Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hardy boys, The sting of the scorpion

Dear Ms.English and Class,
I am Reading the hardy boys, the sting of the scorpion.The most important charactor is the hardy boys and their dad because they are the ones solving the mysteries. the author helps me get to know the charactor by decribing the way they look and they even include some pictures that help me see what they look like. I learned from the author that someone in the book, Chet, likes to eat when he is nevous, mad, sad, Etc. The charactors in the story get along good because they are all friends except for the bad guys and the hardy boys. In this book the charactors don't have alot of choices when they are in trouble but do judo or run away! When Frank hardy,the older brother, runs away then the younger brother Joe does the same so that he does not get caught by the bad guys or sometimes police men that are just phonies. Sometimes after thwy complete a mystery Frank and Joe become alot more happy because they completed another mystery. Frank and Joes friends are a small role because they only help them on rides and not in the real solving like Chet is.


os said...

If you have any questions about the book or charactors let me know!! :)

CHOCOLATE! said...

I liked your blog