Thursday, July 30, 2009

Getting Started

Hi Kids!

We are taking reading response journals into the 21st Century! No more pencil and paper journal entries! Each week, you will be expected to post one response to your reading material on our class blog. You will be given time in class on your assigned reading response day but can work on it from home, too.

Here are some things to remember about writing a reading response journal:

  1. You can write about the books you are reading independently at school or home, your thoughts about other things you read (newspapers, magazines, blogs, etc.), or a topic we discussed in one of our reading lessons
  2. Each entry should share what your thoughts are/were about the reading you're doing
  3. Start your entry by summarizing what you've read so far this week (so the rest of know a little bit about what you're responding to!)
  4. CROP-QV is a good way to make sure you're doing an in-depth response post
    Explain WHY for each of the CROP-QV letters that you use in your post
    C- Connection (this reminds me of when . . . .)
    R-Reaction(This made me feel . . .)
    O- Opinion (I think . . . .)
    P-Prediction (I think this will happen . . . .)
    Q - Question (This makes me wonder about. . . OR write a fat question that you would use in a literature circle discussion
    V- Visualization (When I was reading, I could really see/hear/smell . . .)

Once you post your response, your classmates and I will be able to post comments about what you wrote. We will do a mini-lesson on posting comments soon!

Happy Reading!
Ms. English

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