Saturday, August 8, 2009

New Moon

Dear Ms.English and class,

I am reading Twilight New Moon, and it is a very good book! Right now I am at the part where she just got home from telling the Cullen's that she wanted to become like them. (vampire) Everybody said yes except for Rosalie and Edward. Edward says he will do it in a year or two or even more. And that just won't work for Bella.

While I was reading a few questions popped into my head. The first one was Why doesn't Edward and Rosalie want Bella to become a vampire? And How could any other vampire hurt her except for Carlisle?


Friday, August 7, 2009

Forth Grade Rats

I'm reading the book Forth Grade Rats by Jerry Spinelli. So far in the book Suds and his best friend Joey are sitting on the monkey bars when a little boy comes over and called them a rat. Joey said he was proud to be a rat but Suds said he still wanted to be a 3rd grade angle. At lunch Suds brings in his baby lunch box and Joey laughs and shows Suds what type of lunch box he should have. When Joey sees his lunch he laughs at Suds again. And says he needs to start eating meat and pb&j.

One of the questions I had was why did it matter so much to Joey what Suds had for lunch and what type of lunck box Suds had.

My conection was people used to laugh at me because i got bad grades and they got good grades when i first moved here.

The Kidnapped King

Dear Ms. English,

I am reading the book The Kidnaped King. This book is a really
good book and I suggest that you to read it!
This story is about
a king and queen of Costra are kidnapped!! For his protection ,
the prince is sent to Green Lawn to hide out with dink`s family.
Dink, Josh, Ruth Rose promise to help their royal friend recue his parents.
But then the prince is kidnapped too!!!!! Read to find out what happens!
While I was reading
some thoughts popped into my head. One was that I predict that Joan Knickler the touter of Sammy the prince is the one who kidnapped Sammy.Another one was that Why did the ennimies of the king kidnap the king and queen?Was it true that Sammy is a prince? How could Joan kidnap Sammy because she at Dinks house while Sammy was kidnapped? However read to find out what happens!


Thursday, August 6, 2009


   Dear Class,
       The book I'm reading is Loser by Jerry Spinelli.  The book is about a first grader named Donald Zinkoff.  Zinkoff was having fun at school because he loved the teachers.  But the teachers didn't seem to like him back.  Probably because he laughed to much, or he would be a huge distraction to the class.  Over the years this has been going on and he had
 no friends.  In fourth grade, at Field Day he was on the running relay, and he was the anchor.The person in front of him gave their team the lead by half the track. When the person before
Zinkoff tagged Zinkoff, Zinkoff was running but when he was halfway done the other teams had taken the lead.  When Zinkoff finished in dead last his teammates came up to him and said,"you loser" over and over.  That's how far in the book I'm on right now.
  One of my questions was why did the running coach put Zinkoff in the  anchor position?  I also was surprised the teacher said, "YOU'RE NEVER ALLOWED IN MY CLASSROOM AGAIN!!!!!!"


Ryan's Response

Dear Class,

The book I'm reading is Wringer by Jerry Spinelli. It's about a nine year old boy Palmer who knows when he turns ten he will become a wringer. Every Family Fest in his town on one day they bring in 5,000 pigeons and each shooter shoots 5 pigeons each. After every five pigeons killed a wringer comes out and picks them up. If one is not dead the wringer wrings their necks. One day after school Palmer comes home and sees a pigeon on his window and he kept it as a pet. Soon some of his friends got suspicious and snuck in his house. So he gave the pigeon to his other friend and he said to let the pigeon go. So she did, but accidentally let him go where the pigeons are captured for pigeon day. So at pigeon day he recognized the pigeon and took him and ran home.
I had a reaction and that reaction was I was surprised that Palmer tried to let him go instead of hiding the pigeon. I also had a connection and it was once I tried to shoot a pigeon with a BB gun. I had a question and the was why did people in the town like to kill pigeons? Scincerly, RJM

Myth of the great war questions

Dear Ms.English and class,

My book is called the Myth of the Great War. It's about World War 1 mostly on the Western front. From the fall of Namur to the german surrender. It has many facts, tactics, and people. It has many odd things though.

My first question is what does Demonic mean? It was used in the section about a place called the Vauquois. It was used " the remains of the Vauquois are one of the 7 Demonic wonders of the world" . That was because it was blown up so much the top is gone except a little rim and lots of craters. Still I don't know what Demonic means.

Another question is how long did it take for the French to dig a tunnel, fill it with mines, and blow it up? The French lacked heavy artillery and used mines as a substitute. It took time for them to dig a tunnel and move the the explosives ( which weighed about 1 ton each ) and then blow it up? It took lots of time and I think it would take a day.

Relating a little to the previous, why didn't the French have decent high explosive shells? They didn't have good ones and they didn't have that many Howitzers to shoot them at high enough angles. Same goes for Mortars who the French 58 millimeter was worse than even the German light 78 millimeter Minenwerfer ( mine thrower in German ). Nor did they have good numbers or good shells.


