Wednesday, October 28, 2009

In The Eye Of The Tornado!

Hi Class,

I am reading a book named In The Eye Of
The Tornado! By: David Levithan. Are any of you guys interested
in storms? Well if yes read this book to figure some things about tornados!!

Let me introduce the charecters to you......
Some of the charecters are ( obiously) the killer tornado,and the Atwood
family. The Atwood family is helping the world by warning if a tornado comes so that people could take imidiate shelter.

This book is mostly about Adam, Stieg, and their grandfather. When
Adam's and Stieg's mom and dad die in the Tornado they live with their grandfather who has a mansion. In the mansion they live in a underground maze to protect themselves when a tornado hits.

But now the Killer Tornado is coming! But they have to
find out where, and they have to get there
first. NO one can help them. Suddenly someone very powefull wants to stop
them! AND TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!!!!! Read this book to find out what happens!

While I was reading some thoughts popped into my head......

1. Why do Adam and Stieg want to risk their life?

2. Wouldn`t it be sad that Adam and Stiegs mom and dad are dead

3.What happens when a tornado hits?

4. Why would someone stop Stieg and Adam?

5. How old were Adam and Stieg when their mom and dad died?

6. Why would the Atwood family be poor if their dad was a buisness man?

7. Do Adam and Stieg have a radar that tells if a storm is coming?

8. I would feel scared if there were a killer tornado?

9. What makes the tornado swirl?

10.What would happen if Adam and Stiegs time ran out? Would people die?


CD said...

it is sad that they died


J.A. said...

True why would it be a maze. I like learning about tornados and all great job!!!!!!!! :) What do you like about this book?

CHOCOLATE! said...

Well it is a underground maze so it gives you shelter. Also what I like about the book itis that it talks about tornado`s and storms and i like that!