Thursday, October 1, 2009

The true confessions of charlotte doyle

The book I am currently reading is called true confessions of charrlote doyle

It is about a girls distant journey on a ship that no crew wants to be on because the so called captain is very... well... evil of course charlotte (a young girl) does not no this yet although she has heard many stories. From the crew and the captain himself she cannot decide who is right yet so she is nice to all.

some of the stories range from the captain cutting off a guys arm for incompetance or the crew planny to decieve him. There is a traitor that has tryed to paranoiafy her (I guess) and those are some chillin moments

While the cover of the book...and the name make it sound a little bland it makes me feel adventurous and it is very suspenseful (she has a dirk under her matrress) and their are some cool places u would not expect on a ship alot.

There is alot more to go so I'll be back (he he he).
*insert good nickname here*


CD said...

I need a better nickname than compact disc plz

CD said...

*its a cd for short*

Alicia said...

compact disk

Dromed said...

Is a dirk (I thought it was spelled dErk)actually a sword?It's like a broadsword or a long knife.

Dromed said...


CD said...

no dromed it is spelled dirk and it is a dagger