Thursday, November 5, 2009


Dear class:

The book im reading is ZooBreak.So far in this book,a girl named Savannah who loses a pet monkey named Cleo.Savannah and her friends Ben, and Griffin help Savannah to find her monkey and all they found was a bananah and it said on the bananah "Cleo is stolen!"Savanah claims it was Cleo.But then a nasty zoo keeper named Ms.Nastase wont let Savanah in the zoo.
In my opinion I thought this book was boring but I was wrong!


Anonymous said...
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J.A. said...

Good blog but Banana is spelled the way I spelled it. I have that book to have not started reading it yet though Why do yuo like this book?

Anonymous said...

i like this book because it involves animals and animals are pretty cool (wild ones)

KG said...

hey nice blog what was your favorite part in the book and why and why did you think it was boring i was about to get it NIce blog im probably gonna read it soon hope u enjoy it!:):P:)

Anonymous said...

i didnt say it was boring and my favorite part in this book is when the team got back together and showed what their best at doing for missions like getting the pet monkey back from it on the ship:)