Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Hunger games

I am reading the hunger games and so ar i is soo say! A girl named Katniss is going into the hunger games which is were you go and kill people in your district and you even have to kill you team mate! But when Katniss's little sister was voted into the hunger games Katniss takes her spot! When they pick the boy for the hunger games they pick the boy that gave Katniss the bread and he was thankful and mad at the same me because he may bretend to like her and then kill he because she is in a daze at him! When Katniss and Peeta ae on the train to the Capital they find out that Haymmatch is a drug addict and he is drunk all the time and evem made himself ucoisious! So when Peea shows Katniss the roof top kaniss asked if they would let young kids up here and he said yes because there was a electricence fence so if they fell or jumed off they would "shoot" you back onto the roof tops and even showed he what he me! I am at the part where they are training for the hunger games. So far it is a good book and it is very intresting and scarer each page I read!

1 comment:

os said...

You should really read this book if you like suspence!