in second grade maybe they hurt your feeling and they don't care.and that was my question it's is not real question but yeah and i just told you how she feel when someone say that becasue it's not good hurting somebodys feeling BY G.F


Dear classmates and Miss.English,

I am reading the book called Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. Stephine Meyer has done a great job writing this book so far, it has kept me flipping pages of the book like crazy. It has kept me reading all the time. When I was reading one paticular part of my book a couple of questions came to my mind about what I was reading such as, Why is Bella not afraid of Edward like she is supposed too? And especially why does she feel safe with him? Finally, Why doesnt Jacob(childhood friend also werewolf) speak up about how much he like's Bella?

Some thoughts came into my head about Edward, I thought that Edward would get mad at Bella for not telling Charile(Bella's father) about their time together.

I'm at a cliffhanger about the evil vampire's(Laurent,Victoria, and James) tracking down Bella. She has to be on the move with Edward, Charlisle ,Esme,Emmet, Alice Jasper and Roasile(Edwards symbling's). To get away from the other vampires.

Anyway it is a awsome book so far and I'm proud of myself, I have 97 more pages to go then I'll be finished!

Double Identity

I read Double Identity by Margaret Peterson Haddix. The book is about a girl called Bethany. She gets sent to her aunt Myrlie, her mother's sister, even if she has never heard of her before. Anyways, Bethany has a lot of questions, like why her parents are older than other kids' parents, and why are they so overprotective? Then Bethany overhears her Aunt Myrlie talking to her parents on the phone and she heard, "She doesn't know about Elizabeth." Then she sees a videotape of Elizabeth which just looks like Bethany. She even has the same number of freckles as Bethany. Bethany pretends that she doesn't know about her so she doesn't talk about it. She finally asks her father and FINALLY Aunt Myrlie tells her. Bethany finds out that she is a clone of Elizabeth, her sister who died in a car accident. Elizabeth died in 1997 and was thirteen, so that's why her parents were older than others.

Some of my questions were why did Elizabeth's father clone her after she has died? An also Elizabeth hated swimming. How come Bethany was so good at it? Her parents expected her to drown and die. I think it is really weird how Bethany even likes the same foods as Elizabeth, like oatmeal with peaches and cream. But since Elizabeth died at thirteen years old, how come Bethany didn't die too when she was thirteen, since she was a clone of Elizabeth? And did Bethany remember the times that she was Elizabeth?

Heart Beat

Dear class,

I'm reading the book Heart Beat. Its about a girl named Annie and her friend Max. They like to run bare foot every morning and they always stop at the park bench at the end of the trail.
Annie works for a old women named Mrs. Copper. Annie mows her lawn in the summer and in the spring and rakes the leaves in the fall, she cleans Mrs. Copper's garage in the winter. Annie is saving the money the she earns to buy Fancy pencils and paper. Max works at a dinner and is saving his money for new running shoes so he can be on the boys track team and win all the meets.

One of my questions was why did Max want to win so badly?
Why did Annie want the color pencils so badly?

Abby hayes home is where the heart is

Dear, Class

As you all know i have been reading Abby Hayes the home is where the heart is!!!! Abby gets to her house and finds out that her enemy Brianna lives in her neighborhood. Brianna is a BIG bragger and i mean very big! She and Abby start a fight about who has the biggest and better house! Everybody in her class is cheering (Go Abby!). Abby gets in to her house and her water isn't working! i thought Oh my gosh after all that work and sadness know their water is out I mean come on! They buy a bunch of bottles of water and then their water gets turned back on:) Abby's parents go out to a movie and while they are gone, all of Abby's siblings come into Abby's room!! The siblings are telling Abby that they cant sleep!!They all snuggled up into Abby's bed! they were all talking about how much they missed there old house!! The book slowly ended after that!

Thanks for reading my responses hope you enjoy the book!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Land of the weenies

Dear class,

This week I am reading a book called Land Of The Weenies.I have not been reading for more than two days so all I know is that its about many many fairytales so far I have read two mini stories.

I have a connection for the second story...My brother also thought fairies were real two.I also
have a question about the book two...Why is every story about fairies when you can just make
one whole book about it. Of course everyone has a prediction... I think that billy will catch a
fairy just like he alwase wanted to.

your classmate,

Abby Hayes The Home Is where tthe heart is!

