Monday, October 26, 2009

Little Ally

Dear Class,

This week I'm reading a book called Little Ally. Out of four big sisters she is the smallest. Samantha the oldest and got out of collage two years ago, Jakie the second oldest shes in collage too,She also has two other sisters Jaymie and Tori,they are both in seventh grade. Samantha is a dentist and Jakie is a Doctor,they work in the same building.
Right now the problem is that Ally's sister Samantha is getting married next month, She
has the month of November to prepare for the best day of Samantha's life. She is happy because
she wants to impress her big sisters so much they will include her in everything they do including
party's with friend or sleepovers at our house.

I really like this book because its shows me what its like to be the smallest, Because I have a
little brother I don't know what its to be the smallest, I think she will teach me how it feels to be the smallest.

1 comment:

:)e (:a said...

Any questions? :):):)