Spy force

Dear class:

The book im reading is spy force mission vortex.As i was reading, I came up with a few questions along the way.My first question was, will Max be able to jup the volcano?How will Max beable to get out of the vortex?So far, this book is about a girl Max, whos trying to be the top best spy in the spy force.Along the way,the evil team v.a.r.t is making an interseption to destroy the spy force team.When Max and her three friends lindion,and ella get sucked up in a vortex, they have to conquer there fears and get out of the vortex before time runs out.When time runs out, then the spy force facilaty will be destroied.So far,I think this book is great because of the action pack chapters that blow your mind away.


Mark Hartmann

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The House on the Gulf


Im reading The House on the Gulf by Margret Peterson Hadix. It is about a boy named Bran,a named Britt, and their mother. They move to Florida and Bran gets a house-sitting job. They decide to move into the house Bran is house-sitting for. While they are there Britt makes some astonishing discoveries. When I was reading this I was wondering why Bran was acting so weird and why Britt was always onto Bran. Guess Ill find that out when I finish the book. I chose this book because I love the author and when I read the back of the book my mind was full of suspense.


The Babysitting Wars

Dear Classmates,

I am reading the book "The Babysitting Wars". It is very entertaining as I read along in this humerous book. This book is by Mimi Micoy, she is a very good auther and describes things very well. As I go along with this book it makes me wonder how the auther published this book. It always ocurrs to me that when I read really good books I always get a good picture. That is what is happening with this book.

This book is about a girl named Kaitlyn and her two friends, Liesel and Maggie. Kaitlyn basiclly never hangs out withher friends because she is always babysitting.

The last olympian

I am currently reading the last and 5Th book in the Percy Jackson (son of Poseidon) series and it is called the last Olympian. In the book it is the last war of the gods and the titans and percy must help protect mount olympus.

I believe that he is going to win but possibly lose someone too (like in the second and forth book)

I think percy jackson is VERY brave and I wonder how the great prophecy will end. I also wander what clever tricks he Annabeth (daughter of athena), and grover (the satyr), will have up there sleaves...

My reaction for this book was a mixture of: *sob*, COOL!!, OMG, and ZZZZZZ.

I love cheap jokes and THE LAST OLYMPIAN is full of 'em


Dear class,
I'm reading Runt by Marion Dane Bauer.Its about a wolf named Runt. Every one thought he was not normal and excluded him from the games the other pups played. Runt stayed out of the den most of the time. when there was a big storm runt ran away.A few days later he found a porcupine and wanted to fight with it. His brother Thinker came over and told him not to play with it because he could get hurt. Runt did not listen so the porcupine hit Runt and Thinker. One of the quills got stuck in Thinker's eye causing him to die. Now that his brother died, everyone is being nice to Runt and letting him play with him. Helper has also been teaching him some hunting skills. (One of his brothers)

One of my questions is why was everyone being so nice to Runt now that his brother died?
Why didn't his parents take the quills out of Thinker and his eye?
and, why did Runt and his family move a few days after Thinkers death?
I don't understand why his family didn't try to help thinker, they just let him die.
I predicted even though Runt is the smallest he will grow bigger than the others and get his name changed from Runt.

AP :)


I am reading Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer. It is about Edward (good vampire) and Jacob (werewolf) who hate each other because vampires and werewolves naturally hate each other. Bella (human) is in a lot of danger with the Volturi ( royal family of vampires) and Victoria (vampire who wants to kill Bella because Edward killed her mate, James).

The Volturi want to either kill Bella, or turn her into a vampire because it is against the rules for a human to know so much about vampires. They would come and see if she was turned into a vampire yet. Someone Edward and Jacob don't recognize came while Bella was gone. Who came into Bella's house and why? Victoria wouldn't leave her father alive. It wouldn't be the Volturi unless they sent someone Edward hasn't met before because Edward doesn't recognize the scent of the person.

Also, there is a new vampire in Seattle that has been killing a lot of people and I want to know who it is. He's made so many murders, I think that Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper ( all vampire siblings) have to interfere even though they don't usually do that. They're not the Volturi but it's is so close to their home in Forks, Washington, they really need to do something before that new vampire kills someone they know.

Even though Edward and Jacob hate each other, I predict that they will forget that for a while to protect Bella from Victoria and the new vampire. I think that because they both are close to Bella and don't want anything bad to happen to Bella. They sometimes act more like her personal bodyguards than her friends.