Dear, Class I have just started and then finished an abby hayes book called The home is where the heart is! Abbys dad tells everbody they are going out to dinner because they have some important news! Abby cant keep from wondering about what it could be! I mean I couldnt keep from wondering either! So they get to dinner Abby Isabel and Alex and eva are all waiting for there mom who is meeting them at a resturant! All the four kids are so Anxious to here! abbys mom ( olivia hayes ) has just arrived! Olivia Hayes sits down and tells them the news! Olivia has gotten a promotion the four kids are all very excited for her! The waitress came to the table and ordered there food! After she left they had some more news:) she said......... we are moving! The kids excited faces turned into horrified faces!!

Abby hayes

Dear, class i have just finished the book every cloud has a silver lining! It was great Abby scored a goal at her first soccer game she was like hooray!!!!!! Then she got so embarrassed because right when her brother and father showed up she fell and her knees started to swell up:( poor thing she was crying like crazy!! Abby wouldn't talk to her family all night i felt very bad for her and her family! In the morning Abby's family all came into her room the article that she had published was in the local newspaper! She felt the excitement running down her face!! She had butterflies in her stomach!:) (GO ABBY) They all went down stairs to celebrate with waffles ! One of the best things about she gets paid about 5-15 bucks i cant remember how much but a good amount of money for a school project. If that happened in real life i would never put my pencil down what about you???????? The book slowly ended after that!!!! I have enjoyed sharing my book and my feelings with you guys!!! Thank You
Sincerely, lb

Peter and the Shadow Thieves

Dear class,

I am reading the book Peter and the Shadow Theives. The book is about a boy and his name his Peter, can fly any time he wants, and he has a fairy whose name is Tink or Tinker Bell. A strange thing and his name is Ombard who is a Other (or the bad side). Ombard can also suck up shadows and then control you, atacks his friend Molly who is a Starcatcher(the good side) and the Starcachers and the Others try to collect starstuff( starstuff is stuff that falls from shooting stars) so they fight to get the starstuff. The Others use it for bad reasons but when Starcatchers get starstuff they save a little bit so they can fly and heal but then they return it to the heavens.

Some of my questions are, How come Peter can fly?, How come Ombard has a cape over him at all times?, and the last one question is how is starstuff made? This book and the other books are amazing I cant wait to read the third book.Thanks for reading, JB


Dear Ms.English and Class,

I am reading a VERY good book called Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. In the book Eclipse Alice kidnapped Bella and Bella has to stay at the Cullen's house until Edward comes back from his hunting trip with his dad, and two brothers Jasper and Emett. While Bella was falling asleep Rosalie happened to come by her room and they started talking about how and when Rosalie became a vampire.

In Rosalie's story she lived in a wonderful town where her dad was a banker. She could not go anywhere without everyone looking at her and admiring her beauty. She was shallow and only thought about herself. She wanted to have a husband and to be with somebody for the rest of her life. A king owned her dad's bank, and that king had a son named Royce. Rosalie was very jealous when she found out that one of her best friends Vera got married and had a beautiful baby that had dimples and had curly black hair. Rosalie was amazed when she got engaged with Royce. One night walking home from Vera's in the snow, Rosalie saw her fiance drinking with a few of his friends. Rosalie knew that he only drank a glass of wine here and there.

Rosalie went over to them and said "Hi." Royce and his friends were drunk and they severely hurt Rosalie. Rosalie was telling Bella she was just laying in the snow waiting to die. Carlisle found Rosalie in the street bleeding. He brought her back to his house and saved her life by turning her into a vampire. She remembered Carlisle saying he is so sorry every time she screamed from the venom. Edward did not like Rosalie one bit. After having the venom spread in her Rosalie looked at the mirror and she was disgusted by how she looked. That whole story is why she does not want Bella to turn into a vampire. She wants her to live and have a happy life unlike Rosalie did. Bella was shocked to find out that Rosalie was just jealous of Bella because she has a perfect life.
When Bella was at school Jacob came and picked her up to ditch school on his motorcycle, at Jacob's house Bella and Jacob got into a big fight. Alice was so mad when Bella went to the Cullen's house. She ditched school and went to their enemy's house. Bella was so excited when she got to go home, but when she went to her room all her clothes where gone. Edward had no clue what happened. I think that Jacob stole her clothes.

While I was reading Eclipse I had a few questions in mind. One of the questions was Why would Royce hurt Rosalie which was his fiance? And Why did Royce drink when he usually does not? Also, i had connection that kinda matched what happened to Rosalie. At my old school I was being bullied by a group of boys also. In my head I could see a movie playing about Eclipse, I could just imagine Rosalie getting hurt. That is so sad of what had happened to Rosalie.

