Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I read Uglies by Scott Westerfield at home and it is a really good book!
Summary: It's something like 500 years in the future. This bacteria thing wiped out most people that live today (called "Rusties"). Tally Youngblood lives at that time in the future. There, normal people are called "ugly" until they turn 16, and they get cosmetic surgery that makes them pretty and bubbleheaded. Tally is younger, than most of her friends, and they all turned pretty already. Tally can't wait.
But now she is all alone because her friends left to go to New Pretty Town because they turned pretty. Tally really wants to talk to her best friend, Peris, so she goes to Pretty town to crash a party.
But when she is there, Peris doesn't really want to talk to her until she's pretty. Then, she grabs a bungee jacket (a jacket that makes you bounce when you hit the ground) and jumps off the roof.
A skinny girl called Shay finds her, and they find out that they share the same birthday. But Shay, unlike Tally, doesn't really want to be pretty.
Shay teaches Tally how to hoverboard, and they become really close friends.
Months Later...
Shay runs away to escape the pretty operation. Tally's pretty sad. Special Circumstances (which are people that fix things) get Tally and make her find Shay and bring her back. They say that either Tally finds Shay, or never turn pretty at all.
Guess what. Tally agrees to find Shay and turn her in. That's how much she wants to be pretty.
So, Tally needs to find Shay. When she finds her she finds out how "fun" it is to be in the New Smoke. So, she forgets that she has to act as a spy and she actually lives there for a while. Tally has a friend, David, that sort of makes her remember that she was supposed to be a spy, so she takes off the heart pendant that the Specials gave her to contact them. David's mom, Maddy, told Tally why she escaped being pretty. Tally finds out that being pretty makes you think you're better than everyone else and makes you bubbleheaded. Then, Maddy's found a cure for prettiness but doesn't want to use it yet. When Tally tries to burn the pendant, it sends a signal to the Specials and they come to get Shay. Shay is really mad, angry, and irritated at Tally. The Specials take Shay away and make her pretty. Maddy wants Shay to try the cure, but Shay doesn't want to, since the surgeons made her bubbleheaded and dumb. So Tally lets herself be experimented on and the book ends with her wanting to be pretty.

The main character is Tally. I think that she is important because she's what the whole story is about; who everyone revolves around. Another character is Shay. She's important to the book because it sorta depends on Shay, because she runs away and Tally has to chase her back. Another main character is David, but he isn't that important. David is important because Tally becomes a good friend of him, and lets her see his mom.
Shay running away affected Tally because Tally had to go find her and bring her back. Tally had a choice to bring Shay back or never be pretty, so Tally actually chose to bring Shay back. So that means that Shay wasn't as important as being pretty to Tally.
At the end of the book, Tally changes because at first she thought the best thing in life was to be pretty, but at the end she realized that friends were more important. The author helps for you to get to know Tally by describing that she had "a large nose" and other things.

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