Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Breaking Dawn

I read Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer. This book is about when Bella turns into a vampire and has a kid. Half-human, half- vampire. Then Irina, someone from a different vampire family, sees Renesmee ( Bella's daughter) playing in the snow. She reports the Cullen coven to the Volturi (vampire "kings") because immortal children are illegal. So the Cullens have to find enough witnesses to get the Volturi to wait and listen.

When Carlisle ( Edward's "dad") tells Bella about immortal children,he tells her that they are illegal. I wondered why they were illegal. It turns out that it's because if they get bitten at a certain age, they don't mature or learn. So they don't learn about not keeping the secret- they could expose vampires.

After that, Jacob imprinted on Renesmee. Imprinting is a reaction that werewolves have when meeting true love. How could he imprint on Renesmee when werewolves hate vampires? I still don't get it.

Irina saw Renesmee playing in the snow and didn't stop to ask questions- she just went right to the Volturi to report the Cullens. Why did she do that? Her coven, The Denali Coven, are practically like family. Why would she want to report people that are practically family? It's because her creator, made an illegal child. Because Irina lost her vampire mother to the Volturi, she has become very aware of the law and feels like it's her job to report the Cullens. But why would she report her close friends without proof?

The Cullens had to search everywhere for Carlisle's old friends, to persuade them to beleive the Renesmee was not a vampire child. Some vampires would not allow Renesmee to show them the truth. You see, she has a gift, just like Edward can read minds and Alice can see the future. Her gift is that she can show you her thoughts. All she has to do is touch you and you could see what she wanted you to see. She also matures very quickly. By the time she is 6 months, she knows how to walk and talk. When the Cullens were gathering witnesses, some vampires refused to touch Renesmee. Why? Others in their covens touched her and it didn't do any harm.


Ms. English said...


This was an excellent post! Thank you.

Your question about Jacob imprinting Renesmee has me intrigued, too. Have you figured out why he did this? Maybe he's realized he loves her and the "rules" of werewolves hating vampires don't matter to him. What do you think?

Wow! Renesmee's gift brings to mind a lot of "what ifs" for me! What if all of us had that gift? Would it be a good thing or a bad thing?

Thank you again for the outstanding post, ES. Keep up the good work.

Looking forward to your next post,
Ms. E

J.A. said...

Do you like this book? WHY?

Alicia said...

WOW that looks like a really good book.

es said...
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es said...

the book had alot of suspision. would they die? who would die?

J.A. said...

Your question about Jacob imprinting Renesmee has me intrigued, too. Have you figured out why he did this? Maybe he's realized he loves her and the "rules" of werewolves hating vampires don't matter to him.

J.A. said...
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J.A. said...

ES i think that was a great question you asked. I also wonder why they are illegal too.

CD said...

also what is the bad part about?