Monday, January 11, 2010

The Hunger Games

Dear Class,
The book I am reading this week is The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. The book is about a girl named Katniss she hunts a lot with her friend Gale. They live in a place called District 12. Every year all the districts pick from a drawing for the Hunger Games. You have to be 12-18 to be in the drawing. The Districts pick one boy and one girl to go to the games. The way to play is to fight to the death and if you win you and your family will get all this great stuff. The day of the drawing, Katniss's sister Prim was picked!! Katniss runs up and says she will volunteer for Katniss. When she gets to the capitol she has to get ready for her entrance with the other guy with her (Peeta). When she enters the Coliseum she is on fire holding hands with the Peeta. (She is in a Fire suit.) The crowd is wild they are screaming "Katniss! Katniss!" When she gets to her hotel she finds her room and it is Awesome!!! That's how far i am so far.
I Predict that Katniss will win the hunger games!! I wonder why she is name Katniss


Ryan Myer said...

Book 1: The hunger games
Book 2: Catching Fire
Book 3: The Victors (I Think.)
I think there might be a movie

es said...

why do the hunger games exist? whats the point?

es said...
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