Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

I finished reading The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi. The book starts out like this: Charlotte (who lives in England) has to go to America to meet her siblings. Since there were no airplanes at that time, Charlotte has to go on a ship. Her father (who is pretty wealthy) has her to go on a cargo ship called the Seahawk with two other families. But then she finds out that the two other families aren't there when it's the day to board the ship and that she will be traveling to America for two months on her own, with nobody there except the crew and the captain, Captain Jaggery.

Captain Jaggery treats her nicely at first, offering her biscuits and other stuff. One of the crew members, Zachariah, try to tell her that the captain is evil. Of course, Charlotte doesn't believe Zachariah. Why should she, if the Captain is so nice to her? But then, Charlotte found out that the crew members are planning a mutiny against Captain Jaggery. She finds out when she is sent to fetch a needle. She finds a round robin which is a circle with a circle inside it with names. And a pistol. "Why?" she thinks. "Should I tell Captain Jaggery? Maybe I should......" she thinks, thinking about in in horror.

So, Charlotte tells the captain, which decides to put it to a stop. He decides to whip and torture Zachariah, just because he is old and black and weak. Charlotte can't bear looking at someone being tortured like that, so she (accidentally) grabs the whip from Mr. Holly-brass and whips Captain Jaggery.

The Captain is really mad at her, with gleaming eyes of hatred every time he looks at her. Charlotte decides to help the crew, but she managed to say she was going to join them. To join them, she has to climb up the mainmast, and we all know that there's at least a 75 percent chance that she would fall. Well what do you think happens (please don't give away the answer)

Here are my reactions and the other CROP-QV things in the book. In the Seahawk it said that Charlotte's hands turned brown and hard, like leather, because of all the hard work as a sailor. How does that really happen? And that reminds me of in the Twilight saga how vampires have really hard granite skin. In this book, since it happened in the 1800s, it has a lot of words that I don't know and it has swear words too :-P Also if you like mysteries and suspense, you'll probably like this book. Charlotte was accused of murder and she actually was brought to trial and found guilty.

1 comment:

:)e (:a said...