Monday, April 5, 2010

lemonade wars

In mybook I read the following. All summer he couldn't do anything because it was to hot. one night he was sleeping in the basement then his sister came down and said is that you? then she bopped him on the head. then he said watch it clumsy. they started debating then his sister wanted to play stratego he said I hate stratego. She said but I thought you love stratego. He said no I only say that to make you happy. Then yet again they debated what they should do then she wanted to have a lemonade stand. But he said no. then they argued a lot she kept saying how fun it would be. he again said i hate having lemonade stands. In her defense she said we always have lemonade stands. He said I hate having lemonade stands how about we play baseball? then I connected and thought I probably would rather play baseball too. I also thought all the argueing was not needed. then she said I don't want to play baseball. then they discussed about school and how they were going to be in a different school and how much she hated his friends. then he said not to worry he said I made without an older sibling then she calmed down. The next day they agreed to having a lemonade stand. I had a connection there I would of gave in also. I could also just picture them in there hot basement sweating debating Icould just smell it and it smelled bad.

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