Thursday, September 3, 2009

Rama & Sita

I am reading Rama & Sita By:David Weitzman.
It is about Lord Rama and Sita ,his love.
Just after sundown,in villages all over Java and Bali, the night comes alive
with the shimmering metallic sounds of gamelan,an orchestraof songs,chimes,flutes,
drums,and cymbols. Families gather in front of a cloth screen lit from behind by flickering
lamp,eagerly awaiting the appearence of the magic puppets.
They have come to hear the ancient tale of Rama & Sita, a story of intrigue, adventure,mystery,
and the ageless stuggle of good or evil, retold for centuries throughout the asian world
by singers, storytellers,poets,dancers,and puppeteers.It is a story of brave prince Rama,
unjustly exiled and banished to the forest. With the help of
his brother and the monkey army, he rescues the beautiful Sita from a giant orge, and reaturns
victourious to regain his thorne.This book was based on a true story when Sita , Rama`s love was taken away from a giant orge named Ravana and Rama needs to rescue Sita so Rama tells
his trusted monkey Hunuman to do this Job.
1. It is really freaky how giants were alive 1,000,000 years back
2.I wonder why Rama goes into the forset instead of seeing his Father first before he died?
3.Why did Laxmana ( Rama`s brother) not save Rama when he was in trouble ?
4.This reminds me of when I went to the temple and I saw a large statue of Rama.( Rama is Dead).
5.I wonder if If their is any other books about Rama & Sita?

* Rama is a really powerfull lord
* People believe that if you pray to him your wish will be granted.
* Evil giants ruled the world 1,00000 years back
* 1,000000 years back, gods were alive!!!

*** I believe I could read more about Rama & Sita! :)


Ms. English said...


You did a great job with your summary. However, PLEASE be sure that you use ONLY your words (not the words of the author of the inside or back cover) by writing your OWN summary. Part of the reason I ask you to write summaries about what you've been reading is to practice that skill.

As I was reading the summary in your post, I could hear the gamelan in my head and it did sound very much like magic. I wonder what it would've felt like to sit and wait for that moment to come!

Why do you think it is "freaky" that giants were alive 1,000,000 years ago?

Happy Reading!
Ms. E

CD said...

what culture is it from budhists,
arabics,indians chinese peops, who!