Friday, April 9, 2010

Skinny Bones

Dear Reader,
I have been reading the book Skinny Bones and its by Barbra Park. Its about a rude boy and he makes funny jokes. He gets on a commercial and acts like a baby and everyone at school makes fun of him. He made a fan club but its only a cat and a drooling toddler.

Some questions are why he was picked to do the commercial and why did he try to start a fan club.


hello class
i am reading the book eleven by Lauren Myracle!
i think she wrote this book just to show everyone how a normal pre- teen girl's life is!

Winnie is the main character in her book! so lets get started so you can learn more about this! so Winnie and her best friend Amanda decide to plan Winnie's birthday party! they plan it in art class since there teacher let them sit next to each other! now that school is over..Amanda tells Winnie that she has a very special gift for her! Winnie ask what is it????????Amanda Say's you really think I'm going to tell you? just wait until tonight! Winnie and Amanda both go home from school! Winnie is still wondering what the present Amanda is giving her will be???? i would be wondering to!

Winnie See's Amanda's car pull up and goes and runs to go get the door! (that's usually what i do to because i get very excited about having a party) and i think the author does too especially because she put in the book! slowly the guest start coming but when they come all they want to do is play on the electric chair and Winnie wants to do the stuff that she and Amanda planned together! she asked them if they wanted to go make pizza's and they said yes so then they all got to eat the pizzas and then they had cake and then it was present time the time they (Winnie and Amanda at least) had all been waiting for! that is my favorite part too!
Winnie tried to open Amanda's first because she was very anxious too! but then Amanda grabbed it away from her..she opened everybody Else's and she got some pretty good stuff! and now she gets to open Amanda's yippee!! THE BOX IS EMPTY!! ALL IT HAS IS A NOTE IN IT! the note says please take care of me!!
and Winnie said take care of what?????????? and then there was her mom walking through the kitchen with a kitten in her hands!! Winnie was so excited!! THANK YOU AMANDA!!!

then everyone else still wanted to do the electric chair but Winnie didn't care because she had her brand new Kittie cat from Amanda!

thank you for reading my post!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

1003 great things about moms


Now I'm reading "1003 great things about moms" this book is like a really long list of things about most normal moms. Like things like the things that they would do for you or what they wouldn't want you to do. I think the writer wrote this because maybe the auther is sad because their mom might be gone.=(
When ever i read this book it makes me really sad because I know one day my mom will leave me one day but it is ok because for now my mom is here with me so its fine =)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fever 1973

The book I read a long time ago was called Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson. It's historical fiction and is based on a real epidemic in 1793 of yellow fever. Mattie (who is the main character)'s mom and grandpa own a coffeehouse. They have a maid called Eliza that's not really like a maid because she's Mattie's best friend.
Mattie is 14 years old. One day, she finds out that Polly (who was her friend) died of a fever. Soon 100 people died. Her mother gets the fever and convinces Mattie and her grandpa to evacuate. Suddenly her grandpa gets yellow fever too. Mattie herself gets sick but survives so she is immune to the yellow fever
Now, more than a thousand people have died. Mattie returns to her house. She finds out that lots of things in her house were stolen. This day when she's sleeping, these thieves come and steal her stuff and kill her grandpa. And she still doesn't know where her mother is. . .
Mattie goes to Eliza' house and cares for sick children that almost die. When the frost comes, the fever is gone and they are happy again.

Mattie said that Eliza was "black but she was free and Philadelphia was the best place for free slaves". Mattie, unlike some people, treated Eliza like everyone else and like she was family. She never mentioned that Eliza was black more than once. If you skipped the first part of the book, you would never know that Eliza was black. I think Eliza treats all people equally no matter how they're like.

I think Laurie Halse Anderson wrote this book because she wanted to put a picture into your mind about the yellow fever in 1793 and how it was like. You could imagine streets full of dead people, people bleeding, and the air smelling like something rotten and how hard it was for the people there. Mattie took everything easily, sort of, and it was hard for her to believe (in the beginning) that there was an epidemic until lots of people had died.

