Friday, April 16, 2010

Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls: The New Girl

Dear all readers,

Lately I have been reading a book called, "Allie Finkle Rules for Girls." Allie is the new girl at Pine Heights Elementary. Just like me I was the new girl at Mills Park Elementary, but now we are almost done with 5th grade so I guess you can say that I am not a new student anymore. Allie Finkle has 3 friends/classmates ( Caroline, and Sophie, and of course Erica.)

The reason why I picked this book because I moved from a school that I loved and it was hard for me so i decide to read book that had the same experienced I have been through

Questions that I can answer: Are there any powerful characters in the story? Yes there is the main character is Allie and her friends/classmates. What makes the that way? Well first of, Allie is on the front of the book so she is most likely going to be on the main character. Her friends, definitely Erica because she lives right next to Allie. How did the characters int he story feel about one another? Allie and her classmate Rosemary do not get along in the story, Rosemary dose not like Allie and wants to beat her up after school. Allie dose not know what to do I guess you can say that this not going to be a good year at Pine Heights Elementary. The reason I know this is because someone wouldn't just beat you up for know reason. I think that Allie should tell a grown up or some one she trust.
Hey if you are a new girl or boy at a school you will probably understand what Allie Finkel is going through might not be difficult for some one who has experienced it before. So tell me do you think you will ever be able to a school that you love and care for so much like Allie did?


Dear Readers,
I am reading the book called Stargazer, By Claudia Gray. It is the second book to the Ever night novels and is AWESOME!!!!! The main character is named Bianca and her boyfriend Lucas.I am on pg. 113 and I will tell you what has happened so far.
Bianca is a vampire. Lucas (her boyfriend) is a vampire hunter. there is bound to be trouble there isn't it???Anyways, she and him cannot be together so since Bianca is still at
Ever night Academy she cannot be with Lucas because Ever night is a school for Vampires. And so one night Bianca tells her parents she is going to go watch a meteor shower over the weekend and camp out. (She loves Astronomy so her parents would fall for the lie.)SO would her best friend/roommate, Raquel.

I bet you figured out by now where she was headed. She was going to sneak out and go find Lucas because Lucas had come to near Ever night on a hunt. But on the way to meeting up with Lucas, Bianca finds a vampire 14- year-old girl that she soon will find out is someone very important. The girl says that a man is following her and she wanted to act like she had ran into a friend, so she would be safe. So Bianca obviously couldn't refuse to her and told her that she could walk with her until she and Lucas meet up at the train station. But when they get to the train station Bianca confronts the girl and tells her that she wants some privacy when Lucas comes because (I really don't blame her for saying this.) they haven't seen each other in 6 months. The girl says "Of course" but then Lucas comes and things get ugly. The girl is a vampire and Lucas is a vampire hunter soo the girl and Lucas are in danger. But Lucas would never ever hurt Bianca...... Lucas loses and the girl runs off.

But when Lucas drops Bianca back at Evernight, Bianca runs into friend Balthazer and he tells her that the vampire girl was his Sister Charity. From the 1500 when he was changed.WHOA!!!!

BYe for now


Miley Cyrus Miles to Go

Dear readers,

So far in the book Miley is stuck in middle school with the goths, nerds, the cools, and the bullies. To her excitement she tries out for the part of Hannah Montana. That means skipping her cheer leading competions and practice. She keeps getting called back to L.A for more auditions and her mom just doesn't want to keep doing that, but her dad wants her to keep going because he thinks they've gone to far to quit.

The most important character is Miley because she is the main character.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

lemonade wars

in my book I have read the following. In my book they made the lemonade stand as planned and made lemonade few people were interested so they closed it. Then he was stuck cleaning it up and his sister left to go inside and he got mad. Then he went inside and they both drank a bunch of lemonade and they got bored then they checked who were in there classes and then made comments on the classes they were given. they got bored and played shoots and ladders he lost beacause his sister cheated he complained and they debated. then they played his choice of game then she beat him in that and he got really mad and locked himself in his room.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Bad Beggining

Dear Readers,

I am still reading the book: A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning. As I told you before that Count Oalf is a mean person and he lets the Baudelaire orphans do all chores and other things that children must not do. So right now in the story, the Baudelaire orphans went to see Mr. Poe because they don't want to stay in the Count's house so they went to where Mr. Poe works and told him everything bad that happened to them by The Count. Mr. Poe tells them that they need to adjust themselves by the house. When the Baudelaires heard that they went back home. But before they went home they visited Justice Strauss to get some books from her library. The Orphans went home and then read their book that they got. The next morning they woke up, rather than a note ( that tells them what chores to do) from Count Oalf they found Count Oalf himself !!! He was in the kitchen cooking oatmeal for them!!!!! " Good morning orphans" he said. " I've cooked oatmeal for you. I got a phone call yesterday from Mr. Poe that you guys went to his office and told him that I was not a good father!!!!!!
One of the main characters in the story is Count Oalf and along the story he changed to a evil person to a nice obedient father to the orphans. I wonder why he did that??? I think he might have another plan to ruin the children.....!!!!!

Read my next blog to find out what happens.......


Midnight Alley (third book out of The MorganVille Vampires)

Claire Danvers knows that her college town is run by vampires. She applied for a transfer and had stocked up on garlic, just in case she needed it, but the transfer is no longer an option, but the garlic may come in handy.

Now in Midnight Alley, Claire has pledged herself to Amelie, she is the most powerful vampire in the town, and the only one who can turn you into a vampire. The protection her contract secures does little to reassure those closest to Claire. But all of a sudden people are turning up dead in MorganVille, and an ancient bloodsucker extends an invitation for private lessons at his house, since Claire is really smart. Claire will soon discover--and it will give a terrifying new meaning to night school.

