Friday, October 23, 2009

Wings of Fury

I'M BAAAAACK!!!! My next book is about the modern airforce (from Vietnam to Desert Storm). It's like a mix of biography and nonfiction. It's a good (adult) book. One guy accidently blew his thumb of when haveing a barrel of a gatling gun explode, now he flies with his big toe, really it was tranvered to where his thumb was and he was the only fighter pilot to fly a F14 Tomcat with a big toe. I'm suprised, it looked like a thumb but it was a big toe and he liked it. When sombody said it doesn't look like a toe he'd say "sure smells like one...".

Next what's a loogie? Oops wrong book, what I mean how did the F14's radar couldn't track when something when pependicular on their radar beam? I don't get why. Why don't they invent friendly airplane radar to be sure? Anyway, they were fighting MIGS everyone wanted to shoot down a MIG. That's what they came for M-I-G-S.


Anonymous said...

nice summary but why did they think his big toe didnt look like a thumb

Mysterious Oculos said...

sounds kinda brutal lol;)

Dromed said...

It was a big toe mh a big toe...