Friday, November 20, 2009

Hurrricane Force!

Dear Fellow Friends,

I am reading Hurricane Force By: Joseph B. Treaster. This story talks about how hurricanes are dangerous and how they are forcasted. Did you know that Hurricanes can wipe out towns and villages? In my opinion Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Ike were the strongest storms! Meteorologists use weather balloons, satellites, and radars to watch for areas of quickly decreasing air pressure. They also use hurricane hunter airplanes to take pictures of hurricanes and give them to the weather center. Hurricane damage results from wind and water.Hurricanes can uproot trees and also tear roofs off houses. Hurricanes can cause heavy rain, flooding, and mudslides. The most dangerous effect is the storm surge. this storm can cause allot of people to die! Hurricanes can also snap trees off and tear buildings apart. The storm surge can cause flooding and massive damage! The storm surge can also cause high waves to go on shore! Meteorologists also use their weather trackers to predict if the storm will come or not. Hurricanes also can wipe out towns and villages. Be careful because trees could fall on you , and you can get shocked by lightning!!! I have some questions , why do people name hurricanes? Or is it because Hurricanes are really special ? In my opinion I think Hurricanes are dangerous but I haven't seen one up close.
~Thanks for reading my blog!~
Sincerely , PT

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