Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Wide Window

Dear Fellow Students and Teachers,

I am read a book called the Wide Window which is the 3rd book in a Series of Unfortunate events but it is one of my favorite. It is by Lemony Snicket. Well of course that is not his real name but his pen name. It is about 3 orphans called Violet, Klaus, and Sunny whose parents have perished in a fire. Their parents left them a huge fortune but Count Olaf wants it VERY badly. The Baudelaires get sent to their scared Aunt Josephine which is scared of about everything. She lives on a cliff of Lake Lachrymose which has lachrymose leeches. The Leeches usually do not harm humans but when they smell food on humans then they attack. Aunt Josephine has a husband called Ike which got killed by the Lachrymose Leeches. He waited 45 minutes after eating instead of an hour. Anyways, now Josephine is scared of everything, from Lake Lachrymose to realtors. Count Olaf is very evil and sneaky, and he will do anything to get their fortune. This time Count Olaf dressed up as a guy called Captain Sham and he pretended he had a wooden leg. He fooled Aunt Josephine but not the Baudelaires, which notice everything. Count Olaf makes Josephine write a note telling that Captain Sham is their new parent, and made her jump out the window. Of course the Baudelaires noticed that Josephine was gone so they try to find her using the note she wrote. That's all I'll tell you now because this is my FAVORITE book and I wrote a lot already.

I had about a million questions, reactions, connections, opinions, predictions, and visualizations but I will probably just tell you three. First, how come all the Baudelaires' adopted parents tend to either die or are evil? Since they have to be raised by a relative, why would their relatives be evil? All the nice ones die (unfortunately) . I think that the Baudelaires feel really sad when they find a person they really like and then they see Count Olaf and they are just as dead as a doornail after 2 weeks. I know you are probably very bored because this is the longest reading response I have ever did, but there is just a little bit more. This book is not like any you've read before because it tells the story from the first person, not from Violet, Sunny, Klaus, or Count Olaf, but from the author, Lemony Snicket. You never notice it except in the beginning of all the chapters. You never have to look in a dictionary when you read this book and come to words you don't know because it tells you the meaning when it comes to a difficult word, like dowager. This book is the best book I've read and you should really read it too. FINALLY we're at the end!



(everyone calls me that for some reason so I guess I'll call myself that because it sounds nice)


Ms. English said...


I really enjoy reading your posts and I'm glad you do them so often. It seems like you're really enjoying the blog so far!

I had a thought pop into my head when I was reading your post. Do you think there might be something behind all of the nice relatives dying? Or maybe someone? Money can be a powerful motivator sometimes. What do you think?

es said...

i've read that book. it's a good book

J.A. said...

My sister has the sieres of unfortunet events. I have not read them thought. But after reading your post it makes me want to read the sieres too. They sound like great books! And your post was great cheese!

CD said...

i think there just too sad