I think the author feels that Mattie was really brave and inquisitive and intended for her to be that way. I think she feels that way because she wanted her audience to feel what she felt, and to think that it was a really horrible time to be in.

The author began with Mattie slapping at a mosquito. That makes sense because the yellow fever was spread by mosquitoes.

If I was Mattie, I would be be really scared; family members died, mom missing, etc. Mattie was really brave to overcome all that.



The book i reading is called Millions by Fank Cotrell Boyce. It's about a family and they are very poor and the kids are walking then a big bag of money falls in front of them and there is millions of dollars in the bag. And they become rich! When they are looking through the bag there is a note and it says that they only have 17 day to spend all the money! What will they do with all of it?!?!!!!!?????? I don't know either.

I think they will buy stocks and other things to help them stay alive and stuff. I wonder if they will spend any money or not. I think this book will be reallty good.

Sinerley, RJM


Sup bloggers,
Sorry i havent been on in a while. Any ways i am now reading the third book of Avalon called "Cry of the Wolf" I think this book is awesome because it is very descriptive and it uses words like inhuman and moist mist and well you know what i mean. I think the auther's purpose of writing this book is for the intrest of the readers an dfor some thing to do while the auther, Rachel Roberts, is not doing

In the book some girls named Adriane, Kara, and Emily, best friends all can talk to all kinds of creatures including things like dragons or magical creatures. Adriane's best friend which is a mist wolf ( a mist wolf is a wolf that can turn into a heavy mist when ever it pleases ) has gone with his cland but is sad to leave Adriane as well as she was so very sad. I think the writer has been thru something like this and has lost her friend as well so that might be her veiwpoint.

next time,


Dear readers,

I just finished the book "Eleven"by Lauren Myracle. It's about a girl named Winnie (nick name) who starts out to be ten and has a best friend named Amanda.

There art teacher lest them sit together to plan and draw out her party. When her party come all her friends want to do is play on the old chair that goes up and down the stairs. While her friends are
playing on the chair a girl named Dinah stays with Winnie because she is shy in front of the others.
Later in the book Winnie's friend Amanda finds a new friend named Gail. Winnie thinks that Gail it the snootiest person imagined. Twards the end of the book Winnie realises that Amanda only wants to be with Gail so Winnie's only best friend is Dinah.

Authors word choise:
In the book Winnie's brother's favorite place is Chukey Cheese's. The aurthor said he could spen eons there. Eons means he could be there forever.

The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Shadow Souls

Dear readers,

I finished reading The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Shadow Souls. Elena came back from the dead....... again. She died as a vampire saving Damon and Stefan from Katherine. 500 years ago, Damon and Stefan loved Katherine and they found out she was a vampire. She changed them but they said that she had to choose one of them. She pretened to die hoping that that would stop them from hating each other. That didn't work and they killed each other and became vampires. 500 years later (now) Katherine came back and was trying to kill them. Elena killed her but Elena died too. When she came back to life, the burst of Power brought 2 kitsune. They are like werewolves except they turn into foxes and they are more powerful. They're names are Shinichi and Missao. They are brother and sister but thay don't act like it (creepy). Damon helped them lock Stefan into Shi no Shi (translated to Death of Death or Gods of Death or The New Death.) He did that because he says he wants Elena to be his Princess of Darkness. Translation: He wants her all to himself. Now Elena, Matt, Mereidith, Bonnie and Damon going to the Dark Dimension to free Stefan with the clues Misao gave them. The Dark Dimension is a horrible place with vampires, demons, and kitsune in charge with alot of human slaves. They meet 3 people who are actually nice and help them: Lady Ulma, Lucen, and Sage. When they free Stefan, they still have one problem: Misao and Shinichi are possessing the town and they are trying to stop it. Elena has another problem: does she belong with Damon or Stefan???

In the book, I had alot of pictures in my head. Here are some of the words L.J. Smith used to describe.

