Dear readers,
On the shores of silver lake by Laura Ingalls wilder is about a girl, named Laura because this book is about the writers life. She has three sisters, Mary(the oldest and blind), Carrie (about 7), and grace (younger then Carrie about 2), and also ma and pa. They have all been sick except for Laura and pa. that's how Mary turned blind. One day aunt Docia came she had drove all the way from Wisconsin to the rail road camps in Dakota territory. She came to see if pa would go with her. Her husband, uncle hi, wanted a good storekeeper, bookkeeper, and timekeeper and pa could have the job. It payed 50 dollars a month she said. (and that was a lot for back then). But they were all sick. So pa just went and they stayed till they were all better. When they were all better they went on the train for the very first time. When they got to the railroad makings they stayed in a little shack. Pa worked the store until the railroad was done. After all the workers left they got to live in the surveyors house because the surveyor moved on to mark another piece of land. And that's all I've read so far but its still a really good book.
I think the authors purpose was to talk about her life when she was growing up and how you can have adventures any time you lived. One of the authors word choices where "at sunset the whole large lake was covered with birds of all kinds speaking in every kind of birds voice to each other before they went to sleep on a nights rest on their long journey from north to south." This is the 5 book out of the whole series which is like 10 or 9 books. i think its really good and imaginative on how it would be like growing up in the 1800's.
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