Monday, September 28, 2009

My Mom and Other Mysteries of the Universe

dear class,

I am reading My Mom and Other Mysteries of the Universe. Arlie and her mom doesn't see the same way. Her mom and dad go on a business trip. Arlie and her brother are staying at there aunt's house. Soon after they stay there their mom and dad get in a car accident. Her dad has only some cuts but her mom i in a coma!On the same day Arlie has a new student in her class named Casey. Everything about Casey is the same with her mother. About a month later her class is having a play at leisure valley (a retirement home) and also their school. After that they go see her mom and dad! her mom is out of a coma and her dad is all better. When they get back to the hotel her aunt frowned a box from the mail for Arlie. It was from Casey!

I liked how the story ended. Because its very sweet when her mom says very nice things to Arlie. I visualized Arlie opening the box from Casey. In my head I thought how Arlie was opening the present and how it looked. I wonder if her mom changed the way she thought of Arlie and acted way nicer. This makes me feel really happy that her mom could have changed. This reminds me of when I saw a really bad car accident on the road. I think Arlie's mom will change.

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