Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Vampire Diaries

Dear Classmates and Ms.English,
The book I am now reading is called 'The Vampire Diaries the awakening'. I think the author (L.J. Smith)wrote this book was because she likes vampires and she wanted others to too.
When the author wrote 'I don't know. Maybe it's terminal and his days are numbered. would't that be romantic?' (Bonnie Elenas BFF said that) I imagend Elena being there when Stefan was dying and Elena was in tears. But from prior Twilight knogle I know that Stefan is for shore a vampire and he doesn't have a sickness where he has to wear his sunglasses everywhere beacause vampires don't get sick they can't. So I think that the author L.J. Smith wrote that to prove how clueless every one is about the new boy Stefan who wear his shades inside. And that no one would even think one bit that he possibly could be a vampire.
I think that this perticuler author wrote this book because she really liked vampires and thought that they were reallya intresting kind kind to write about. And she love to write so she just probably went for it.
I think that the author used the title 'The Vampire Diaries' because if you read the book you'll see that its from every ones point of view and every thing the vampires hear and think its right in the book and if you were a vampire who would right in a diarie whats on the page is most likely what youed write.So iI would have named it the vampire diaries too.

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