Friday, October 30, 2009

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

I finished reading The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi. Apparently Charlotte gets accused of murdering Mr. Hollybrass. She thinks it is Zachariah or Captain Jaggery. So she has a trial and is found guilty. She goes into the brig (a jail on a ship) and finds Zachariah in there. Zachariah is supposed to be dead because Jaggery whipped him.

When Jaggery was giving the trial, why didn't anyone stand up for Charlotte? She became part of the crew and they became her friends. She helped them a lot and they all hate Jaggery. Charlotte tried to make it up to them when Zachariah and Cranick died because of her. Was it because they were scared that Jaggery would kill them if they spoke up.

How did Zachariah survive the beating? Jaggery whipped him 50 times and it looked like he died. I can tell that if he only whipped Zachariah once, he would've died. But 50?

Avi makes it like you're in the book so I felt betrayed when I found out that Keetch was informing the captain about everything. At first it seemed like he was on the crew's side. It turns out that Keetch was telling Jaggery everything from the beginning.

If you like adventure, mysteries, and you're okay with some boring parts, then you should read The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. Actually, the whole first part is boring. But if you skip it, the second part won't make sense.


SW said...

what a great blog but what was your favorite part in this story

ap said...

even thouhg i read the book i thougt your blog was really good because i could make some pictures in my mind

es said...

my favorite part was probably the trial, the mutiny, or the hurricane.

lb said...

Ya that was a graet blog you inspired me to read it! I hope i have time too:)

Alicia said...

u took my idea....
about the boring part