Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New moon!


Edward and Bella and alice all safely got home!! so they are all ok and did not get killed! All though bella still has a good chance of getting killed!

I just wanted to tell you guys that i am gonna keep reading!



HS said...

What happened to the rest of the blog?!?

lb said...

the rest of the blog is the other New moon blog! so i would inspire you to read that too!! Thank you for commenting! :)

Anonymous said...

excellent response and how many pages until you finish the whole book?

J.A. said...

So your done with the book and on to Eclipse nice! :)

Ms. English said...

Okay, LB! What do you think of this series so far? I enjoyed reading it, too. I feel like I need to re-read "New Moon" before it comes to the movies. I like to have the book fresh in my mind when I go see the movie based on it so I can easily compare and contrast them.

Why do you think this series has been so popular?

Ms. E