Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Dear class,
I'm reading Runt by Marion Dane Bauer.Its about a wolf named Runt. Every one thought he was not normal and excluded him from the games the other pups played. Runt stayed out of the den most of the time. when there was a big storm runt ran away.A few days later he found a porcupine and wanted to fight with it. His brother Thinker came over and told him not to play with it because he could get hurt. Runt did not listen so the porcupine hit Runt and Thinker. One of the quills got stuck in Thinker's eye causing him to die. Now that his brother died, everyone is being nice to Runt and letting him play with him. Helper has also been teaching him some hunting skills. (One of his brothers)

One of my questions is why was everyone being so nice to Runt now that his brother died?
Why didn't his parents take the quills out of Thinker and his eye?
and, why did Runt and his family move a few days after Thinkers death?
I don't understand why his family didn't try to help thinker, they just let him die.
I predicted even though Runt is the smallest he will grow bigger than the others and get his name changed from Runt.

AP :)


J.A. said...

How did Runt's brother die?

lb said...

Why do you think they thought he wasnt noticed as a normal wolf?

Ms. English said...

Nice job, AP! What do you think they will change his name to? I'm with you on being confused about why Thinker's family didn't help him. Have you figured out any answers to that one yet? Why do you think the author took the storyline in that direction (to have Thinker die and his family move)?

LB, great question!

Keep up the good work!
Ms. E

ap said...

his brother died because one of the quills got in his eye and he died cause the was no food.

ap said...

i dont know why i think because he was smaller than the others

ap said...

i think they had to move because the couldent find any more food and it was just time to go.

CD said...
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