Thursday, April 15, 2010

lemonade wars

in my book I have read the following. In my book they made the lemonade stand as planned and made lemonade few people were interested so they closed it. Then he was stuck cleaning it up and his sister left to go inside and he got mad. Then he went inside and they both drank a bunch of lemonade and they got bored then they checked who were in there classes and then made comments on the classes they were given. they got bored and played shoots and ladders he lost beacause his sister cheated he complained and they debated. then they played his choice of game then she beat him in that and he got really mad and locked himself in his room.


lb said...

why did his sister cheat?is she like overcompettive or something???

greaT Post!!
sincerly lb(:

Anonymous said...

that was funny and good

KG said...

Great post Kev!!!!!!