Monday, March 29, 2010


Inkheart is about the girl Meggie and her father Mortimer (she calls him Mo) and starts with them in there house (to avoid arson....they have to move alot)(Meggie doesn't know that) where they are bookworms, Mo's courier is a bookbinder (Meggie calls him a book doctor) and one night and old friend of Mo's the (precariously named) dustfinger. That changes everything and soon they are kidnapped by the man here father (and dustfinger) fear the most, CAPRICORN (yeah, that's his name) meggie later finds out that her father has a reading voice so beautiful that it can (literally) bring books to life, and summon objects from the story from it) this happens at random, there is no possible way to controls his power) and that is why he never reads out loud

Dustfinger Capricorn and Basta (his REALLY loyal and evil henchmen) are all summoned from the book on accident while he read it to Meggie (as a young girl) and you wont believe what happens from summoning them? his wife (Teresa or "Resa") is sucked in!!!

After escaping they find the author Fenoglio and try to get him to give him the last copy of the book that summoned Capricorn (Fenoglios pride and joy in all the books he wrote) as they were burnt so Capricorn can stay in this story (our world).

After being kidnapped again (with Fenoglio too) Are set to be executed...but Meggie can read too!
(Her father was not kidnapped, Bastas fatal flaw is that he is extremely superstitious) and then they find out that Fenoglio can write a story to control the world around them if Meggie reads it!

They are later to summon "the shadow" (I almost screamed at the description) to kill themselves or they will die a death of bleeding (a bad one BTW) So Fenoglio rewrites that page and she is supposed to summon him to kill Capricorn (she can't so Mo sneaks in and does)
Mo must have no feelings....

This story is cool because it has a interesting twist, when the stuff is read out of the book (with one minor exception) it is lost, sometimes it can't breath or is missing its love (the Nutcracker) and with the help of Fenoglio can even have a Happy ending! If Winnie the pooh bear came out, would he want to play? or sit in a corner and mope about his lost friends (a debate handled in the book) and some of these made me cry (read the end of that book about the paper ballerina and the nutcracker...comment if u know the real name) and were some what fixed so Meggie would not hurt anything (she has a guilty conscience).

Another is how much fate is put in this story, is our world but another one? lying on the shelf of a super beetle with laser vision's library? Can you tamper with it? Rewrite the story so everyone has a happy ending, or is it to late? when the books timeline ends can the story be rewritten so that it really happened? (Does this even make sense too you?)

This book was made to show stuff the way they really would be, a animal (like a fairy) would be lost here, bumping its head against a window over, and over, and over again, till fate catches up and finished its story.

The author is probably proud at how much this enigma made readers think and how the villain was no stereotype, but a man with no feelings, guilt, and respect and would remind me of Al Qaeda in the real world! This story is the most realistic fiction i have ever read!!!!