Thursday, November 19, 2009


Dear Class,

I just finished Football Hero by Tim Green. What happened was Uncle Gus kept Ty, but Ty and Tiger met every Friday because Uncle Gus and Lucy wanted to no who was playing and who was not. Gus and Lucy made $5,000! On one Friday Tiger teaches Ty how to block on any size man. Ty uses it on Calvin West in football. When Ty was going up the school stairs, he sees Calvin waiting for him. They block the door way and he is trapped. He tries to go around but he cant. Then his sister comes and throws Calvin down the stairs Because Calvin hit her. Calvin broke his arm and had a concussion. Ty and his sister get suspended but then the principle hears the real story and they get unsuspended. The next Friday he and Thane are going to a restaurant when they get pulled over by these agents. They bring them to a trailer and they say that Gus and Lucy had but SO much money. They talk to Gus and he tries to he is going to help play a trick on Lucy. The trick works and now they have to move to Atlanta, Georgia. Thane wants Ty to come with him so he does.

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