Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Wow it has been so long since we have all been back:) so I'm going to start where we left off..........its graduation time!! they are all happy about the graduation party Alice is throwing for Bella except of course Bella....Bella hates parties and surprise as you probably now if you had read the twilight saga... WOW the Cullen's house where they are throwing the party is beautifull it almost looks like a night club..the first ring at the doorbell was a wad of Bella's friends they all rode together in a big van..then came Ben and Angie and more kept on coming in.... there were a lot of people Alice started talking to Bella and then she said why do i smell dog (in a harsh tone) Bella said..oh yea i forgot to tell you i invited Jacob (werewolf) and his pack (also all werewolf's) as you all probably know the were wolfs and vampires are enemies...Jacob came in happy (as usual) and gave Bella a beautiful bracelet with a charm of a wolf that he made himself....wow it was beautiful... Bella was so thank full and then had to go find Alice because she had just noticed that she didn't see any of the Cullen's anywhere...she noticed that they were probably talking about the thing Alice saw..the 19 or so new born vampires coming this way. turns out they were talking about that so once everyone left after having a good time it was only the were wolfs and the Cullen's and of course Bella they decides that they were going to need the were wolfs help to be able to defeat the 19 new born vampires and the 2 creators behind all this...so that's what they did. Bella and Edward stayed behind at the campsite..while the were wolfs and all the Cullen's other than Edward were fighting out there.Seth the newest and youngest werewolf was taking watch over the campsite..Victoria and the other bad vampire (bad vampires ) came to the campsite the werewolf( Seth) attacked the boy vampire and killed him and Edward did the same to Victoria..all the fights were over but what they hadn't realized is that there was one new born still hiding which almost hurt Leah (werewolf) but then Jacob (werewolf) knocked her out of the way so she wouldn't get hurt but then Jacob got himself hurt....Bella felt so bad she hadn't wanted the were wolfs to be involved anyway........(forgot to mention that Bella and Edward are engaged.) then the volturi (vampires from new moon) showed up and they killed a newborn vampire named Betta... they told them good job on killing the newborns and told them that they had a date to have Bella be changed into a vampire...Bella went to see if Jacob was OK....that's pretty much it

The end of eclipse the third book of the twilight saga!


Alicia said...

Was there really someone called Betta? I thought that it was Bree.

es said...

yeah i think it is Bree. are you allowed to read Breaking Dawn?

CD said...

u cheated, u wrote big for a small response

lb said...

ya im allowed to read breaking dawn i already have and it is bree sorry i had a typo my bad!