Monday, October 19, 2009


Dear Ms. English and Class,

I am reading Breaking Dawn and I know that we just had our Belize project and we haven't been able to do this so I have to catch you up on 237 pages of my book, so listen up!

What happened in the beginning is that Bella and Edward got married, and for there honeymoon Edward took her to Esme island that is an island that Carlisle bought for Esme. When they got there they took a dip in the ocean; it was warm to them. For breakfast Edward made Bella eggs that is all they had the garbage was filled with egg cartons. (For me personally I don't really like eggs and if I had to eat just eggs I wouldn't be too happy about that.) Bella and Edward were expecting a baby but Edward thought that they would never had a child since he is a vampire and vampires don;t have kids. But they spoke to soon! Bella cooked up some fried chicken while Edward was gone hunting, she thought it was good but she spit it out because it was not. Bella thought that she got food poison because she was vomiting so much but it was actually because she was pregnant. When Edward came back and she told him he fell on the floor and was frozen she called Carlisle and asked him what to do he did not know what to do at all so he suggested they go home. Bella's bump on her stomach was getting bigger!

Now they have different books in this what you just saw was a summary of BOOK 1 Bella; not I am going to tell you about BOOK 2 Jacob.

When Jacob heard that Bella was sick from Sam then he thought that they broke the treatie by turning her into a vampire, he had to go see if she was alive or a bloodsucker like them. (Jacob calls them bloodsuckers) He herd that they would not even let Charlie see her. When Jacob went to the Cullen's house he saw that her stomach was huge! Also, that her stomach was swollen. Edward was so mad at himself Jacob came to kill Edward but that is what Edward wanted he wanted to die since Bella would not them take the baby out of her he wanted to be with her when she has died. Jacob talked with Bella and what he had said did not come clear to her she wanted a child that's what she gets in return she dies. First Jacobs pack said they would not attack the Cullen's and now they want to. Jacob quit the pack Seth Clearwater followed him and went to they warned the Cullen's. They were on there side. Then later on Leah came. They found out that Bella was getting worse not better but WORSE!!!!

That is when I stopped the book! I had a question and my question is Why won't they let Bella take they baby out so they BOTH can live? And Why won't one of the vampires turn her into one instead of letting her die?

Hope you enjoyed reading my Blog don't be afraid to post a comment Thank You! and Bye!




lb said...

I feel bad for Bella i would never want to feel like i had food poisining! I have felt that way before and it disgust me! Great blog!

J.A. said...

Thanks and I really wonder why Bella won't let them take the baby out so they both can LIVE!!!!

lb said...

ya same!:)

Alicia said...

Nice blog post! Cheese! You should really read the last part because Bella is a vampire and its SOOOO interesting but I like the Jacob part best because he is awesome!! And Bella really loves the baby. And because there would be no way because they would kill the baby if they turned her into a vampire because vampires have really hard skin and so they can't get the baby out :-(

also, WHY does everyone like Edward better??? he basically ABANDONS Bella.

juju said...

I just read breaking dawn and i loved it

Alicia said...

WHO IS JUJU and breaking dawn is (in my opinion) the best book in the twilight series. (I didn't really like the other ones, except the part about Bella jumping off a cliff and the end of Twilight when James bit Bella) That's why I didn't post on them. You should eat cheese more often, because it is healthy for you. I like the part about Bella turning into a vampire; its full of suspense. And youre supposed to make your comments longer.

es said...

why didn't bella want to take the baby out? in Elcispe she says that she didn't want a baby.
Also, i think they won't change her into a vampire when the baby isn't out because then she will always have a big round stomach.

CHOCOLATE! said...

nice blog post.I love the last part because bella is a vampire!I also like the jacob part best because he is awesome!Bella really love the baby!!

Why do people like Edward? He basically abandons Bella.