Friday, October 30, 2009

Dogs (*authors note* i like dogzez)

Guess what this book is about?

thats right cats!

lol O.o

This is a non-fiction book about dogs and it is mostly about there evolution from wolves!

It shows the many different breeds, compares them, and then shows there origin It also has an awful lot about about domestication and how they communicate.

This book has once again made me and I quote "like I said last time 'more closer to my dog then ever!!!' yeah" I now know that they say hello by sniffing and "snuffing" noses, they lick each other to seal the welcome, and (from my personal experience) it is ALOT of licking (I hope you like dog spit). The (true) stories in this book are heart melting and I think the domestication with dogs is the best domestication yet!



CD said...
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lb said...

UHH That is a interesting picture!

Dromed said...

the bunny again compact disk? rlly?