Theres A Boy In The Girls Bathroom

Dear Class,

The book i am still reading is, There's A Boy In The Girls Bathroom. This book is about This boy who is the oldest in his 5th grade class. hes a huge lair. he's not afraid to fight a girl.Not one person likes him except the school counselor Carla. Carla knows Bradley can change but Bradley doesn't want to.
I had a few questions, why was Jeff( Bradley's old Friend) being mean to Collen, Melinda,and Lori? And my other question was, is Bradley going nice? I feel bad for Bradley because not one person likes him. Sincerely, SW

Molly Moon, Micky Minus, and the Mind Machine

Dear Classmates,

I read Molly Moon, Micky Minus, and the Mind Machine by Georgia Byng. It is about a 11 year old girl called Molly Moon that has a long lost twin that has to find him. Molly travels forward in time to find him and finds out that an evil dictator called Princess Fang stole him to use him. Princess Fang looks like a 6 year old but she really is a 60 year old. She has a "mind machine" that looks like a jellyfish but it can drain someone's mind and give it to Princess Fang. For example, if you put Einstein on the machine, Princess Fang would get his thoughts and get really smart. That is why the princess is so smart and evil. So when Molly MOon comes to try to get her brother back, Fang puts Molly Moon on the mind machine and Molly isn't that smart anymore. so it would be harder for her to get her brother. When she finally gets him, Micky thinks that Molly is evil and tries to hypnotize her.

I like this book because it is full of suspense because it is scary and fun at the same time. And also it is a just right book and is really interesting. I predict that if there is another book in the series that it will be about Molly starting a hypnotic hospital because it talked about it in the book. I wonder why Princess Fang is so evil and wants to take over the world?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I read a nonfiction book called Cheese by Carol Jones. It tells about how cheese is made and different kinds of cheese. It also tells about the history of cheese.
I recommend you to read the book because you probably think that cheese is DISGUSTING and unappetizing except on pizza (which it DEFINITELY is not) And you can find out there are 1000+ types of cheese! (well I just told you that) But you can find out many more things about cheese that you NEVER knew! And cheese is very nutritious :-) This book is like other books about cheese, but there are many pictures and flowcharts.

Amelias Science fair

Dear Class, I have been reading Amelias sciencer fair! so far Amelia doesnt have the best partners one who sleeps 24/7 and another who wants to be Amelias bff. She finds away to use her partners they are going to do a project about which alarm works best on people who are sleeping! So the partner who sleeps the most has a part in it and they dont just put his name in it!:) thats what i have read so far!

Marly a dog like no other

Dear classmates,

In the book Marly a dog like no other evrey one who loved Marly was saying there last good byes. As Marlys family had there first scare when Marly had to go to the vet because he had twisted his stomach when he was 13 there was a big risk then he started to age more as the Grogans bought chicks not know that there wasonly one girl and the rest were boys and they had 3 boys doing nothing but cock-a-doodle-do soon Marly became death.Then the last scare was when the Grogans came to home from vacation and brought Marly home , John (the writer) soon realized how big Marlys stomach was it looked just like it did when it was twisted. As he took him to the vet Marly was to old for the risk, but Marly had a long life. When it was time the family gathered together and buried Marly . Andthat night they all shared all of the funny memories they had with Marly.

Being Bee

dear classmates, 8-4-09

Being Bee is about a girl named Bee(short for Beatrice) who's mom died. Her dad has a girlfriend. She doesn't like the girl friend. But she has no choice. She keeps geting closer and closer to liking Jazzi (the girlfriend). Jazzi moved in. And told everyone just like a real parent would.

I predict that they will get married. I feel that it wil be good if Jazzi marries Bee's dad.I predict that her so called friends will get back together.Then they will be very happier.

Wayside School is Falling Down

I read Wayside School is Falling Down by Louis Sachar. It is about a really interesting (and strange) school called Wayside School. Miss Zarves teaches on the nineteenth floor, but there isn't a nineteenth floor and there's no Miss Zarves. This book is about all the 26 kids in Miss Jewls's class, which is on the 30th floor. There are 3 Erics in Miss Jewls's class and there is a new kid. The new kid is called Benjamin Nushmutt but everyone calls him Mark Miller, for some reason. There is a yard teacher called Louis but he isn't that strange. In fact, he is almost normal.

I think it is really strange that Benjamin Nushmutt is called Mark Miller by so many people. Where did they get the name Mark Miller? And WHY are Miss Zarves's students the opposite of things? In the end there is a tornado and Wayside school gets filled with cows. How come Wayside School gets filled with cows? Where did the cows come from? Were they black and white cows or brown and white cows or only white cows?

Monday, August 3, 2009

Caddie Woodlawn

Dear people,
I read Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink for AG last year. It is a really good book and you really should read it. It is based on a true story of the author's grandmother, Caddie Woodhouse and is about a 11 year old girl called Caddie (Caroline) Woodlawn that does a bunch of things in a year in the 1860s. Caddie is different from most girls; instead of staying home doing housework, she plays outside with her brothers Tom and Warren. Caddie has a sheep dog called Nero that her uncle takes away and almost loses. Caddie is friends with Indian John, a person which most people are scared of.

I really like this book because there are sad parts, like when Caddie found out that she ALMOST lost Nero, and happy parts, like the chapter about Pee Wee. I wonder why Mary died? And why did they move to Wisconsin? I wouldn't move there because it gets really hot in the summer and cold during the winter. I wonder how Nero found his way back to Caddie's house? It seemed like a long way (a REALLY long way) and what did he eat? Caddie Woodlawn is a really good book and I encourage you to read it!