Monday, April 26, 2010

My Last Best Friend

Dear Students,

I have been reading "My Last Best Friend" by Julie Bowie. It is about this girl names Ida May, Ida is starting fourth grade, and she never wants to make a new best friend. Her best friend Elizabeth moved away. When a new girl named Stacey comes to the school, Stacey starts to hang out with Jenna Drews, who is very mean to Ida. Jenna Drews calls Ida, I-duh! Stacey likes Ida, and Ida likes Stacey. But as Ida says she does not want a new best friend. Stacey starts lying and saying things like "I have a rich aunt; I have parents that fly over the world!" Ida secretly starts to write notes to Stacey. They become connected as friends. Although Stacey does not know who the secret writer is because she goes by the name "Cordelia."

A powerful character in this story is Ida because she is independent and is always nice, she tries to avoid Jenna.

I learned that Stacey only lies because she wants to be cool, and does not want anyone to know that Stacey lives with her Grandma.

Jenna is the character that has the small important role, if it was not for her there would not be a good story, it would be boring. Jenna always is mean and it makes the book exciting you could say.

Hope you all enjoyed!



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