  • Possession in the 21st Century??? That was a newspaper headline and it kind of describes how possessed teens (12-18) are acting. It seems really creepy.

  • Like Aladin's cave Lady Ulma describes that as how her father's secret jewel cave looked like. I'd love to go there!

  • She guessed that this woman, a slave for more than 22 years, must find true freedom difficult to believe in. That kind of shows how hard the human's lives are. All the demons, vampires, and kitsune are in charge. Most of the slave owners don't care about their slaves. Ulma's master was really mean, he killed 5 or 6 of his slaves a year.
  • She was going clad in tulle and jewelry, perfume & paint, to go see her Stefan To me, that shows how much Elena loves Stefan. Stefan's jail is discucting, has lice,rats and Stefan is half dead and she is going there really fancy and pretty.
  • We who are so lucky as to be born into the light- who see it every day and never think about it, we are blessed.We could have been born shadow souls who live and die in crimson darkness, never even knowing that somewhere that is something better. Even though the Dark Dimension isn't real, I think L.J. Smith is trying to say how lucky we are to have light annd freedom. That part of Elena's diary shows how grateful she is to be back on Earth instead of the Dark Dimension- where the sun never stops setting (crimson darkness, everything looks redish) and where humans are slaves.

I think the next book is called "Midnight". I think it's the third one of "The Return"

Thanks for reading my blog!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Titans Curse

Dear Class,

The book im am reading right now is The Titans Curse which is also part of The lightning thief series. In this book where im at, Percy jackson is spying on a group of monsters that are planning their next threat on percy. This big threat is sending some play time buddies to the air and space museum to attack percys friends (Grover and Thalia along with not so good friends Zoe and Bianca.) Now percy must get to the air and space museum before the monsters do so he can save his friends from danger. But Zoe wont let Percy help them.

Some of the words they use in this book are frantic. I think it means horrible music when grover was playing on his reed pipes.

The authors purpose of this book in where im at is to let others help and leave no one behind.



New Moon

Dear class,

The book that i am reading so far is called New moon the main characters in this book is Bella, Jacob, and Edward. This book is about a girl (Bella) who has just turned 18.She has a boy friend who is a vampire and he want s to become one to so that she wouldn't age. Alice (a family member of Edward) loves Bella as a sister and cared so much about that she threw Bella a b-day party. But Edward didn't approve.Edward always is there for Bella =he is always there when she sleeps but on some nights he wouldn't show up Bella was worried she was worried about why wouldn't he be her when i sleep or when I'm at school Bella asked him as she showed up at her house and told Bella that he didn't want her any more and that he was leaving, Bella was hart broken and would have nightmares every thinking of him.the only person that would make her happy was Jacob.

Stephenie Meyer (author) has really got me into the character, she told me how much she loves Edward a doesn't want to let him go. Stephenie really got the character in my mind and i pictured all the thing she wrote in my mind. The type of pictures i had in my mind was When Edward left Bella, and when Bella was riding a motorcycle and hit her head all those pictures. I felt bad for Bella because the person she loved left her just because a lot of people are noticing that he is not ageing, and i bet that is really hard for her.
For this story i had some questions, They were why didn't Bella know that Jacob would be there and always will be there for her?. My other Question was, Where did the Cullen's hide out at form Bella?
That is all thank you for reading my post and for all the comments that you can give me.

The Bad Beginning

Dear Readers,

I am reading the book, Series Of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning. In this book 3 children named Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire look for a home after their mom and dad die in a fire. Mr.Poe, who is the friend of the Baudelaire's father helps them out by taking them to Count Oalf who is their relative to live in his house for a while. Count Oalf is a mysterious person who has pictures, tattoo's, and other stuff of an eye. The Baudelaire's look very confused after they entered into Count Oalf's house. They wanted to go back to the mansion that they and their family used to live and not stay in a house filled with eyes around them. But guess what, they had to do chores everyday and do all types of cleaning. Do you think they can get a better home from someone else or just stay with Count Oalf ???? The author used allot words that were confusing but the most confusing one was to be " Perished". I looked in the dictionary and it said that it means " Die". Also I think the author used these kinds of words is that he doesn't want to get us bored with the same words everyday. I hope you enjoyed my blog. I hope you would be waiting for the next one!!!!!!


