Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Dear classmates,

The book I am reading is called Eleven. In the book Winnie has just gone through a hard but an very unselfish thing. The hole fifth grade went to an ice skating rink and near the end of the night there was something called girls pick where all the girls got to pick one boy to skate with and hold hands. But when Winnie wants to pick a boy named Toby, but a weird and annoying boy named Alex tells the principle that he thinks he will not be picked, so when the principle heard that she went to Winnie and asked her if she would be nice and ask him (as an option), and Winnie would feel guilty. So Winnie ended up skating with Alex!!! One of my reactions when I read that was that I felt bad for Winnie because she didn't get to skate with the one she wanted to(Toby).

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