Thursday, August 6, 2009

Myth of the great war questions

Dear Ms.English and class,

My book is called the Myth of the Great War. It's about World War 1 mostly on the Western front. From the fall of Namur to the german surrender. It has many facts, tactics, and people. It has many odd things though.

My first question is what does Demonic mean? It was used in the section about a place called the Vauquois. It was used " the remains of the Vauquois are one of the 7 Demonic wonders of the world" . That was because it was blown up so much the top is gone except a little rim and lots of craters. Still I don't know what Demonic means.

Another question is how long did it take for the French to dig a tunnel, fill it with mines, and blow it up? The French lacked heavy artillery and used mines as a substitute. It took time for them to dig a tunnel and move the the explosives ( which weighed about 1 ton each ) and then blow it up? It took lots of time and I think it would take a day.

Relating a little to the previous, why didn't the French have decent high explosive shells? They didn't have good ones and they didn't have that many Howitzers to shoot them at high enough angles. Same goes for Mortars who the French 58 millimeter was worse than even the German light 78 millimeter Minenwerfer ( mine thrower in German ). Nor did they have good numbers or good shells.



Alicia said...

IS this book supposed to be for adults?

ap said...


J.A. said...

Why do you like reading war books?

es said...

Why do you always read books about war or war related?

J.A. said...

Why do you like the war?

J.A. said...

Why do you like the war?

Ms. English said...

Hi DQ,

You seem to have a lot of curiosity surrounding your interest in war! ;)

I've noticed you reading this book a lot. How many times have you read it now?

So, in regards to not knowing what demonic means, how do you think you could go about figuring that out?

I wonder if the French didn't have decent explosive shells due to a lack of money. Just an idea. What do you mean when you say that they didn't have good numbers?

My challenge to you this week, find a fiction book that is not something you would normally read and is also not a book you've read before. It's great that you are so into non-fiction, but there are great things in fiction books that I want you to experience as a reader! Maybe the series that CD has been reading? Or have you read that one already?

Looking foward to what you decide to read next,
Ms. E

lb said...

who is this by?

lb said...
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CD said...
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Alicia said...

YOu just NEED to read books about war

Alicia said...
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Dromed said... .................... so many comments.And you don't need to repeat your questions twice.

Dromed said...

This is by John Mosier and yes it's an adult book. There are 300 something pages and I like war because of it's weapons and tactics.

Ms. English said...

Thank you for answering the questions, Dromed.