Friday, November 20, 2009

The Battle Of The Red Hot Pepper Wennies

Dear Classmates,

I have been reading this crazy book about The Battle Of The Red Hot Pepper Weenies and if you don't believe that it is crazy than go and read the book. There is crazy story called the cat almost gets a bath and this pretty crazy because the Sanderson family owns a cat, it doesn't get weird right there, because guess what they are allergic to the cat. Mom Sanderson is really allergic to the cat. Dad Sanderson is just allergic to the cat. Albert and Grace are fairly allergic to the cat. Now one day Dad Sanderson was reading the Now if you don't think that is weird say I don't that is weird as loud as you can. Now if you that is weird scream as loud as you can.

C- Cats don't like water or getting a bath.

R- It is weird that a family would own a cat and they are allergic to the cat.

O- I think that should own a dog for 2 reason. #1 they are allergic to cats and #2 dogs are much cutie and smart.

P- I did have a prediction.

Q- Why would own something that you are allergic to. Who does that now in days I guess I know who does the Sanderson family.

V- I do not have one.

I have one more story to tell you and it is reallllllllllllllllly weird you won't even believe it. It is call Yesterday Tomorrow and this might be really crazy probably more than the cat almost gets a bath. There is this girl and her mom said to go to bed because tomorrow was a school day. The girl got so mad that she throw her clock and broke it. When the girl woke up she was wandering why her parents hadn't woke her up. She saw her dad having a bagel and he got bagels on Saturdays only. "Something was wrong with to day," the girl said. Then the little girl figure out that today was Saturday by the time she went to bed. Then she woke up and saw that it was Friday,to bad she had to go to school. Then guess what it was Thursday. The week was backwards the girl had to do something or she would get younger. A week later she fix her clock. Then the room start to spin around the girl got dizzy, after that she went to bed. When she woke up it was finally Monday. Back to the way it was.

C-Don't have one.

R- It seems werid because she broke the clock not the day.

O- I thimk that this a good story but like I said she didn't brake the day she broke the clock.

P- If they wrote more I think that the girl would have told everyone that she was getting younger and that the time was going backwards, but nobody would have believe and would have said it was a dream.

Q- Why would David Lubar write a story and call it Yesterday Tomrrow.

V- I didn't have one.

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