Isle of Swords

Hello, my current book is called Isle of Swords, it's about a pirate crew who fights the British and the notorious Bartholemew Thorn. Led by the Scottish Declan Ross and his ship the " William Wallace", they find a man who can't find his identity,he is found mortally wounded on a random island. Named "Cat after the whipping that he seemed to recieved by a Cat O' Nine tails(a whip with 9 lashes). They rescue a monk from a attacked island and the monk, Padres Domiguez, has a treasure map tattooed to his back(Thats got to hurt).

The author used very descriptive words, such as describing the basement of Declan Ross' muy loco friend a.k.a the French, Jacques St. Pierre. " 10 torch lights danced upon brass,silver, and Gold. Tables were littered with Saws,clamps,and sextants." You also may ask"How is Jacques loco?" Well, he blows up his own windmill and leaves barrels of Gunpowder around his forge.

The Author wrote this to show the hardships of pirates and others, and the name Padres Dominguez reminds me of the island Padres Del Fuego. The title is very intriguing because it is related to the story,more suspensful, and better than "Declan Ross" or "The William Wallace".

I don't understandhow you can memorize your life by looking at a cliff or forget at all! It seems very hard. Also why did Jacques St. Pierre just had to blow up his place to get the British away? Seriously, with a GRENADE!!!!!???????

Monday, April 5, 2010

van alen legacy

Dear readers

The book I am blogging about is the Van alen legacy by Melissa de la cruz.It is aout when Schuyler van alen

and her freind Oliver go all around the world running away from the conclave because the conclave thinks

that schuyler was the one who killed her grandfather when she really didnt.Then Jack goes toParis where

Schuyler and Oliver are disguised as tourists telling Schuyler that the conclave is not going after her anymore

Just a Dream

The book I am blogging about is called Just a Dream by Chris Van Allsburg. It is about a boy who isn't very eco-friendly. He liters and he doesn't recycle. His favorite show is about a boy in the future and they have flying cars and lots of cool things like that. When he pictured the future he always thought of his favorite show. He always wanted to dream about the future. But one night when he went to bed right after watching his favorite show he wished extra hard and that night he went into the future. He went to eight different locations but none of them were how he pictured the future to be. His street was distroyed. The grand canyon was too fogged up to even see it. When he got back he changed he started to recycle and be more eco-friendly. That night he went into the future again but this time it still wasn't like his favorite show but it was a world where everything was clean. I thought the lesson or moral of the story was how you treat the earth today will influence the earth in the future. I think at first the author thought of the main character as a trouble maker and not someone you would want to be around but as the story went on I think the author found him as someone who you would want to be around. I think the author's purpose was to tell people to always treat the earth well so it can be around for a long time.
Hope you enjoyed my blog!!!!!

lemonade wars

In mybook I read the following. All summer he couldn't do anything because it was to hot. one night he was sleeping in the basement then his sister came down and said is that you? then she bopped him on the head. then he said watch it clumsy. they started debating then his sister wanted to play stratego he said I hate stratego. She said but I thought you love stratego. He said no I only say that to make you happy. Then yet again they debated what they should do then she wanted to have a lemonade stand. But he said no. then they argued a lot she kept saying how fun it would be. he again said i hate having lemonade stands. In her defense she said we always have lemonade stands. He said I hate having lemonade stands how about we play baseball? then I connected and thought I probably would rather play baseball too. I also thought all the argueing was not needed. then she said I don't want to play baseball. then they discussed about school and how they were going to be in a different school and how much she hated his friends. then he said not to worry he said I made without an older sibling then she calmed down. The next day they agreed to having a lemonade stand. I had a connection there I would of gave in also. I could also just picture them in there hot basement sweating debating Icould just smell it and it smelled bad.