Saturday, August 8, 2009

New Moon

Dear Ms.English and class,

I am reading Twilight New Moon, and it is a very good book! Right now I am at the part where she just got home from telling the Cullen's that she wanted to become like them. (vampire) Everybody said yes except for Rosalie and Edward. Edward says he will do it in a year or two or even more. And that just won't work for Bella.

While I was reading a few questions popped into my head. The first one was Why doesn't Edward and Rosalie want Bella to become a vampire? And How could any other vampire hurt her except for Carlisle?



es said...

are you going to read the 3rd book?

J.A. said...

Yes ES I am on the 3rd book right now.

Ms. English said...

Hi JA,

Will you do me a favor and change your screen name to your initials? Just for safety reasons! I can help you do it if you need me to.

When I was reading your summary, I had the same question. Did you figure out why Edward didn't want Bella to become like him? Why do you think Bella couldn't accept his answer?

Ms. E

P.S. You and ES have me hooked on this series already and I haven't even started reading yet!!!

es said...

the 3rd book is really good

lb said...


Ryan Myer said...

Great response