I am at the part where Claire just got home from a guy named Myrnin's house in the dark alley that everybody says not to go in, because you will not return. Myrnin is a guy who needs someone a little smarter than Claire to teach. You could call Myrnin a sick creepy guy. Shane was about to leave the house, but he didn't. He left because he wanted to help his dad kill vampires with a clean conscience. He ended up staying. Micheal just found out about Claire pledging herself to Amelie, which means Amelie can control Claire as in tell her what to do. Micheal is upset with Claire because she never talked to Micheal, Eve, or Shane about this. Claire decided to pledge herself to Amelie because if she didn't Amelie said something bad will happen to her friends. She must do everything Amelie says now. Amelie makes her go to night school, and the vampire teacher is crazy. He had to be locked up in a cage. People keep turning up dead either in the Glass House or in the backyard garbage cans.
I think that Monica has something to do with it.
A question of mine is Why does Monica want to hang out with Claire and be best friends with her even if she has tried to kill Claire?

Hope You enjoyed!

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Battle of The Labyrinth

Dear class:

The book im curently reading right now is called The battle of the labyrinth which is part of the percy jackson series. In this book Percy Jackson starts his high school year at Goode high school and it wasnt how Percy would expect his first day. Percy gets attacked by vampire cheerleaders and meets a girl (from The Titans Curse) last winter named Rachel Elizabith Dare who helped Percy get away from skeletons. Percy teels Rachel that the gods (Posiden, Zeus and Athena) were real. Rachel almost died last winter whem percy accidentaly swung a sward at her but she never got hurt because the sword only kills half-blood (half human half demigod) and Rachel really gave Percy the shout at him. If you guys are wondering what a Labyrinth is it is a maze.



hey welcome to eleven!
i was telling you guys about eleven and how she was and felt at her birthday
well she and Amanda go to a couple stores and go looking for makeup! they get mad at each other and hursday or Friday
i think the authors focus was that even best friends sometimes get mad at each other bu there
but they usually make up!! so its OK to get mad or else if everything was perfect life would get very boring don'tyou think!! well that's pretty much ill i have read so far since i published a blog on friday
get back to you soon

The Vampire Diaries

Dear Classmates and Ms.English,
In the book series 'The Vampire Diaries' I think that Elena Gilbert is the most important character because it always comes back to her and most of the story follows her. And it doesn't follow any of the other characters home or any place unless Elena is there to.

Elena is in love with Stefan and I know that because she swore with her own blood that she wouldn't rest until Stefan belongs to her. Bonnie, Meredeth, and Elena all like each other because their all best friends. Caroline hates Elena now because she thinks that Elena is a mean popular girl now that shes Queen of the school.

The teacher that finds enjoyment kids weaknesses in class has a small roll but is necessary
because Stefan spoke up for the girl the mean teacher was making fun of (the girls name is Bonnie).

Tango, An Island Dog

My book is about a dog (that was) named tango

He was born like most pure breeds....his mother is put in cell and forced to give birth or she will be sent to a pound (Pound: noun The stupidest idea ever thought up by a animal abuser). She eventually learnt to stop naming her little puppies...but eventually she has a new litter and its not taken away by the owner for 3 weeks! As she names each puppy the main character waits for his...hoping its manly (:P) Before he can he is taken away by the owner and shipped off to new york at a pet store...and adopted by some rich people.

They name him tango and he does not appreciate it at all (Not manly enough...) but grows to love his owner! The owner eventually buys a ship for her husband and off to see they go!





And tango is in a coma in a fishing net!

He is somewhat adopted and is taken care of...but the owner hopes his family (who may be dead) will pick him she doesn't name him! (she calls him pup)

There is More to it but that is the most part of what i read so here are some opinions

  • I find the most powerful character in this story is his new owner. She saved him in that fishing net so he did not drown and if she gives up on him he probably will die!

  • The author expresses the main character in first person (changing roles depending on the chapter, tango one...then the new owner the next) and he is really depressed. He is in a lot of pain (thanks to human culture: I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANIMALS I JUST LIKE TO EAT THEM! THEY DON'T HAVE FEELINGS!) (Execpton: Religions like Hindu and Shinto) so he wants to die and have it quick and painless (that's the way you wanna go) but he can't and he just wants his old life back!

  • The character also doesn't have many choices and it appears that we control his fate because we give him no power...we have the choice if we want help him or kill him (its our fault he was caught in a fishing net, and stolen from his mother)




The book I am reading is Millions by Frank Cotterell Boyce. The Powerful Chararcters are Damian, Anthony, and the dad. Damian is powerful because he found the money and he is the smartest one out of all of them. Anthony is powerful because he spends all the money and he is really not to smart. The dad is powerful because he doesnt know about the money and if he figures out he will be mad. Damian is the most important because he is the main character.

Black Storm Coming

My book is called Black Storm Coming. It's about a 12 year old working for the Pony express trying to deleiver freedom papers to his Aunt. His family is moving to their Aunt's home in California, Sacremento. Unfortunetly their mothers newborn baby died and their Father left them after he SHOT his son Colton. Now this isn't a happy go lucky family,they are half BLACk and half white. After their father left they had no real adult that was "free". This was BEFORE the Civil war so the pony express was very important to California who,even though with Sounthern bearings,was a UNION state(HURRAH!!??).

The main and in the story may not be physically or mentally strong characters include Althea,Coltons 10 year old sister who's more like a mom than a 5th grader,their mom who was sick from giving birth to their baby Willie(who died......R.I.P),Mr.Roberts the Pony Express mamger,and Jerimaeh a guy who despite despising him, was saved by him.

Colton Wescott is probobly the most inportant because he was doing the work for the family and earning money too. It is easier to understand Colton because the author used flashbacks and descriptive words. Some of the Characters liked or hated Colton.