Friday, October 2, 2009

The Valentine Star

I am reading The Valentine Star By Patricia Rielly Giff.This book is
about Emily who wants to make a special valentine card for Ms.Vincent
the new student teacher. Emily is more happier when Dawn Bosco, Emily`s friend
gives her some stars to decorate the valentine.But unfortunately
Ms. Rooney assigns Emily to be the moniter Emily on the other side dosen`t feel
right sittinging in the teachers desk
and telling her classmates what to do. So it went on as Ms.Rooney said until Sheri Dent ( Emily`s classmate) got up without Emily`s permission and got in trouble!! Thats when Sheri tells Emily " You will be sorry!!"
Read to find out what Sheri and Emily will do!
While I was reading some thoughts popped into my head , they are.........

1. Why was Emily the moniter?

2. I can understand how Emily feels when she is sitting in the teachers desk and felling like the teacher.

3. Did Emily ask for the stars that Dawn had or did Dawn just give it to her?

4. Did Emily`s classmates make fun of Emily for being the moniter?

5. I wonder what the author`s favorite part was?

6.I have a connection to the book "The City Of Ember" when Lisa wants to the messenger when Doon (Lisa`s Friend ) got the job.But Doon wanted To be the moniter but Lisa got that job.


ak said...

that sounds like a good book you had a lot of great questions

Alicia said...

More happier should be changed to happier because happier means more happy and more happier doesn't really make sense. I really liked your blog post and you had really good questions.