Monday, September 28, 2009


Dear Ms. English and class,

I am reading Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. I am almost done with the book, It is a great book! What's happening in Eclipse right now, is where The Cullens and Sam Ulley's wolf pack just finished the fight against the newborn vampires. Now you would think that the newborns looked like little babies running around even I thought that but that is wrong they look like they are 15!

Edward stayed with Bella during the fight in a tent on a cliff. And Sam was in his Wolf form outside. Bella did not want Edward to go so he would not get hurt, she also did not want Jacob to go 'cause he might get hurt. 5 minutes before the fight Bella said she would do anything to make sure that Jacob would stay so Edward went and got Jacob. Bella wanted Jacob to stay so badly that she said he could kiss her.They kissed and he still left. Bella hated herself because She loved Jacob but was going to marry Edward and Jacob was sad about that.

During the fight Bella, Sam, and, Edward encountered two vampires Victoria and Riley the creaters of the newborns. Victoria wanted to kill Bella for killing her mate James. Edward took care of Victoria well Sam took Riley's limbs off of him they were flying into the Forrest after that they started a fire and burned the remaining parts.

Sam yelped and Edward knew what that meant the Vulturie were coming. Edward and Sam rushed Bella down the cliff, right then and there the Vulturie arrived not for Bella but for the fight Jane the leader of there group was astounded to see that the fight was over but there was a newborn alive, Bree. She surrendered to the fight Carlisle offered to take her with them but Jane said I can take care of this. Edward told Bella not to look because of what she has been through today. All she heard was a faint yelp.

At the Cullen'se Alice told Bella that Jacob's whole right side of his body was broken now being a werewolves means you heal fast he will heal in a couple of days though. Bella had to rush down to La Push to see Jacob and when she arrived she saw that Jacob had a blanket over him so she did not have to see what he looked like. Jacob was surprised and mad at himself that Edward has not hurt her, Jacob wants Bella to know he is not perfect but she says he is everything.

My first question was Why did they kill Bree insted of letting her go with the Cullens? And it made me feel scared when Victoria arvied becasue I did not know what would happen to Bella.

Thank You and I hope you enjoyed my blog!




es said...

wasn't it seth, not sam?

Ryan Myer said...

Is this ur favorite book?
And good letter.

J.A. said...

Thanks and this is probly my favorite sags so far to much more to go! um and it was Sam.

Ryan Myer said...
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