Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Dear classmates and Ms.English, Add Image
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Where I am in the book Bella and Edward decide to be boyfriend and girlfrAdd Imageiend and Edward wants to introduce Bella to his foster parents ,but Bella is to scared that they will not like her at all. And now Edward wants Bella to tell Charlie about them dating and now school is at the least of her worrys! Its at the least of her worrys because well... Mike has a crush on her and he wants to be her boyfriend and is jeaslous of Edward but Bella has to make sure that Jessica dosen't find out because she is dating Mike, Edward watches her sleep every night and Bella sleep talks out all her secrects, Tyler will not stop say sorry to Bella and wants to make it up to her by taking her to the dance but she doesn't like him and he is telling everyone at school that their going to the dance together!!!!!!!!!(Yikes) One of my Questions was why is Bella to scared to tell Charlie about Edward and her dating?


HS said...

You spelled "they're" wrong.

eb said...

good blog but you forgot a period